Special Note

Special Note

For some reason, perhaps an affection I have for certain tactical gear, ‘the algorithm giveth and the algorithm taketh away’, but anyway? I happened across a series of images about various displays — badges — for different military units with the nominally Christian cross part, or all, of the iconography. One looked familiar, my neighbor had it on his active-duty uniform in Desert Storm, I think. “Deus Vult.”

“Kosovo. It’s the cross of the Knights Templar, a Crusader’s Cross,” he said, “they hated to see that.”

I might have my stories confused. But the Jerusalem Cross of the Knights Templar was familiar, as well, think it was a patch, too. I haven’t seen him uniform, lately.

Same guy was worried when he first saw my lightly-thumbed copy of the Penguin paperback edition of the Koran, with its facsimile pages. The Arabic script is very pretty, finely wrought, and to me, totally incomprehensible. The “King James” era language of the translation itself is slightly suspect, but I doubt I’m going to learn any new languages, not at this juncture in life. As such, I just read the translation.

I don’t read it very often, but as the holy text of population that is ever-growing, and increasingly, so I’ve been assured, at war with us? It helps to know what the holy text says. Might be an archaic translation, but there is some sense of what is going on in the stories.

It’s no different from my Neo-Pagan self reading the King James Bible, either. Always like throwing those quotes back at the so-called Christians and their very un-Christ-like behavior.

I’ve got one of those copies from the free, online libraries, as source. Not that I reference it often, just that I could. I do tend to look stuff in my King James when I get a chance, more as intellectual puzzles than the righteous word of the lord. I’ve seen His people, yeah, not too worried about that.

Special Note

I think the attribution goes to Sun-Tzu and the Art of War, again, more myth than reality there, but the idea is to know as much as possible about the enemy, and one way to do that?

Read the holy texts.

Read the holy texts without mocking or derision.

Special Note

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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