Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

More like a shortened bio, probably autobiographical.

Born and raised in Texas, educated in New Mexico with degrees earned in Arizona, Kramer Wetzel is, as Bubba said, “An enigma wrapped in a Hawaiian shirt and sandals.” From a trailer park in old South Austin, with Shakespeare, bass fishing, and accidental astrology along the way?

Elevator Pitch

It is not an elevator pitch. Shooting for a brief bio.

About: Kramer Wetzel

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Search Seek

The Fishing Guide to the Stars

Born and raised in a little town in East Texas, attending schools in Texas and New Mexico, with college and university degrees earned in Arizona, Kramer Wetzel considers himself a typical Sagittarius. He is an ordained minister, Honorary Doctorate, Certified Psychic, and holds horary cross-training in Tarot, Runes, Reiki, and Tea Leaf Reading.

With an eye for the absurd, an ear for Texas dialect, both honed in a trailer park in South Austin — before trailer parks in South Austin were cool — his primary love is the written word, with the Western-styled horoscope his most popular format.

First published in 1987, online since 1993, these horoscopes are popular, as well as one of the longest, continuously running of its kind —

From global travel to a love of Shakespeare’s canon, to bass fishing around Austin, and bay fishing along the Texas Gulf Coast, Bubba said it best, “Kramer is a Zen Koan wrapped in a Hawaiian shirt and sandals.” Sometimes, Kramer thinks he was Shakespeare in a past life.

Currently, he lives on the north side of San Antonio, TX.

Fresh horoscopes are available online, books and back-catalog are available from Amazon, or wherever books are sold.

Personal consultations available via the website. Prefer in person? Appearances are listed at astrofish.net/travel with the most current dates.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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