Horoscopes for 3-12-2024
“How far your eyes may pierce I cannot tell:
Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.”1
Albany in Shakespeare’s King Lear (I.iv.254-5)
Horoscopes for 3-12-2024
Sun conj. Neptune 27°21’ Pis. 3/17 5:17 AM
Sun —> Aries 3/19 9:07 PM
Horoscopes for 3-12-2024
Mercury is roasting, and I mean roasting along in Aries while the bulk of the planets are are still laconically lagging in gentler Pisces. This adds a degree of heat and energy to an already fissile situation. There are a couple of other factors to work with as well, and we’re back to Saturn and Neptune. One is “reality,” not a usual Pisces construct. The other is the typical airy world of sprites, faeries, and other creatures of the night, or flights of the imagination, and/or worlds hitherto untapped by the other 11 signs. As a good Pisces, and reading this, you are a good Pisces, that means you understand that there is finicky balance point between the land of the unseen, the sprites and faeries, and the real world, where the rest of us inhabit. What it means? Tricky balance point, but fighting fights isn’t a strength, not now. Trust the demons, guides, or whatever else is on your side to fight the fight for you. In another parlance? “Give it up to the Lord.”
Have to be wiling to try something different. “This is the worst fishing line, in the world! Don’t ever use it!” Admonishment from a singular fishing guide about certain piece of equipment, a combination of bait-cast reel with a very specific kind of line it on it — it was for a tournament sponsored by, good guess, that manufacturer. But according to my buddy? Not good fishing line. Rated at one weight yet is snapped too easily under the slightest pressure from a fish. But the trick, the goal, the suggestion for Aries?
We all have to be willing to try something a little different, maybe not totally out of the Aries comfort zone, but think: comfort zone adjacent. It’s about being willing to shift, change and try something, if not totally different, a little off to one side. I tried the stuff, the lightweight fishing line that was supposedly smoother, faster, stronger. It didn’t display any of those characteristic in my use. Quick trip the lake, three poles rigged with the new line, just about half a spool? Waste of money, for me. Hint: I tried it. I gave it a real shot. I played with it on three different poles. Seriously, I tried, and I discovered, like you’re liable to find out, as well, that the original is much better. Might go back to what was before, but you’ll never know if you don’t try. Have to be willing to try something different.
There is a temptation to “Dwell in the past.” Look: I’m not one who can pass judgement on this, as I can wax eloquent about the “Good old days,” when I was neither good nor old. No, not me. But the Taurus temptation is to look into personal history, old stories, and what was, rather than deal with what is currently front and center, the issues of the today. Not the stories leftover, of which, there are many. The tales of derring-do, foes vanquished, battles fought — and won? Sure. Great loves of our lives, lovers who squeal all night long, sure, all of that. History. Ancient history for some. Dwelling in the events that have passed? That’s giving into temptation, and not a good temptation, at this time.
I’ve long admired the way a certain retail giant does their business. Costco — the almost ubiquitous warehouse store — where there is membership and and no frills shopping, one low price, and occasional steals and deals, but basically, just a warehouse where the retail price structure is inverted. I get a few grocery items there, what I can buy in bulk, and I adore looking at the few scattered titles on the book end-table. There are a couple of best-sellers, steeply discounted, and the sticker price is on average a few pennies less than any other retail giant, be that online or the other big box stores. Just my observation. The Gemini part of the observation is about which titles are there, because, Costco being Costco, the only titles are ones that are projected to sell — projected to sell a lot. By the crate. Moved by the pallet, in an out-dated example. Published and purported best-seller lists pale in comparison to the Costco book table. For Gemini? It’s about visual, tangible proof. Like “I hear it’s a good book, but do they sell it at Costco?”
Have to watch the legacy material. I was clicking around on my own sites, and I found that I have some buried material that still stands up. Of course, there are the horoscope archives, and to this day, I still get odd requests and questions, so it’s all about how that was built, and I didn’t know it, but “legacy” was in mind. Built with the then-current standards, and those bits of code have held up, with some of the design choices looking a little dated, but never mind that, the underlying structure was sound. Eye towards “legacy.” Cancer Moon Children should keep an eye towards legacy. Not as much about how it looks but more about a structure that will last. More about material, tools, tooling, dye, and print that should last an eon — or more. We can complicate this analogy, we can complicate the situation, and we can easily complicate Cancer’s involvement, or we can al make an effort to keep this as simple as possible. Keep it simple. Solid foundation, and simple structure. Might not look great, but who cares? It will still be here, in your future.
The Leo
I’ve put this off as long as I can. Does that sound familiar? It should. When it comes to procrastination, no one can procrastinate better than The Leo. Will claim to hold a close second place because I have fertile imagination and I can dream up excuses — almost as well as The Leo, but let’s face it, I’m not quite as good. This is an onerous unpleasant task ahead in The Leo Land, and this is a situation you’d rather pawn off on some lesser sign, like me. Deal is? You can’t. No one can do this but yourself. This is that one job that only you know how to do, and since you are the only one? Kind of puts this all back on you. I know we’ve been putting this off, but someone has to do it, and it might as well be us. You. You can procrastinate all you want, talk to me about that, but putting it off costs more, and takes longer than actually just doing it.
Goes straight against my unofficial motto, “Never do today what you can put off until next week.”
We’re dealing with Mercury and Mercury-inspired issues. Buddy dropped his kid off with me, “Just for a few hours, look, I got him a Lego, he can just build that, won’t bother you at all.” I’m an emergency grandparent, and my schedule was free, so I got the kid. He started to tell me what was up with the various Lego comments then he had a freak out, there was a piece missing! I got a flashlight, we moved the furniture around, couldn’t find the missing part, and I looked on the tabletop. It was there, just on top of the table, just, turned over so it didn’t look like the exploded diagram. I quietly suggested that I found it on the carpet, he went back to building, and I thought about Virgo and Mercury, and how the piece was right there, but since it wasn’t in a recognizable form — to him — he didn’t see it. Not camouflage, not hidden, just turned over.
One of the most frequent expressions, appears in many guises? People say they want to change. I’m assured, over and over, that particular person wants to affect a change in his or her life, only, when it comes to making the actual change? There’s a bit of, or a lot of, resistance to change. Me? I can rationalize with the best, so it’s not up to me, I can justify about any of my own actions — or lack of actions. I can blame the stars. I’m a professional and in this situation, it applies. But that’s me, and for gentle Libra? There’s a desire for change, but lack of action. Sometimes, it’s simple. Sometimes, this is complex. In every sense, though, the idea is that the desired change, the new direction, the fresh start? That starts with action. Some people talk about it. Some do.
As the Sun heads towards Aries, an oddly compatible Mars-infused set of symbols, there is a pervasive sense of peace on the good ship Scorpio. Or there will be. Or there should be. See how I hedged that a little? However, I’m still on your Scorpio side, and I still want there to be a sense of peace and fulfillment from a job well-done, and chance to look forward to some gentle, quiet time. There’s a kind of unrest fast approaching, but this doesn’t directly effect Scorpio. Indirectly? Sure. So take the relative peace and quiet and bank that solemn solo serenity. Might need it later, but you should have a decent few days with relative few distractions. I guess that really the key term, “relative.”
Wasn’t until I heard it put that way, “There’s no reason for it, it’s just our policy.” Wasn’t until I actually heard that from behind the counter at a retail place — and I did visibly, audibly smirk, but it wasn’t until I heard it, did I understand. Recalcitrant customer, not angry yet, but obviously headed down that pathway towards, “Let me see your manager,” when it was the owner of the business being addressed. What I admired about the expression, “There’s no reason for it, it’s just our policy?” As the sign on the wall? It’s one our Sagittarius selves can point to, as need be, when needed, to make our point. Rather a nebulous point, too, with built in disclaimers, but for a route forward through this mess?
“There’s no reason for it, it’s just our policy.”
(See the fineprint2).
The nice thing about the inner-connected worlds of the electronic web? Spurious data that is available. In particular, I got looking up long-lost friends. I mean, long-lost. One, I had heard, strictly ancillary, “grapevine,” chatter? A former colleague had passed. Time was up, fought the good fight, lost, went out in a hail of glory. Circle of life is complete. However, I’ve been searching for this one particular person for several years, off and on, not a dedicated mission, just a late-night, I-wonder-what-happed-to kind of scenario. The problem, for me, the problem, for Capricorn? It’s how we craft and shape that search, what details, full name, partial name, location, last known address in my digital files? Eventually, I hit on the correct combination and their third or fourth result showed an obituary. Clearly written by a mutual acquaintance, from the both wording and somber yet jovial tone. Hat tip, honey. This is about doggedly pursuing a single target, a single goal, willing to fall into the trap of looking for data on the inter-webs, seeking, and what those results are. What leads to what. I was merely looking for a long-lost, now dearly-departed friend. Nice phrasing in the online obit, always end on a high-note.
I am indebted to those who have gone before me. To the people, the guides, the adventurers, the lucky rebels who didn’t listen to all the rules? I am grateful for your assistance because that’s what got us where we are. I always figure we have to pay homage, reverentially acknowledge, or otherwise observe obsequies to those who blazed our trail. Acknowledge that I build on a system that is observed, quantified, and structured around a framework that was in place long before the current millennia or, at least can be tracked back for three millennia. Acknowledge those who have gone before. Then, too, we must be grateful that there is always one, on the outside, challenging the accepted proof, and the acceptance of what it is handed down, and even questioning the definitions used. Moving forward, this is about an Aquarius component in an astrology chart, or whatever, it’s about the Aquarius pieces doing two things: acknowledge the existing structure , and then? Questioning the roots. Doesn’t mean we do a single thing, just acknowledge our roots and then we can, if we so desire, challenge those foundation elements.