Horoscopes for 5-21-2024

Horoscopes for 5-21-2024

Think it no more:
For nature crescent does not grow alone
In thews and bulk, but as this temple waxes,
The inward service of the mind and soul
Grows wide withal.

Laertes in Hamlet 1.3.10-14

Horoscopes for 5-21-2024

Full Moon Gem/Sag 2° 55’ 8:53 AM 5/23
Venus conjunct Jupiter 5/23
Venus enters Gemini 5/23 3:21 PM
Jupiter enters Gemini 5/25 6:14 PM


Gemini Chatting with a buddy who is a cop? I asked about the TV trope of always touching the back taillight of a car when one is pulled over. I should say, the cop touches the back corner of the car pulled over. Interesting split, my buddy — a new age cop — he claims that it is no longer an issue, as there’s a dash cam, a car cam, and a body cam always recording. But an older friend of a friend, not exactly a reliable source of data, but according to him? It was what he was taught in training, by his field training officer, “Always leave a clear print on that left rear taillight, proof.” I’m not sure what it is proof of, but one younger buddy says, “No,” while the seasoned pro says, “yes.” What this means for Gemini? “I should watch for getting pulled over by the cops?” Or, “I should get pulled over so I could figure out how they handle this procedure?” Neither. It’s about two variations on a myth, a piece of movie magic that is also part of real life, and what way is most accurate? I don’t have a definitive answer, because I’m not Gemini, but you are. What do they really do, and was that true?


What is enough? What is too much? What is just the right amount? I was working with the idea that the display of data — the way information is purveyed — the points we pick to show what we want to show? I was working with the way to properly display the data. While I deal with discrete data sets themselves? How that information is put on display? That’s the question, and for this week’s Moon Children, Crab-namesake, Cancer?

The discretionary display of discrete data. That’s about half a mouthful. But as an idea to wrap a single crab-claw grip, something to hold onto? That’s the question, and the answer will vary with each individual, but the question remains, how much is too much, and then, how should that be published? What should be on display? What’s the header, the footer, the correct images, the way it looks best? What gets the message across without too much superfluous material annoying the reader, the viewer?

The Leo

Over the years, I’ve employed a number of conceits to explain this kind of energy. It’s about a binary decision wherein neither answer will be deemed correct. “If I take action them, in the after-action report, I’ll be found in the wrong, all my fault.” Correct. “But if I don’t take action, in the report afterwards, I’ll be found wrong for not taking action.” Again, this is correct. “So what should I do, oh wise one?” The problem these stars paint? I don’t have an answer. No action is usually preferable, but that results in a no-bill for no-action. Action, any kind of attempt at a satisfactory resolution, again, that results with an unfavorable report, as well. Action, no action, sit on your paws or sit on your ass, or? Take action, glorious grand Leolike action. Make a statement. You will probably be judged as incorrect, and might not look good, but at least you know you did something, and isn’t that better, even if there is no correct answer, either way?


I’ve always hated the notion that if one yells long enough, loud enough, and repeats the same lie, over and over, that the lie gradually gets accepted as truth. Long enough, and loud enough are the operative phrases, and that’s what to watch for. As a rather typical Sagittarius myself, I’ve used this technique with relative success in a few areas of life, repeated it often enough, and a portion of the population begins to believe it. It’s an interesting proposition, and observed? It works, if only for a short time. What to watch for? It’s like you might be repeating, over and over, the same story, trying to get us to accept it as Virgo truth, when it might be kind of obvious that it’s a bit of a stretch, hyperbole, or other. Watch for the unVirgolike desire to stretch, flex, and otherwise try to massage the message. A lie, oft repeated? It’s still a lie, still not true.


Be discrete with all wins. Violent or just loud and cantankerous outbursts avail nothing but petty and temporary refuge for the nominally gentle Libra psyche. There’s a situation brewing, or a situation underway, or person who is pushing for a situation to be a big deal, and it really isn’t that big of a deal — unless you make this out to be a big deal. A lot of mentions of big deals that might, or might not be, big deals. That’s the perspective, and I’m just suggesting a step back, a step sideways, or a pause long enough to step back or sideways, without taking any action whatsoever, give yourself enough time to properly asses the situation, the person pushing emotional buttons, or the big deal that might not really be a big deal. Pause. Step sideways. Avoid confrontation. Avoid confrontation and avoid a bigger mess. Might easily go your Libra way, but with Mars in on the mix? Might not go your way, and the best choice, was to take a beat, a take moment’s pause, the step sideways or backwards, long enough to see what the real problem might be. Or might not be, as I suspect you’ll find out.


Over the years, I’ve held one or two — a whole host — of various metaphysical, quasi-religious beliefs that are supported by anecdotal evidence. Some is circumspect, at best, some is solid, some is pure fantasy, but the various understandings — and explanations — have worked for me. Some is new age, some is old age, some is observed, some is lore, some is accepted strictly on faith and other depends on tangible observations. To that end, the best route to find Scorpio success, move forward with palpable, empirical, material beliefs that can be held, felt, touched. What to watch out for, with this Full Moon? “It touches my soul, I feel it in my heart,” and “I just know it’s true!” I believe that you believe that. I believe that you feel that. Still, this kind of lunation requires a willingness to test that belief against actual evidence.


The “Gemini” Full Moon, for me, is always fun. How I see it. There’s a sense of abandon, otherworldliness, oddities abound, and “things are just plain weird.” Consider the source for that last commentary, about things being weird. What kind of standard metric can I even offer, as a rule to measure against? Which gets around to how to properly harness this type of energy, and what to do with it. I tend to be declarative. I make broad, sweeping statements, vast generalizations, and then I tend to run short on details. What this amounts to? I am always right, about half the time. In these times, given where things are? Given our current set of conditions? Being half-right all the time isn’t a bad way to start. Therein is our Sagittarius start for the week, half-right, all the time. Or, as I am prone to justifying, “I’m always right, about half the time.”


The complacent Capricorn is the problem. I was going to address a different Capricorn issue, but then the Capricorn complacency popped back under the radar (again). I was going to let it slide, but I’ve seen what happens when we just ignore a certain problem, just a tiny issue, not really a problem, not yet, but ignore it long enough? It gets to be a bigger and bigger issue, until it all blows up. To combat this, to help alleviate future — and current — pain? Look at what you’re most, what is the word? The words to watch for? “Meh, I don’t care about that.” Whatever the “that” is? Good chance, high probability, it is the center of what could become a larger, more painful situation if left unattended. Can be big things. Might just be little things. Could be a single item that you’ve been assiduously avoiding. The root, the problem, and the solution? Combat Capricorn Complacency.


Flipped the lights off in the kitchen and made my way to the bedroom. I paused to go the bathroom, and just about the only light in the house was that bathroom light. Within moments, there was a spooky noise coming from the far side of the shower — the outside window. It’s a frosted, safety affair, and the light from the overhead was diffused. More than casual wind noise, less than a human, or a goblin, scraping against the glass, I couldn’t make out what the source was. I pulled back the shower’s curtain, no water dripping, just something banging against that outside window. Further research and examination, I figured out it was a lone June Bug, attracted to the window’s light. The sounds were a lot less spooky once I figured out the source. Boil it down, investigate, and find that root source. Helps a lot in understanding, and helps alleviate some of the otherwise spooky senses to what goes bump in the Aquarius summer nights.


I keep running into a situation, a possible Pisces problem, where the question? The question and then the answer? Listen to the answer. Listen to the answer before formulating the next question. Before making up one’s mind to do this, or do that, ask the questions, and then, listen to the answers of the questions. There’s a marked probability that gentle Pisces asks a question, and then, refuses to accept the given answer. That’s when we all run into problems. “We fishing this weekend,” myPisces buddy queries me. “Nope,” I answer, “I have to work.” He cocks his head to one side, “So I’ll pick you up at 6?” Again, as noted, I will be unable to participate at this time, and I can amend my schedule some, but I kept running into the persistent Pisces problem of not listening to my answer. I’m not Pisces — I heard the answer the first time, and I formulated my next choices based upon what was repeated back to me. I didn’t have a different destination in mind, and I didn’t ignore the answers. I’m not Pisces.


Stacking up data points, proof, as it were? Trying to gather supporting evidence, I got caught in trap. Best factual data I had to support the situation? “I heard it from a guy I know,” which, when pressed, I was forced to admit it was friend, of a friend, of a friend. That’s three times removed, and as such, unless everyone in that chain was an honest Aries, we now know that the information, the supporting documentation submitted as “fact” might be more like hearsay, and not fact. Might appear factual, and I’m good at that, but cutting through this week’s planetary mist? The one to watch out for? “I know a guy, who knew a guy, and his friend said…” By now, you’re starting to see how there might be some fabrication, fiction, or fudging. As they say? “Some restrictions apply; see dealer for details.”


There is a glow, a polish, a fresh sheen on everything Taurus as Jupiter and Mercury cross paths. It’s a final tip of the planetary hat, towards Taurus, as those two tag in and tag out. It’s just a quick nod. My impression of the action, the friction, the fraction of time, and the outcome? It’s like a seeing a friend-enemy at a distance, and giving him (her) a quick salute. Not really tipping my hat, not taking my cap off, and sweeping it before me in a grand, if archaic, gesture, but just touching, or appearing to touch, two fingers to the brim of the ball cap. A quick, obvious gesture of acknowledgment, and then? It’s gone. The original idea of a military salute was to show that one’s fighting arm was empty, no sword in hand. It’s a gentle salutation from the planets to show that they are not armed. It’s a gentle, genteel greeting that shows no malice.

And for Taurus?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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