Baseball Dogs
In a general scheme, maybe just a larger overview, it should just be Baseball Food, but hot dogs in variation, seems to be a theme.
Baseball Dogs
A Washington Post article, no link because of their paywall, but the article from an online newspaper scraper showed a “Seattle Dog,” mostly a variation on the theme, but it looked quite delicious.

It was some kind of square of bun, toasted on the flame-grill, then covered with a swatch of cream cheese, that was layered with almost caramelized onions, and the combination of the cream cheese on warm bread with the onions layered on top caused the cream cheese to melt a little, making a pseudo French-Onion dip (like) flavor. The hot dog was split open, also flame-grilled, and the serving was — in the images — accompanied by thinly sliced peppers artfully arranged as a garnish.
Baseball Dogs
In the shadow of Wrigley Field, I had a Chicago Hot Dog, the whole thing, think a pair of them plus fries and drinks ran about $20. Was well worth it. It’s a hot dog on a bun, with onions, pickle spear, celery salt, ketchup, mustard, and the trademark green relish. I think that’s what it was — glow-in-the-dark green relish.
In the Astros’ Minute Maid Park, on a Tuesday, there were dollar dogs. There was supposed to be some kind of brisket-BBQ-taco dog in Houston, too, but I never found it, and I lapped that stadium twice.
Cleveland or Pittsburgh, not sure, can’t be bothered, advertised a chili-cheese-Fruit Loops garnished ball park hot dog. While the Guardians were doing well this season, I don’t think Fruit Loops as a garnish alone qualifies as a reason for a trip to the stadium. As noted before, I have less than wonderful luck finding the food in the stadiums.
Baseball Dogs
When air fare was cheap, and the odds were long, I bought some Orioles tickets. More on the Camden Park hot dog situation, after that trip. I have notes already about Orioles Dogs, foot-long, grilled onions, maybe?

It’s the notion of the Seattle Hot dog that sells me on the idea of the Mariners for a game or two. Not really a storied franchise, but I was in and out of Seattle decades back, so I can get around. Got some family left up there, so that’s as good a reason as any to go. Besides, that Seattle hot dog looks like fun.
Anyway, it’s an enclosed stadium, which means, if it rains in Seattle, and it probably will? I’d be covered.