Buddy mentioned Abeline, thought of this:
West Texas Funeral from September, 1995.
Then I thought of Lyle Lovett singing a Michael (Martin) Murphy song…
So I put on my brakes and I opened my door
Could tell he was a bum by the muddy boot he wore
He said, “I’m going down to Haskell
Got a woman down in Abilene”
West Texas Highway (which doesn’t show up but gives me this.)
Now, unrelated, and none of this really is related, a buddy was commenting how his daughter, who had been at Tech (Texas Tech, go Red Raiders, in Lubbock) was accepted to nursing school in Abeline.
I recall stories, people, places, and one trip to Abeline where I added a Crucifix to my EDC, or a Rosary, depends, after that fated excursion.
The good old days. I wasn’t good, nor was I old.
A much later interlude.