more mercurial miscue

more mercurial miscue

Looking over the year in review, I stumbled through more mercurial miscues. Happens when Mercury is in apparent retrograde motion, I tend to miss the obvious.

In part, putting down notes, committing thoughts to print media, my own version of “writing it down?”

When I glanced back over that 2023 Year in Review for myself? I realized the missing parts, the missing mercurial miscue, the bit about the dual journal, one side being inner thoughts and one side being the publication, in my case, the horoscopes themselves.

more mercurial miscue

Often as not, I’ll miss arriving at the “foregone conclusion,” another Shakespeare term, distracted by a sidebar item that looks fun, the typical Bright Shiny Object Syndrome. It is not without pitfalls. Still, this is how I work, and I’ve tended to meander a bit in cogitation, learning more as I let the material find its way.

When I started the first blog-type entry, maybe five or ten years after I’d been writing then posting horoscopes? The destination was unclear.

Looking back at the what I wrote in the year-end review?

more mercurial miscue

Jan 1 2024

more mercurial miscue

The weblog has evolved, over the years, it’s a (mostly) daily brain dump, a collection of random — or not random — material that has an effect on me. I toy with information, I play with the various elements of the zeitgeist, and I am constantly submerged in my own electronic feeds that mould my thinking.

Some makes it into the horoscopes. Some doesn’t.

When I switched out paper notebooks for the new year, out fell a St. Benedict medallion sticker, an approximation of the back of the medallion itself. The acronym is something about “Satan get thee behind me,” but I’m not sure.

As the starter blank notebook for the new year? I pasted that sticker into the page, thinking about what I wrote, and what’s up ahead.

There’s a symbol I was using when I was teaching Tarot, a set of hand-drawn arrows, how each element influences the next. How the past is part of the future, and how the future possibilities are an outcome based upon what has already transpired.

Two sides to the same coin.

While mathematically determined as “not retrograde,” Mercury is still stationary and causing consternation until the weekend.


the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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