Horoscopes for 8-13-2024

“Thou stick’st a dagger in me.”
Shylock in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice (III.i.34)

Horoscopes for 8-13-2024

Mars Conjunct Jupiter 8/14 8:59 AM 16°39’ Gem.
Full Moon 8/19 1:25 PM 27°14’ Leo/Aqu.
Sun enters Virgo 8/22 9:56 AM

The Leo

The Leo I looked, and then did a second take, then, a third deep-dive on the planets, as this next few days unfolds across the majestic Leo. Embrace the oddity. One of my old buddies used to suggest that we must respect the thoroughly accidental nature of the process. Some of my little Leo friends, you know who you are, have lost track of that essence. The accidental nature, the serendipitous, the sarcastic, the synchronistic, the way it sort of flows, or better yet? Happy accidents. Wasn’t where I was headed, but it is where I wound up. Must be where I’m supposed to be. Embrace the accidents that lead to “Eureka!”


Just before the end of the duration of this horoscope? Mercury aligns with the Sun. There are several expressions, and some suggest that the worst is over. Me? If you’ve seen me in person, you know what I’m inclined to do is quote Winston Churchill, about “This is not the end, but the end of the beginning,” or something to that effect. I don’t recall, and I’m too lazy to look it up in my own material. I know I’ve got it. However, that sentiment?

That holds true, and especially for very Virgo as the worst of it is over, but we’re not done with it yet. Mercury is still in apparent retrograde motion, and worse? It’s headed into Leo, the sign that gallantly precedes the Virgo slice of my heavens. Look: last week? It took three deep breaths to clear your head and keep from making a Mercury Mistake. This week? After the Sun and Mercury swap places? One deep breath. Still need to pause, think, and analyze, but maybe not overthink — as much.


Personally, I do well with the dog days of summer. But I’m used to it. I spent much of my life in variations of the great American Southwest, namely schools in New Mexico and Arizona. The usual cry, “But it’s a dry heat,” and then, I recall summers in Arizona when the summer rains would start, and it would rain mud. Limited rain drops mixed with blowing dirt, not just sand and dust, but almost clumps of dirt. What it felt like. One summer I had a convertible, and it was too hot to drive with the top up and the rain was too sparse to worry about, more like single drops, not really rain as we might understand it, and the whole experience? Maybe not such a dry heat. Means I’m used to it. Years on the lake in Austin furthered my understanding and appreciation of the heat, the not-so-dry heat. That’s me. What adjustments are needed for Libra to get through these dog days of summer? I used to favor a nice swim in the creek — the ice-cold waters of Barton Springs in Austin.

Neighbor’s pool is handy these days.


Working on the Capricorn scope (below)? I stumbled through the concept of the “Best used by” date, usually on food. Think my horoscopes should also be labeled like that, and some of it might be in the fineprint already, I don’t recall. But the “best used by” date? Those tend to be guidelines, and unless canned food is bulging at the ends, or I see frost burn from freezer goods? I tend to think some hot spice, and high heat will take care of most of the potential problems. Then again, if the expiration date is last week, and there’s no visible or aromatic clues as to damage and spoilage? Sure, I can test it. Stale bread, for instance, is great as a backup for bread pudding, homemade croutons, and other items, just as an example, I tend to use it for bait or birds, myself. Consider that the “best by” date? That’s optimal, but not a final say. I think of it as a guideline, rather than a rule, although, in some cases, yeah, it is a rule. That milk curdled almost immediately. Best way for Scorpio to know? Taste test. Crack the jar, open the package, give it a whiff, maybe a taste, if it looks OK, smells like it isn’t bad, yet.


Ever make a guess, a color selection, based on the paint chips from the store? The samples, the colors with evocative names like “Summer breezes,” and “Autumn Orchard at Dusk,” sure great names, but not really very reflective of the color itself. I’m not sure, sometimes, I think there’s a whole department dedicated to just coming up with the names, and the color that includes “linen” in its title? Never the same, not across any of the brands I’ve seen. Soft Linen, washed linen, fresh washed linen, all variations on the names’ themes. Drives me crazy. “So you want more of a mauve” paint counter guy asked, “or a taupe?” I have no idea what either one of those are. Know what a miniature Zara Spook Minnow’s belly looks like? That’s the color I was thinking. I had to have smart-ass answer as I was just sure the paint guy was messing with me. Weird names, indeed. Instead of being confounded by color names on swatches and samples? There are two, simple Sagittarius choices: 1. Don’t paint it right now, or 2. Get real paint and look at the actual color in place before buying gallons.


Ever date a pack-rat personality? Heavens forbid I would suggest that any Capricorn would exhibit these sensibilities or characteristics, but being an adjacent to one helps us all see what it is really like. While a good Capricorn is known to be parsimonious, that works in two ways, and that also helps prevent excessive hoarding. If the cost of storage outweighs the perceived savings then it isn’t worth storing, and the good Capricorn is saved. Which is why I asked about dating a pack-rat personality. Really helps if there is a long-term, or short-term romantic entanglement with just such a person, as that greatly clarifies the situations just up ahead. I dated this one, and how I recall, pulling a loaf of bread out, only to realize the “Best by” date was long past. Mold was clearly evident. While I wouldn’t hesitate to use that as fish bait, or chum, in some situations? Yeah, I’m not going to just eat around the mold. The question for Capricorn? When does storage cost more than perceived utility


As we gently plow through this mess of a time? I want you to look at what tools you use. I mean, I want you to look at what tools you use to get from “here” to “there,” and those might be loose definitions of the Aquarius tasks at hand. I tend towards process, as that serves me more effectively than any other approach, but in this instance? I am not Aquarius, but I have a few clues to help. Tools used to reach a specific destination? Tools used to get from where you’re at to where you want to be? Tools, transportation, something, whatever it is that you use to get the job done? As an example, I’ve used a variety of “Get It done” software and analog tools. From the dark old days of paper-driven “Day-Timer” calendar systems, through various software versions, and then, a hybrid version that was both printed and hand-drawn, and finally, back to just a digital calendar as that works for me. But I’m not Aquarius. I was looking, I was thinking, that the hybrid version, some done digitally, and some done analog, like pen and paper? That might work best, but the question is, what are the tools you use?


Buddy’s got a place at the lake, here. I was standing, in one spot, pole in hand, casting out into the lake’s murky summer waters, and waiting. I was down at the lake’s front, just along the rugged shoreline, about three mornings in a row, and I had found a spot. Figured there were fish there, but the weather, the first day, no one was going to buy a bite, much less enticing one. Second day, I was there for an hour or so, and I know the fish were there, but again, no luck. However, as clouds rolled overhead, not really rain clouds but some respite from summer’s lease-hold on heat? Previously, I’ve walked that lake front shoreline, and I know where the fish might be holding, hanging out, as it were. I picked a spot and I fished idly for a day, second day, a little more earnestly, and finally, on that third day? I carried three types of baits, plus a lure, and something with a little weight to it so I could scrape the bottom, if need be. I was successful, more than once, and the pictures are on the web someplace. It wasn’t perseverance so much as waiting until all the conditions were right. Plus? I showed up. I tried each day, and eventually, third day? Success. What’s the Pisces take-away from this?


We were traveling, not a big trip, but I did this long enough, I’m used to it. There are certain travel routines that I follow, just sort of ingrained in my day to-ay actions. I don’t sleep with a phone bedside when I’m home, but traveling? Sure, old habit. I’m also in the habit of not leaving my phone on charger if the battery appears full. So I left the phone off the charger, and the next morning the battery was all but dead. Plug it in, and wonder. I wonder why it suddenly drained itself overnight. I wondered why it failed to keep a charge overnight. I wondered what process was running through my phone’s brain that kept it awake at night. While I wasn’t on a time-crunch, the notion that the phone sometimes just runs through the entire battery overnight? I figure I should investigate. Need to research that, and why it only happens on occasion, or usually, only when it might a problem. I plugged the phone into the wall, hopped in the shower, and did my thing. It was pretty much charged up before it was time to go. Then I forgot about the dead battery issue. Look up what happens? Always remember to charge the phone at night, or — like me — Aries — forget about the problem until it happens again?


One of my prized possessions, a singular attachment, is a briefcase. It was built even before this career, back in the mid 1980s? The records are spotty, at best. It’s a great briefcase, made by a hereditary Arkansas saddle manufacturing dynasty, relocated to Montana. Heavy saddle cowhide, and recently, the straps have been replaced, but the original brass bridal fittings are intact. It’s a simple design, and I’ve used, over the years, off and on. Currently, it is cumbersome and unwieldy for work, just a tad too large for my present purposes. With the planets as they are? For nominally gentle Taurus? Follow my lead, I stick that briefcase back in the closet. It doesn’t fix anything, but I quit feeling guilty that I’m not using it, and I’m not worried about getting rid of it, and it’s in a relatively safe place. If I can’t deal with it at the moment — if nominally gentle Taurus can’t deal with it at the moment? Set it aside. I think I’ve got leather conditioning salve here, someplace, saddle soap, maybe? Hit it with that, for now.


One item I see for sale, and that I toy with, for myself? The ID Badge/Mag Card on either a chain, or usually, a lanyard, around someone’s neck. Some of the badges have decorative pins, or decals, stickers, and other adornment. I have a leftover press pass, issued by the State of Arizona, but it is sadly way out of date, more than 30 years, now. Honestly, I only used it in association with previewing movies. In the intervening years, I’ve never had a position that required such a badge; although, I do have large number of clients who have them; some even show up for readings with the badge still hanging around his or her neck. Some of the badge-holder lanyards are expensive, decked out with gold chains and bling. Others are simple enough, not much more than a webbing and a clip. I had one, for a little while, I kept thinking I was going to use it, but I found that there is no situation wherein I work, play, or travel where such an accouterment is an asset. I don’t swipe a badge to enter a building, I don’t (regularly) have to show a guard my ID, and I don’t want to advertise who I am, other than in certain professional settings. Even there? I tend to just use a pop-up sign, no other ID required. I have a laundry basket full of dead tech, and largely unused travel goodies. I rolled up my most recent lanyard — a nice gift — and placed it in that basket. Gemini: It’s a great idea, you haven’t used in the last years, and there’s not really a situation where you can use it in the future. Stop wasting time.


I got all kinds of excited when I found a place that had phone cases, with an optional “add your own picture,” for a price less than the cost of the usual phone case. Price, with tax, title, license, dealer freight, and prep? Under $4. I ordered two them had images I wanted on the back of the phone, and thought it would be fun. It was fun, and it was a late night expense. The custom-printed cases arrived a few weeks later. One picture was printed too dark to be effective, and the other case? It fit, but not quite as snug as I would like. It was an experiment in retail, and I tried, and it worked, as an experiment. Sometimes we’re right, sometimes, we’re wrong, and we never know until we try. My experiment was a few dollars, less than $10, and I used the one case for a while. Wasn’t terribly expensive. Worked, just wasn’t the usual fit and finish I’m accustomed to. Protection, sure, and the image was printed, but that’s about as far as it got. Would I recommend it? Probably not. Do it again? Probably not. Glad I did the first time? Yes, so I can say, “Now I know.” Cancer, lovely Moon Children? Try it — so you, too, can say, “Now I know.”?

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • Taken: 29 November, 2022
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 3mm
  • ISO: 80
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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