Horoscopes for 5-28-2024

“Ambition should be made of sterner stuff”

Antony in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (III.ii.61)

Horoscopes for 5-28-2024

Mercury enters Gemini 6/3 2:37 AM


Gemini Heart
In a couple of weeks, Gemini gets to embark on a new project. A fresh lease, a new beginning, a clean break from what has been and gets you rolling in a much better direction.

But in Gemini time?

This is weeks away, though. So for now? Look around, and figure there was one last thing you wanted to do before your birthday and having missed that, or it looks like you might miss that deadline? Still, you can get this done before that upcoming launch window appears — not far off.


Over the years, my version of comfort food has changed. Went from largely “dead animal diet,” to a planet-based version as that suits me and my current temperament. Easier to mange, too. Just depends. One buddy looked on with mock horror as I ordered the tofu version of a platter. It was actually good, because tofu is essentially tasteless crud and absorbs flavors from whatever is next to it. His macho posturing didn’t bother me, and in part, that’s why I ordered the tofu, bothers them, not me.

Comfort food varies.

We have one unattended item and Gentle Crablike, Cancer? Think about those last, unattended details that needs your Moon Children’s attention.

First, maybe make a sandwich, then look into fixing that last thing?

The Leo

The first time I was aware of the change, it was a joke from a list, wife suggested she washed her husband’s “purse,” which referred to his cargo shorts. There is much truth in that humor, though, as I’ve been able to pack all my every-day essentials into those voluminous pockets. When I travel, or for work, I still need a few other items, but otherwise, I’m pretty much covered with just those big pockets. Snacks, water bottle, phone, keys, wallet, cash, change, and key fobs.

It all fits.

Not exactly svelte but these days, I’m more about comfort and range of motion. What’s most important, magnificent Leo, looking good, or having what you want and need?


It’s not confusion, it’s “misappropriation.” That term, “misappropriation,” can be interpreted a few different ways. I could wrongfully quote somebody, or I could order one item and the delivery services provide a different piece. So the variations exist on the spectrum of meaning for how virtuous Virgo wants to interpret the term, but as an idea, for the time — Gemini — Mercury and everything?

Careful of misappropriations.

Extra hint: misappropriations are not a typical Virgo situation. Not usually.


Being a person who can effectively put off work as long as you can? That’s a fine quality, and one that I would heartily approve of, except for a minor detail, the crippling anxiety that results from the task that was left unfinished. The goal we didn’t reach?

The goal we didn’t even reach for?

Putting it off until later is a noble pursuit, in my own eyes, but I’m not Libra, and I don’t get it. (I do, actually, but never mind that now.) So deal with it now, and it is a little easier than before. “Now” means in the next ten days — as defined just for Libra.


Repeatedly, I’ve come up with ways to try and cover the same material with a different flavor. Different guise, same sort of stuff. Schrödinger had a cat. I like using the uncertainty principle as it covers what I want to express. So does his cat, but I’ve found that most cats don’t go willingly into a box like that.

I’m a silly Sagittarius.

I bring my own astrology chart to our meeting. Scorpio brings its own set of established prejudices, problems, answers, and solutions.


In my heart of hearts, I am a lazy, somewhat incompetent Sagittarius. I understand this. I know this. I feel this. I embrace my shortcomings because I can’t tell what’s a personality problem and what is secretly a strength. I’m one of those lazy ones who will spend six months avoiding a task that takes 15 minutes to finish. The next question, then, did I learn anything from finally tackling what I could’ve been done with, instead of agonizing, prioritizing, listing, de-listing, then listing again, evading, and then — finally — getting it done in a few minutes that wasn’t too bad?

Did I learn anything from that?

Apparently, one doesn’t understand that I started with the opening, that I am a somewhat competent but essentially very lazy Sagittarius. Did we learn anything? Probably not. Will we keep putting it off? Probably so. Is that the best course of action? Did you not pay attention?


The more they change, the more they remain the same. I was looking at that, and I was going to riff on one aspect, but then, I got to toying with the planets, and the central weekly thesis is that the more there is outwardly change, and similar distractions, the more it is the same.

Different day, same crap.

Some of the trappings, the eye-candy, the material posted on the outside, think: like a coat of paint? That’s changed. The core is the same, and therein is the very Capricorn conundrum. New packaging, same stuff. New covering over the same material. Did anything really change? Got a fishing trip next weekend, should be good. Still, you have to ask yourself, “Has anything really changed, for the better, for the worse?”


“Water seeks its own level,” kind of a (science) axiom. It can be poetic, in some terms, referring to emotional events, or it can be engineered, referring to liquid sloshing around seeking its own equilibrium.

Looking for balance in an unbalanced world?

That’s a problem. Trying to find balance in the Aquarius corner? That’s the clue. Remember, “Water seeks its own level,” and therefore? Let it determine what is the best way to approach this ongoing Aquarius (thing). Water seeks its own level, and you’re the water-bearer.


Pisces spoiler alert. The opening prologue to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet tells us what the whole play is about, in 14 lines. The whole plot to the story is given away, and how they will end up dead in the end. As a story-telling device, it’s a little risky, but not uncommon.

Pisces spoiler alert.

The planets suggest there’s a simple, and observable pattern, like the opening passages to this week tell you what the rest of the week will be like. Pisces spoiler alert. Can’t say it caught you by surprise. Problem being, for me, with that one play, even though I know how it ends, I get caught up in the action and forget what is about to happen. Pisces spoiler alert.


Polonius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet rattles on with one of his bon mots being “brevity is the soul of wit” (II.ii.90). Being brief helps. Shorter, more concise helps. Direct, to the point, and eschewing any Aries obfuscation, that’s what this might be all about.

There’s a new trend to offer too much data.

I’ll grant you the right that the added information is germane to the point being made, and actual supporting evidence, which you have, is good. Don’t need to show it all. Don’t need to tell us everything. You’re — better — if you can cut the message in half, and then cut that half in half again. Just topical one-word points.


A serious side-effect of constantly deflecting with humor? Gets to a point where we want to convey serious information, and everyone else just thinks we’re joking about the issue — because it’s what we usually do.


Hot on the tail-end of Jupiter’s excess in Taurus, there’s a sense that the Taurus message just isn’t getting across. Told too many jokes? Couched material in humorous overtones too often? It goes a number of different ways, but the problem we wind up with, now? No one seems to take you seriously. Stamp your feet and scream, “But I’m serious!” The comments that bounce back? “You’re so funny!”

Horoscopes for 5-28-2024

Horoscopes for 5-28-2024

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation)
  • Taken: 10 January, 2023
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 3mm
  • ISO: 80
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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