“Was” is not “is.” Besides, the oath of a lover is no stronger than the word of a tapster; they are both the confirmer of false reckonings.

Celia in Shakespeare’s As You Like It (III.iv.18)

Horoscopes for 9-17-2024

  • Eclipse 9/18 26° Vir./Pis.
  • Sun enters Libra 9/23
  • Eclipse 10/2 9° Libra


Virgo Last week, I invoked a simple reminder, “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” I realize, throwing that out to a good Virgo can create a large challenge. Not my intention. The trick is to not go down that rough road. Once you start into a downward spiral of “He warned me about this, now it’s terrible, and only getting worse…” Once you start down that pathway, there is no easy way back. Good? Bad? Up to you. The eclipse is a finishing point to a previous issue, and what I continuously exhort during a time like this? “Don’t get married.” What that means, as I am speaking in a metaphorical sense, what it means? Don’t make permanent commitments to temporary ideas. It’s not a bad time, just, everyone else seems so unsettled. Is that really your very Virgo problem?


Review. I cribbed this from TV, but I suspect it was reasonably accurate, after every adventure in one show, there was “an after action report.” I got, with aging family members, to calling our round table discussions, like after sister would visit mom, or something, I would call for an “after action report.” Sister would do the same for me.

“Just thought I’d call to let you know,” and then a long list of problems, associative disorders, political commentary, remarks about hygiene, and personal family vendetta notes. To me? The “after action report” just seemed most amusing, as a title, and as a way to review. Pertinent points, salient observations, and then, you know, family crap. This may, or may not, be about family. This may, or may not, be with family. But there is a point when a thorough review, download, and correlations of observations helps. To me? Looks like that TV show when they always did an “after action report.” Review, Libra, before you proceed further, review first.


So far, it’s only happened once that I know of. So far. That I know of. It was a chain of visually inspiring, but ultimately tasteless, offensive, and crass, crude jokes I circulate with my fishing buddies, and a few other sordid friends. One slipped through and went to one of my “high holy” friends. Upset the poor feller, immensely. “The pain, the anguish, the personal suffering,” and it was only a joke. Albeit a bad joke. But just my usual brand of off-color humor. Wasn’t meant to offend, and in certain section of my friends, that joke would elicit gales of laughter. It’s about knowing one’s audience, and then, being very careful not to send the right meme to the wrong people. This is a simple example of a simple mistake that is nothing more than a simple slip of the finger when sending out a joke. For Scorpio? Weigh what you say or send, and make sure that you have the right address in the “To:” slot on your phone, tablet, computer, or the envelope’s label.


I found myself advising a client, a much younger client, in how to approach a certain situation. My advice was simple, “First, you have to know the rules, then you can break the rules, but first? Know the parameters with which you are working, i.e., know the rules.” For thirty years, or more, my “writing” is shot through with grammatical inconsistencies, flagrant mistakes, and logical holes. It’s the way I work, and I tend to use slang, verbal shorthand, and other misuses of the language in order to arrive at my destinations. However, in the background, over the years, especially since the turn of the millennia, grammar, construction, proper word use is a secret vice of mine, a project, on the side, something that I continue to study. I’m constantly learning new rules. Wouldn’t that high school English teacher be proud? As I noted the location of certain planets, and the lunation, what I kept thinking, “Know the rules before you break the rules.” It’s really simple. And sometimes? Following the rules is a better idea.


The eclipse itself doesn’t really generate much Capricorn interest, but what happens shortly thereafter? That does create situations. The real question, and I beg of you to consider this, but does your Capricorn self really need to sail into that battle and stir it up? I think you know the answer, and sometimes, the loudest voice is the quietest voice. Just a murmur. Almost sotto voce, as a way to carry that Capricorn command forward. Softly, not loudly. You’ll say something softly, I’ll lean forward, “What did you say?” There are two advantages, one, you get to repeat the message, and two, I’ll be within striking range, should violence be an option. It shouldn’t really be required, but it’s nice to know, that quiet response, that drags them closer, which, in turn, makes them easier to hit. More than one way to punctuate that quiet message, isn’t it?


Get prepared to sit by the wayside, and watch the world go by. As an Aquarius afficinado myself? I understand the need to get involved in the up and coming scenario that is about to unfold in the coming days, right around you. In front of you. Off to one side, maybe? Here is my heartfelt suggestion for dear Aquarius: be prepared to sit to one side and watch. Be prepared to observe, and claim the calm, disengaged position that so often gets attributed to your sign. But step to one side. Or just turn your head a little, just don’t get personally involved, at least, not in an outward way. So much better for you. Observers, perhaps Aquarius aloof outsiders? In any capacity, other than just looking on, though? The trick to be “Not personally involved.” Secretly? We can have a stake in who wins, but on the outside? “I’m Aquarius so I’m just watching. No judgement.” No outward signs of judgement, anyway.


“Nobody expects the unexpected.” Bit trite, if I say so myself, but also true, and for the Pisces slice of the heavens? There are unexpected actions, consequences, choices, and new directions. Surprise us all by doing something different: stay placidly congenial. Staid. Conservative. Humble and kind, but most of all? Different. What I was aiming for? What I was hoping to get across? In these uncertain times, and with the uncertain pressure from an eclipse? “Different,” can take on more than one definition. Show up on time. Show up early. Show up early and be prepared. Show up early, having finished all the assigned work, and be prepared. Show up early, with all the work finished, Pisces prerpared, and bring an extra cup of coffee for me. Hint: I like mine black.


Lots to do in Aries land and not lots time to do it. I would suggest the time from after the eclipse but before the Sun enters Libra as the window you’ve got. So of the hundreds of minuscule tasks you want accomplished? Pick three or five that seem like they are most mission critical to good Aries. Then tackle that in the allotted time, which, as I’ve noted isn’t more than a day or two. It’s probably not all going to happen, and expecting to get this done is an unrealistic expectation. You know that. A normal person might give up but being Aries and all? Try that super-human way to get it all done, and of it doesn’t get done? Consider yourself lucky to have accomplished as much as you did. Can’t get it all finished in that time, but it helps to have a jump on everyone else — true Aries style.


To help with the current conditions in Taurus? Think about a table, a simple library table comes to my mind, with four legs. Four supporting pillars, basically. Got an image? Four supporting pillars of Taurus belief systems in place, and one of those might be shaky. More than one might be unstable. Perhaps three of the four aren’t really dependable. There’s always the one, and let’s concentrate on that one. Stick with what works, and realize that some of the supporting Taurus frameworks might not hold up to close scrutiny or a heavy load. You know that, now. There is some support you were counting on, and figuring out that that some of that support might not be there? Now the tabletop is wobbly. I just wouldn’t set a cup filled to the brim with a beverage. For me, I would use a saucer, a placemat, and not fill the mug all the way, so account for that slop and slippage. This isn’t permanent, but there is a bit of instability loose in the Land of Taurus. So? Count on not counting on it.


While I endeavor to move in concert with the planets themselves? There are seasonal shifts, like tides and times, that are easier to follow, and this is one. We’re at the very tail-end of Virgo, and for Gemini? That means we’ve got one, leftover, procrastinated project that requires attention. Something undone must be redone. The problem with the way I work? I tease out the imagery in my head then try to sketch that out in words. Sometimes I make it. Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes the stated destination and the place where I wind up are different, and I’ve learned to not let that bother me. But then, there are times like now, a few sentences in, I found the phrase, “Something undone must be redone,” and that captures the essence of Gemini’s harsh reality. Moving in concert with the planets means there’s a bit that been put off until a later date, and this week offers that window for the “later” part. Something undone must be redone. Good luck with that. I suggest a target of five days or less, beat the Sun moving into Libra.


“Winnowing and withering.” The seasonal change, not so much that I would notice it here, but the alleged seasonal differential between the week before and this week? It suggests there’s a process of “winnowing and withering.” Might not really be that bad, just seems to be. The term “winnowing” refers to separating the good stuff from the bad stuff, used to be applied to just wheat, to get to the parts that are ground up for flour. I used to think about it in terms of fishing, and looking at what we caught and what we would actually keep. Same process. The withering part is integral in this week’s notations, too, as there’s some material that needs to be cut off, cut out, or cut away, and that’s the withered stuff. Part of the process, and as you are well aware, I am process oriented. That idea, “process oriented,” and the twin interactions of withering and winnowing should help with what Cancer Moon Children need to carry into the next sign as the Sun gets set to shift into Libra.

The Leo

Horary Tarot. Didn’t make the cut, but I played with it, as it did sound good, if only for about a minute. I was shooting for a term that would capture my styles and reflect back quick answers. My failure is a gain for The Leo, because it is an indication of something that didn’t work, and I can save you from making the same kind of mistake — sound it out, first. Check with one or two close friends who are genuine friends, not typical “yes” friends, and see if it works. See if it sounds right. “That sounds good, but something doesn’t fit quite right.” Perfect indication of an ideal notion for The Leo that, while this is a good idea? Might not be ready for publication. Ask the friends who don’t agree just because you’re The Leo.

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • Taken: 29 November, 2022
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 3mm
  • ISO: 64
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s
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