Horoscopes for 6-18-2024

Horoscopes 6-18-202

“Here sound retreat, and cease our hot pursuit.”

Bedford in Shakespeare’s Henry VI, pt. 1 (II.ii.3)

Horoscopes 6-18-202

Sun enters Cancer 6/20 3:51 PM (local)
Full Moon June 21 8:08 PM 1 Can/Cap

(“Sunset and evening star,” first used here: Horoscopes by the Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 3.12.2015.)


Cancer“Consilience” was a term in a book. I looked it up, thinking I knew what the word meant, but not really sure. It was about two different sets of data that both support the same conclusion. I might be a little liberal with the definition, but it was about two routes that emerge with a similar outcome. Different ways to arrive at the same place; although, in the context, it was two different plans that ended up with the same conclusion. There’s a convenience, a concurrence, and confluence of consilience in Cancer. The Moon Children enjoy watching as that occurs, a time when seemingly disparate streams of data align with the same derivative answers. In terms of characters and development on the page: Think of mortal enemies who share a common problem and arrive at the same surefire answer — together. Remember, Cancer, the gentle Moon Children, together we can do this but alone? Might not be near as easy. Hint: two sources. At least two disparate sources.

The Leo

One of the best ways to approach this week’s non-Leo energies? The tactical retreat. There is an inherent very Leo-like attitude that usually works: straightforward. That won’t have the usual desired results, not this next few days. There’s a plethora of minor objections arrayed in a line against The Mighty Leo, and taking this head-on? Charging forward, and proclaiming you’re right (which you are)?

That doesn’t work as effectively as a tactical retreat. Minor losses, little skirmishes, and it looks like you’re running away. Well, it looks like you’re running from a fight because you are. Scared? No. Overwhelmed? Again, no. Moving to strengthen your position? Yes. Backing up to find a solid place to make that Mighty Leo stand? Yes. Shore up the flanks, and figuring out who the enemies are, and where they are located? Yes. Running away? Well, that’s what it looks like to some people, but it is better to flee now, and win later than to stand and get your (marvelous) Leo backside handed to you in a defeat. Tactical retreat. Not giving up, not giving in, just backing up to reassess and reassure, make this work better — later.


Some days, the words flow like wine. Or as I would assume that wine would flow. How about some days the words flow like water, a clear stream, rushing down hill, burbling, laughing, and cackling as the waters pour over the stones? Sure, I like that image best. Then there are days when it is a torture test of sorts, trying to tease out meaning in a world that frankly, doesn’t want anything clearly defined. In the Land of the Virgo, we’re running into that situation where you tumble over words, reach for meaning in a state that has no (apparent) meaning, and can’t seem to order the thoughts correctly. One out of ten good Virgo won’t suffer these conditions but the rest? It’s sort of confusing, and like a tiny, asynchronous mental disconnect, doesn’t last long. When it does happen? When that stumble and the words fail you? Do like I do, and this once I can be a good example, I write and write and write, then erase and erase and erase. What happens is this kick-starts the good Virgo motor, and you’ll find that it gets easier. But it takes a little effort to get over the minor inconvenience of jumbled words.


In a reverse form of mockery, I looked at my Libra date, and I asked her, “Does this look good on me?” She paused. She glanced at it, then looked up and down, and then back at me, “The color makes your eyes pop, you know.” Smile. Shrug. Then a slightly quieter comment, “At least I looked.” It’s a sideways swipe at a recent encounter, where, after looking at three or four different “outfits,” that Libra went with the first choice. By the third try, I was worn out, and probably didn’t glance up from my phone, “Looks fine, let’s go.” This falls on two sides, and the planets split this energy in Libra. First? Look. At least glance up and form a coherent statement about whatever the question is, like, “That color goes with your eyes.” Second? Careful with the sarcastic commentary. There’s an opening that begs for a witty retort that might, or might not, but probably will, land a little too close to home. Me? Didn’t bother me; I had that one coming. I deserved it. But I’m not Libra in this situation.


The Tennyson poem, when I’m looking at the way Venus and Mercury are evening stars, but only just barely. In fact, unless I’m headed south, right into the setting sun, with a clear westerly view, it’s not really visible, neither star. This is a situation, for Scorpio, where the mechanics of the motions, and the relative positions matter, but not much else is clearly visible. Confusion, which leads to haste? That’s problematic. Take your time, Scorpio, take your time, there is no hurry.

“Sunset and evening star:” Horoscopes 3.12.2015.

Scorpio: Take your time, this resolves into better images in a little while, like a week or two.


My favorite “dollar store” was in old Austin, on the east side of the interstate when it was — this was long before the current gentrification. It was stocked full of remaindered and almost discarded crap. Most of what was there? Cheap plastic material manufactured under dubious guidelines with, perhaps, questionable provenance. But the disposable crap was worth it. Baubles, gizmos, and assorted useless crap like plastic tablecloths. Wouldn’t depend on anything from there for mission critical needs, but as far as crap went? Great source. Cards, too, greeting cards for every occasion, and got to the point where the cards cost less than postage. As an experience, it’s worth traipsing through a place just like this, tons of useless crap we don’t need, but at a price that doesn’t offend our Sagittarius sensibilities. It’s about where we look, not about what we get while we’re there.


Me? I’ll blame Mars. But I’m not Capricorn. The real source of the pressure is the aftermath of the Venus/Mercury alignment, along with the confusion from the summer solstice, all at once. The usually good Capricorn judgement is closed with a certain lack of sensibility. My favorite example of this? A secret ingredient in much of the cooking I’ve tasted over the years? Garlic. Just plain, garden-variety, garlic. Squeezed, shredded, whole tuber, minced, diced, I’m not even sure. Probably even juiced. Love me some strong garlic in cooking, but there’s a problem, too, it interferes with interpersonal relations. As “nature’s repellent,” it works well at keeping away bugs and other vermin, but too much of a good thing? It repels people, and it can’t be covered with just breath mint. As noted, I’m inclined to blame Mars, but what to watch out for? Too much. Too much of any single resource can be too much.


Mars is the culprit and the player. There’s actually much more at work, but for the sake of brevity, let’s just blame this on Mars. There’s an incessant rush, a pressure, a desire, a yearning deep in the Aquarius soul. This often appears like a heart-ache, but that’s not what it really is, but use that, use that idea of heart-ache as a touchstone. This planetary influence lasts less than 30 days. Good news? But the possibly irritable, possibly anxious, possible pressure to “Just do something?” That’s what has to find a decent direction. Mars tends to favor activity, and I found, even busy work, something to keep active is better than sitting around and stewing in the results of other people’s consequences. Not really what is happening, but then, it sure feels like that, doesn’t it?


I got to fixing some of my own protection oils. An essential oil or two, and then on a distant vacation, I picked up a bottle of “holy water.” More like, “holy crap,” but who cares? Might’ve been tap water for all I know. I’ve always been suspicious of a church that sells indulgences. But oils are mentioned in the Bible, so there is that. I’ve crossed several lines, and I intended to keep crossing them, but this isn’t about structured belief systems, this is about a formula that works. In my example, it is a formula that works for me. There are a number of brands of this stuff, everything from VooDoo and HouDou to Xian-based essentials, the idea is as old as time itself. Well, almost. But what I mix up is my own blend, and its components vary. Some days, just a little bit of holy water is all that is required. Other days? Depends. Pisces needs some help, but relying on someone else’s blend might not work. Cinnamon, got some that in it, too. Again, this needs to be your own concoction. Rosemary for remembrance. Patchouli for luck?

Pisces: usual disclaimers apply.


I was struggling with the top to a glass jar, the other morning (honey). Old trick, usually productive? I’ll upend the jar and smack its bottom, with that energy breaking the seal on the top of the jar thereby rendering the top easier to twist off. Usually works but this was artisanal local honey. Sticky, sugary sweet stuff. It also thickens and hardens, almost like a resin in the winter months, and by the time a hot summer rolls around, this is a sticky, stuck mess. Old wives’ tales suggested running it under hot water. So, beating its bottom, or holding it under hot water until it loosens its grip? Better yet, as I was looking at the location of Mars, the putative Aries planet? Maybe set that jar aside and wait until a better time to attack the problem Maybe now isn’t the time to try beating it or holding its head underwater until it loosens its grip.


We’re on the far side of a Mercury and Venus conjunction, and we’re stuck with Mars in the early stages of Taurus. That means? There’s an effusive enthusiasm that burst forth, driven as much by the full moon as those other influences. While it’s great to see your Taurus self infused with that enthusiasm, it’s also a problem as there’s a tendency to over-share. There’s that problem with broad, big, general sweeping promises that might not have an anchor in reality. “We can do this! Yes we can!” First off? “We?” Is there both secondary and tertiary support people in that Taurus pocket? If not, the rest of us are unsure of the “we” that is being referred to. This is our problem. This is our Taurus problem. This is a function of planets — and the full moon — but mostly two planets and the summer solstice, and, and, the drive. The barrier is lower. The guard is down. The shields are not shielding. Pick one, pick several, take any allegorical phrase that works, but consider that this isn’t the time to overshare, or? Don’t make promises you might not be able to keep. Heart’s in the right place, but the facts might not align.


One neighbor was running a leaf blower. Might’ve been a yard guy — I didn’t check it out. Another neighbor was cutting his lawn, middle of a sweltering hot summer afternoon. Might’ve been a yard service, I didn’t check it out. There were competing sounds of summer, one on either side, individually, neither one was a nuisance, but the stereo effect? Just an annoyance. Like the one mosquito that seems to sneak in through the screen door, not a whole passel, just a single one, especially when I can’t seem to locate it. This is the lunar phase, as much as anything, and when I was first lining up the charts, I was looking at a full moon in Gemini, but it’s not in Gemini, it is in Cancer, just right after the summer solstice. It was the little buzzing, whirring, two-stroke noise elsewhere that distracted me, and I missed the calculation the first run through. Got it the second time, caught my mistake. This means, like me, there are buzzing, roaring, whirring, dull roar noises all in the background for Gemini. With the Mercury/Venus alignment, might want to go back and check those numbers, before committing anything to print, so to speak, in true Gemini fashion.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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