Horoscopes for 3-19-2024
“Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction!
What says th’ almanac to that?”
Price Hal in Henry 4.2 (II.iv.110)
Horoscopes for 3-19-2024
Sun enter Aries 3/19 9:07 PM
Mars enters Pisces 3/22 6:48 PM
Eclipse 3/25 12° Ari./Lib.
Horoscopes for 3-19-2024
Happy birthday, baby! Moving forward, what I’d like to do is reduce a situation to a basic, binary question. Then I’ll give you a little insider secret, from my notebooks. The question, it’s birthday time, the new astrological year, spring has sprung, let’s move forward! Anyway, there’s a niggling problem a buddy presents to you. Nod, listen, and make no commitment, that means, if I am not clear, neither a “Yes,” nor a “no.” Nod your head in a circle, can be interpreted either way. What’s going to happen? In the next week, maybe ten days, a situation will develop. As long as you refrain from commenting, good or bad, just refrain from a committed stance? This works in your favor. Your buddy rebounds back, and you get to make the pronouncement, “See? I told you so.” Works out? “See? I told you.” Doesn’t work out? “See? I told you.” Either way you look brilliant, and it’s not your deal. I know you get caught up in the moment. But a shrug, and wait for it, let the issue resolve, then you can say, “See? I told you so.”
It is a lesson I learned, at the foot of the masters, at the dawn of my career, more than 30 years ago. A single mother came into the old New Age Books on South Lamar in old Austin. Readings were $20 and she spent her last cash money on a reading, when, according to the reader, the single client should’ve been spending her money on food for her kids. The reader angrily jumped up, refunded the client her money, and gestured for her to get out. During the intervening years, this has become an ethics question, and teaching point for me. I was merely the intern (cashier) in that situation so I didn’t have a say, one way or another. Still, questions abound. What was right? Maybe it was the destiny to spend the last of the cash on reading so there was hope. Maybe dropping the last of the money on reading was what was needed?
Maybe the promised vision of a “psychic” could offer up winning lottery numbers, and the destitute would be destitute no more. At this time, I’m a big believer in free will, and we get to make our own choices, good, bad, or “other.” I’ve also learned that that some people just have to learn those lessons the most difficult — and painful — way possible. My current thinking is that I’m not supposed to interfere. There are places where I volunteer and help, pay back, but in my professional setting, I don’t. So Taurus, at the foot of the masters, what have we learned? It is not up to us to interfere with other peoples’ decisions, good, bad, or indifferent. That means? If you see someone doing something stupid, you’re allowed to suggest a different course action, but you don’t get to interfere. Leave well enough alone — we don’t know what everyone else’s destiny might be.
I don’t have a sound meter that can tell me how loud a particular setting is. My ears, age, loud music, and unmuted motors take a toll. I am unable to tell, for sure, but the idea, and this I’ve observed in my last house, the idea is that drapery, just some black-out style curtains? Those reduce the ambient, background noise by a large degree. Here’s the part I don’t get, I don’t really think that the curtains physically absorb any measurable amount of noise, but there is the sensation that the curtains do the trick. Outside facing window, when the curtains are drawn together? Seems quieter, and easier for me to concentrate on what I was reading. But when the curtains are open? Seems like I can pick up on stray noises, and those interruptions seems louder: neighbor’s lawnmower, another neighbor’s leaf-blower, the trash trucks making the rounds, one guy’s motorcycle, burbling along. With the curtains drawn, it feels quieter. No sound meter so I can’t say, not for sure. I suspect this is an illusion, and Gemini? Careful of falling for the old trick, just pulling the curtains closed doesn’t really make it any quieter, but it might quiet the Gemini mind?
“Change this,” or “change that,” or accept that change is inevitable? Sure. There is that as motif. However, I’d like to go against the grain on this, and make another suggestion, maybe this isn’t about change at all. Maybe, for right now, for the foreseeable future in the sign of the Crab, the gentle Moon Children? Maybe this isn’t about change at all. Maybe this is about standing on your principles. Standing still. Standing up for what you believe in, or just standing while everyone else rushes off to change something — just because. Changing, just because we can change, with no betterment for the cause, no discernible improvements, no measurable short-term gain, no long-term prognosis for tangible benefits? Then don’t change a thing. Reminds me of the old saw, “I love you the way you are, now change.” Not how this works. Not now. The instructions clearly suggested, “No change is necessary,” which means, to me, to your Cancer–Moon Child self, no change is needed.
The Leo
With apologies? One of the most Texan T-shirts I’ve seen recently? “Eat Meat, Drink Beer.” Not to play into a stereotype, but if the image fits? I’m unsure of how to play this one. One the one side, with a vocal, demonstrative subset of my buddies, this fits. Through and through, the image fits with those lads. But it doesn’t fit with the largest parts of the scene, nor does it really fit with the broadest of demographics, just seems to fit with a usually jocund, vocal subset of localized humanity. One year, there’s an over-population of deer. Another year? Seems like there are too few. Part of the “eat meat” motto. The apologies are about how this might not fit, outside of where I live, but the notion that there is a simple T-shirt slogan, stretched across a chest, and the commentary that follows, or is it for real? As I’ve suggested, I have a few friends who certainly fit with the notion. So take this — weekly advice for The Leo — under advisement, about whether this is factual, or just an example, not something to be followed to the letter. It’s up to you.
After a full-turn of Saturn, matched with a Saturn/Jupiter alignment, I launched a book that I was working on for years. Most of my career, if not all of it, I spent typing, re-writing, correcting, and editing my Little Book of Transits. To this day, I keep an open word processor/page layout/publishing version of the original file, with minor updates, tweaks, and the occasional grammar/spelling/punctuation issue, corrected. When I pushed that work out the door, the first time, it was as good as I could get it, and I continue to grow, learn, and my craft improves. It’s an idea, a hope, a dream, to have a perfect version of the book available — one day. Perfect. Perfected. Towards that end, the digital versions have been updated two-three times now. I’d like to make it more accessible, but I work within the given constraints of the physical world, and that interferes. Doesn’t stop me from dropping back into the new, corrected file to look something up, and maybe change a single a word. With work like that, it’s possible to play with it, almost infinitely, but for gentle and perfect Virgo? Have to know when to say, “Stop.”
Relationships: this week is all about relationships. Where you stand, who stands with whom, and what it looks like, and then, how it feels. The bigger problem is that relationships are mostly construed to be romantic relationships, or sexual relationships, or some combination of those two, and in this scenario, what unfolds over the next week, ten days? It’s about the other kind of relationships. I got one buddy, we’ve been friends since old Austin. Known each other a long time. I went, literally a year or more without seeing him, I mean, we stayed in touch online, bad memes, off-color jokes, and innuendo that is more appropriate for teenage boys, but that’s how we interact, at times. Not always, but mostly. Hanging out, first time in over year, maybe? We picked up where we dropped off, and in part, this is an ongoing conversation leftover from decades in the past, and in part, this is just the wandering theme of constant conversation amongst juvenile friends. He’d finish my sentences, I’d pipe up when I was supposed to, and we moved on. It’s about that kind of a relationship.
I understand that “Living your best life” is the ultimate revenge, the best kind of revenge. As a good Scorpio, you’ve heard the same? I just wonder, on that list of “Best Revenges,” what’s in second or even third place? Most good Scorpio types are interested in some sort of cosmic payback and seeing that in real time, preferably low, slow, and cold. So is there a second best revenge, or better, a third best revenge? I know how this looks, and there’s that urge to get even. I’m not standing in the way of Scorpio — I know better (got scars, too). But maybe there is a second best, or third best revenge, you know, instead of that ultimate payback — which is living your best life. I mean, there’s going to be an onslaught of pressure to change, and revenge is so delightful, or so it would seem. I don’t know, I’ve just heard. So is there an alternative?
The original suggestion was I had eclectic tastes in music. I’ve found that my tastes run from, “Man, you have just go to listen to this now,” to “please don’t judge me, I know, I know, but I like it.” I run the gamut, looking through my various archives, from local singer/songwriters, to name-brand pop stars, all the way to various striations of more arcane subsets of current music. I’ll get some silly country song stuck in my head, and I’ll be busy trying to play it for all my friends. Some roll their eyes, others are interested, and a few? “Oh yeah, I got that one, you know about the whole album?” It’s about tastes, and it’s about music that might soothe the savage Sagittarius soul. My tastes fall pretty carefully into a couple of succinct categories. I like the local “country/rock/western,” that original music that made Austin what it was. Then, to add to the interest, there’s always an electronic bend, but that varies, too. EDM, Ambient, (something) House. Variations on themes. There’s always the category, though, “Please don’t judge me,” and that’s what this next few days, as Mars, Venus, and Saturn all “kind of” align in Pisces. Shrug, “I like it. You don’t have to approve.”
The joy of this job, such as it is, as long as I’ve had it, such as I have, is that I get a chance to watch people grow. I’ve watched as certain clients — friends & family — have all crawled through various “growing up cycles.” Think: (Capricorn and Saturn.) Saturn is adjusting to Pisces nicely. Maybe “adjusting” is the incorrect term, but it works for me, and that’s what this is about, gradual changes, and these are changes that occur over years rather than some kind of quick or instant transformation. Over time, clients mature, grow, and drift off into different areas. Over time, children grow, mature, and slip into other places, different existences. There’s great changes afoot, and gentle Capricorn gets to stand off to one side and observe. This more about observing, and more about not interfering with what others are going through. Good time to listen. “That’s great,” or “I’m so sorry,” or whatever rejoinder is required.
Notice: no action is required by Capricorn.
There’s a lingering effect of Mars: it’s a sense of obligation. Mars left an imprint, leaves an imprint, like a footstep? “More like a boot up my backside,” mumbles an Aquarius. Well, yeah, there is that; I sure hope that is a metaphor, the whole boot thing. But Mars left a sense of that — there is some task left undone by Aquarius, and we must finish what we started. In this situation, Aquarius has that lingering sense of obligation, and that feeling? The question that I would ask, is it real? I get that you think you feel like you have to do this, but is that a real situation, as stipulated in a contract, verbal, written, or cosmic? Or is this an innate Aquarius invitation from the unbidden areas of the mind that we don’t always understand, and instead of trying to figure it out, as Mars moves along? That lingering sense of obligation, the task left undone? Is it your job to do it? Or does this fall to other hands, now?
I bought a product, a simple watch band, from this one source. Buried in the fineprint? Must’ve had that “automatically subscribe to our sales news” toggled on, because I started getting infrequent sales e-mails. Advertised as a one-person shop, more like a family endeavor, and from the product plus the marketing, I’m inclined to believe the story. Single family, cool products that are all a little “off,” non-traditional design, function dictates form, and just a tad bit pricey. Worth it? In mind, sure. It’s just the frequency, and eventually, I had to unsubscribe from the list, but the frequency of the e-mails were totally not timed with anything stellar, astrological, or even terrestrial. I counted three one week, none the next week, maybe two more in a few weeks, and then crickets for a while. Then it started again, new products, and the items were cool, but I’ve long since lost interest in the products themselves. What I was interested in? The technology and frequency, or infrequent, kind of depended, on the way the messages showed up. Weird. Saturn and Venus, plus Mars, before the next day or two, so Pisces birthdays are over, but Saturn, Venus, and then Mars, too, all pile on. Like that list. Five e-mails in one week, “We’re down to three of these items left in stock,” and the next missive? “We’re down to our last one…”