Eclipse Actions

“… and the moist star
Upon whose influence Neptune’s empire stands
Was sick almost to doomsday with eclipse.”

Horatio in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (I.i.119)

Eclipse Actions

“sick almost to doomsday with eclipse”

There are companion eclipse actions in the next few weeks. The first is 3/25 at 12° Aries – Libra, consider it a super full moon, and then the one noted because it passes through my hometowns, 4/8 19° Aries. Visible overhead, so to suggest.

Hamlet Eclipse Quote

What’s does this mean?

Eclipse Actions

In part, perhaps in whole, I’ve included interpretations for the individual signs, in my own enigmatic style, in the weekly horoscopes. That’s the correct forum for that data and what it might mean.

However, individuals kept pestering me for more data about this, and what it means, individually, and the answers are simple: book a consultation, and I’ll look at the individual points in a chart, where those fall, and what it might be symbolic of.

Eclipse Actions

An eclipse is neither bad nor good, insert that other Hamlet quote here, but “Eclipse actions are neither bad nor good,” but I’ve observed, repeatedly, there’s an intense kind of unstable, but possibly productive energy present.

Think of this as localized insanity, and think of it as trouble, but just for a moment. The other, easiest observed phenomena? The duration of the effect of the eclipse itself? That tends to follow the cycle of the moon.

Short hypothesis, then. The lunation is typically a two-week process, New, 1st Quarter, Full — two weeks. So it follows that the typical cycle is unsettled and lacking cogent direction, for up two weeks after the eclipse. Add a second, following eclipse and that hammers home the crazy-making period for another two weeks.

When I started on this, I began with a single page, then left the bottom half the page blank. That’s the message itself, leave the bottom half of the page blank to fill it in as we go with ideas, edits, ideas that piggyback on other ideas, and then, a snippet of poetry, followed by a cold calculation. All part of what can go on that blank page.

Not bad, not good, not anything but a world of possibilities.

Eclipse Actions



Eclipse Actions

Data points:

  • Spring Equinox (Sun into Aries) 3/19, 10:06 PM (local)
  • Eclipse Aries/Libra 3/25 2:12 AM (local)
  • Eclipse Aries 4/8 1:17 PM (local)
  • Mercury in apparent retrograde 4/2-4/24

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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