Camino Ghosts: A Novel Hardcover
Some years back, an academic I met in New Mexico strongly suggested a particular William Faulkner novel, as in reading Faulkner for pleasure, not for a class or something. For the latter part of this last summer, I’ve toted around, in digital format, the two summer blockbuster novels by Baldacci and Grisham, and then, that Faulkner novel.
I would start reading each of the summer’s big hits, and run into problems with racist material, and while it’s part of our history, I found it painful at times. Empathy supplanted with ancestral guilt, although, the family lore goes the other way.
Camino Ghosts: A Novel Hardcover
Took two tries to get to the middle, but then I finished it in an afternoon.
Good book.
Gives us hope.