Labor Day Weekend Sale

Labor Day Weekend Sale

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Labor Day Weekend Sale

Came up when I was wandering the aisles of the rock shop in Austin, although, I’m sure similar products would be available in San Antonio.

There was a display that held “magic wands,” and typical, some distant allusion the Harry Potter, et al.

The magic wand story, dates pretty far back. Couple of elements, first, I was newly minted in my career, and I was using whatever tools were available to me as purported enhancements. I travelled with a group up of Austin-based psychics, we were flying back from working at an event in the Midlands-Odessa area. Southwest air was cheap, and a number of us booked the same flight, so there was our rag-tag band of heathens at the airport, think I was token straight white guy. To some? I was DEI hire.

It was the old airport, in the area, not the new terminal, more on that at some other time. The carry-on gear I had a nylon shoulder bag with some crap, like a portable cassette recorder, tablecloth, flyers, business cards, tarot cards, crystals, and, at the time, a magic wand as a metaphysical tool used to move ‘energy’ around.

The wand was part of a collection sold by a Scorpio, and consisted of a length of copper tubing, filled with crushed up metaphysical minerals, them crowned with a big chunk of crystal at one end, or some of the wands had crystals at both ends. The copper was then wrapped in leather.

Going through the metal detector and X-ray at the airport security? This kind of accessory gave the security fits. Funny, too, flying out of Austin, it wasn’t problem, but the West Texas guard, possibly bored, possibly alert? Took some fancy explaining and said Scorpio revealed a little cleavage, maybe? I don’t recall.

Jump forward twenty, near thirty years? I had one of the magic wands left over, a tiny one, not much bigger than a pencil stub. Wrapped in green leather, the thin tube was topped with green crystals at each end, and I was told, at the time, it was Moldavite.

I recycled it to friend, knowledgeable about crystals and such, he told me it was green tourmaline, not Moldavite.

Seeing wands for sale in the store made me think about that problem with “magic wands,” and airport security, and how I don’t travel with anything like that, at all.

Mercury Misspelling


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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