Baseball teams and their logos, in last November horoscopes.
Spring Training
3/5 Milwaukee Brewers 8 San Francisco 13 Scottsdale Stadium. Small ball. Best peanut comment? “Look, that guy’s number isn’t even on the roster. They got him the parking lot.”
3/6 Dodgers 12 White Sox 9 Camelback Ranch (Glendale) in the Shadow of Cardinal Stadium. The Camelback Ranch field is super-nice. Lucked into incredible third baseline seats right behind Dodgers dugout. Incredible fan action for the first five innings, concentrating on two Japanese stars, Otani and Yamamoto. Bit weird as both clubs call this park home for spring training.

3/7 Cleveland Guardians 2 Oakland A’s 1, canceled at the end of the third. Hohokam Stadium (Mesa) is the smallest yet remarkably clean, tidy, and well run. Bonus for giant corn dog with honey. Finally got an Oakland A’s hat with the logo1.
3/8 Mariners 5 Cubs 9 Sloan Park Stadium in Mesa, largest so far, 12K plus in attendance and still room for more. Food trucks took cash. Easy ingress, long line out. Called “Wrigley of the West?” Hyperbolic, at the very least. Nice? Yes. Wrigley? No.

3/9 Cincinnati Reds 7 AZ D-Backs 5 Salt River Talking Stick Stadium (Scottsdale) at the casino or something. Really nice place. First spring training built on native land, I think.
3/11 Texas Rangers 15 Los Angeles Angels 5 Tempe Diablo Stadium (Tempe), feels even smaller than Hohokam, but is marvelously convenient to the east side. Lots of fans. Rather intimate, and was nice to see Evoldi pitch, up close — he’s cool. Wonder if a decent home run could land on the freeway.
3/12 Arizona D-Back 2 San Diego Padres 2 Peoria Stadium (Peoria) is new, or the grounds around it are new, like a fresh, giant strip center popped up, ongoing construction in the parking lot. Game was fun as D-Backs were playing more back-bench, and the Padres were cooler. Really good ballpark hot dog, bucking the trend. Foot-long, char-grilled with onions and peppers, behind the outfield.

3/13 Chicago Cubs 8 Cleveland Guardians 3 Goodyear Ballpark (Goodyear). Redone park, kind of nice, not big, not small. Clean with an apparently adequate supply of bathrooms.
Spring Training

Hotdog at the ballgame
Spring Training
Not in every game, but in many, the best players would be replaced by the 5th inning. Some players I would recognize and others, not even a name on the jersey. Up for the minors or back-bench ? I’m unsure, but interesting to watch.
“Wasn’t that guy out in the back lot, charging for parking?”
Or the minor league tryout guys, they looked so young, “Wait, does minor league mean they’re underage?”
Spring Training
Merch: Oddly enough, the only logo item I wanted was an Oakland A’s shirt or cap with the old-school cool elephant logo. In San Antonio, I once saw, might have an image, of the logo for the “The baseball fields at the Ghost Tracks.” The ghost tracks themselves a local myth and optical illusion of spectral circumstances. The logo was skull over crossed baseball bats.
There was noise that last year’s World Series contenders, the Arizona Diamondbacks might be moving, and if so? If it’s another state, but the same name? I’d like one of those, too.
“Go D-Backs!”
There’s a “Mexican” D-Backs shirt that looked good, but I couldn’t find it, serpientes on the front, in script, and then festooned with Arizona Diamondbacks logos. Think it’s their “City Connect” pattern.
Still, wearing a Boston “B” hat garnered more positive comments than anything else.
Not really a fan, just liked the hat, lobster rolls, experience, and then?
I want the emotional resilience of a Red Sox fan. I aspire to have that strength.
Spring Training
- Baseball teams and their logos, in last November horoscopes, see Libra. ↩