Mercury Mistakes

Mistakes, I’ve made a few

Mercury RXThink that’s the proper line, “Mistakes? I’ve made few…” Country song maybe?

Doing “technical stuff” during a Mercury Retrograde, I realized, in a coffee-fueled rage-tinkering, what I was doing, for three days running? Maybe longer?

I would set about to correct one mistake. Fix one problem. Patch a single hole. Just try to attack an insular objection.

What I would do, bear in mind, this is about Mercury in apparent Retrograde motion, what I would do? I’d chase down a handful of web-inspired pointers, solutions, and answers to the problem, then get to looking at another installation, a different design, and think, “I should try that.”

Mercury Mistakes, I’ve made a few

As a serendipitous route, it works quite well. As a targeted solution to specific problems?

“Not so much.”

But this about a process that works, and works after a fashion, well enough, when Mercury is confusing issues.

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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