Regrets and Mercury

Regrets and Mercury

“27. Either there is a well-arranged Order of things or a medley that is confused, yet still an order. Or can a sort of order subsist in thee, while in the Universe there is no order, and that too when all things, though separated and dispersed, are still in sympathetic connexion?”

Excerpt From:

  • Complete Works of Marcus Aurelius Book 4.

Ἤτοι κόσμος διατεταγμένος ἢ κυκεὼν συμπεφυρμένος. ἀλλὰ μὴν κόσμος: ἢ ἐν σοὶ μέν τις κόσμος ὑφίστασθαι δύναται, ἐν δὲ τῷ παντὶ ἀκοσμία; καὶ ταῦτα οὕτως πάντων διακεκριμένων καὶ διακεχυμένων καὶ συμπαθῶν.

  1. An ordered world or a mishmash. But still an order. Can there be order within you and not in everything else? In things so different, so dispersed, so intertwined?

Regrets and Mercury

Mercury in Retrograde is a regular occurrence. I’m used to it. I plan for it, and I plan around it. I make allowances for its errant ways. To a certain extent, I count on the mistakes, gaffs, and associated problems as part of the process.

I’m very process-oriented, as I’ve found that to be the most efficient way to make progress.

The goal was simply to streamline parts of the process, clean up material in the background that no one sees, but everyone sees the results.

I searched the web and the RTFM “read only” material I could find, skipping the too technical, or the material that was unnecessarily verbose with little content.

I know, I know, glass houses, and all.

Regrets and Mercury

Oddly enough? Older entry:

“Knowing why a problem exists doesn’t fix the problem, but it gives me valuable expertise in working around the problem.” (Seen here)

The instructions were all pretty clear, boiled down, using three-four reference points, and looking at the written form, not the video version, and then?

When I pulled the plug to make the shift, the whole site went tits-up – 404.

Regrets and Mercury

It was several hours of bouncing between hardware platforms, websites with instructions and pointers, then over to a command line editor, and back to settings. Nothing worked, and after a few misguided restarts, I just went back to the original configuration. Not a matter of what’s best, but a matter of ease-of-use from a website operations perspective. Still want to trim and streamline, but that’s not happening at the moment.

However, ponder and search the web for answers, long enough, diligence pays off, eventually.

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde

Marcus Aurelius (meditations)

Marcus Aurelius | Marcus Aurelius

A free copy of Marcus Aurelius Meditationsis available here.

3 Marcus Aurelius

3 Marcus Aurelius

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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