Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius Meditations

Over the years, I’ve used handful of copies of this text, in a variety of formats, and various locations.
• The most venerable? Loeb Classics

Marcus Aurelius (Loeb Classical Library) Hardcover – January 1, 1916

by Marcus Aurelius (Author), C. R. Haines (Translator)

• Contemporary (New Age) translation? Gregory Hays, &c.

Meditations: A New Translation (Modern Library)

• Delphi (Apple Books) dual text

Think it’s a spin-off of the Loeb Classics imprint, by Marcus Aurelius (Author), C. R. Haines (Translator).


• Penguin Classics Meditations & Apple Books

• ( free digital

by Marcus Aurelius (Author), George Long (Translator)

  • A free copy of Marcus Aurelius Meditationsis available here.

What I found, I tend to bounce from translation to translation, and there’s at least one or two others, I’ve not listed here since I can’t seem to figure which one is belongs to individual translators. What it amounts to, though, and listed in the horoscopes, more than once, I’ve gotten sucked into a rut, a blind spot, standing in a bookstore, looking at various translations, and eventually, realizing, there are basically just a handful, and I don’t need anymore. But having more than one on hand is helpful, as it provides different points within the text.

“It’s all academic.”

The digital version, a that I cleaned up, and that Delphi dual-text — available in both Kindle and Apple Books, and we know I prefer the Apple Books, but those two have become the mainstays; however, and that’s a larger intersection, I like that Gregory Hays version, my own copy is falling apart with notes stretching twenty years, at least, and it’s wonderful counterpoint to the more archaic and stilted English translations.

My Penguin Classics is from the old New Age Books (Austin), has a faded sticker, bought new, it’s now road-weary, yellowed, and as I’ve indicated before, filled with up to 20-year-old notes.

That’s three-four copies I’ve got on hand, plus a few extra digital versions from various translations, some with the older, more archaic grammar in place.

Previously, I noted that there is difference in texture and flavor amongst the various editions, Marcus Aurelius in translations.

Marcus Aurelius Meditations

All the links?

Marcus Aurelius Meditations

3 Marcus Aurelius

3 Marcus Aurelius

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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