Horoscopes for 10-8-2024

“The deep of night is crept upon our talk,
And nature must obey necessity,
Which we will niggard with a little rest.”

Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (4.iii.226-8

Horoscopes 10-8-2024

Mercury square Pluto 10/13 @ 9:02 AM
Mercury —> Scorpio 10/13 @ 2:24 PM


Libra There was a notation from a family friend, about eye-rolling as a form of exercise. There’s a little Libra in the family, then, who should be getting the best workout ever. If it’s not something at school, then it’s something at home. If it’s not someone in the family, then it is someone at work. If it’s not work, then it’s some with whom we enjoy recreation. See where this is going? Each and every instance has the potential to cause an eye roll. If you can keep it at that? You might be quite good, and should make it through the happy birthday Libra week. Way I was raised? I think an eye-roll could’ve been considered a form of talking back, and that would elicit a smack; therefore, eye-roll caused pain. Times have changed, and the silent look of “Oh my gosh, did he really say that?” Or? “Ooh my gosh, did he really mean that? Surely not!” In this two examples, the reason for the eye-roll is plainly obvious, and while it deserves a snarky Libra comment? Maybe a silent gesture is better. Happy birthday.


I try explaining the difference between what you want and what you need. The self-help genre and related fields confused this with certain emotional desires as being “needs,” when, in fact, it’s beneficial, but not required. With that in mind? What we’re looking at for gentle Scorpio?

It’s a simple, very Scorpio-like question, “I know I want this but do I need another one of these?” Regrettably, and I’m not Scorpio, but as an outside observer? I’m all for getting one, or three more, or whatever it is. Can never have too much. Might not be such a thing as too many. But I’m not Scorpio. Not enough Scorpio in my chart to safely weigh as “for” the “more” category. Best possible decision for Scorpio? I’ll suggest, “Less is more,” which, in turn, bounces off the original question, “Do you need one or more of these?” Probably not. Not now. Bad timing, or bad timing for a good decision. Bad decision.


Often bantered about? “The truth shall set you free.” Sounds like a good Sagittarius motto, as well, as we do typically tend to be a bit too truthful when a modicum of discretionary misdirection might be more valuable. I used to brag about the bigness of my mouth, as I could easily fit two size ten boots in my mouth — at the same time. It’s not just a typical Sagittarius “hoof in mouth” situation, it’s that times two. Big deal, to some. But the original supposition, “The truth shall set you free?” That doesn’t always hold up as well as we would like it to. There’s a problem, and being too truthful, or the best possible commentary at the worst possible time? Again, another Sagittarius strong point, that doesn’t play so well. I’m a big fan of just telling the truth, but then, what goes wrong? How we expect others to accept what we see as truth, and then, what those others interpret from our statements. Stick to the truth, or our variation of it, but then, expecting someone else, some other sign to get on board with our statements? Might not happen as quickly.


Over the years, I’ve heard, and read, so much doom and gloom, that I started to believe it myself. I wonder if I willed a situation into existence just because I believed that this was a no-win, bad-luck setting, and there was nothing good that would come of it? Me? My interpretation? What good Capricorn would let a sense of “No good will come of this” slip past? Never miss a chance to catastraphyze and turn positive into negative, am I right? Or what? I’ve run into this from a number of different angles, and the meanings vary, but the idea is that there is a fundamental internal Capricorn shift that can take place, and just making the smallest of adjustments? “Look! This isn’t so bad, after all!”


I make an effort to stay free of “traditional” astrological notations. Some of the older terms are frankly sexist, and that no longer works. Some of the terms are pejorative, and again, I don’t like that, turning pressure for change into a perceived personal attack. I can’t change the legions and lore of material that precedes me. What I can do, what Aquarius can do? Stop the bleeding. Stop using the outdated material. Cease with the sexist material, the prejudicial crap, and the pejorative terminology. Fight the good fight. Crap, there it is again, “Fight the good fight.” Is any fight, good? Current situation notwithstanding.


There’s a false sense of security that pervades current Pisces placements. There’s a genuine, but possibly misguided sense that “Everything will be OK!” To guard against this insincere but authentic feeling? Realize that there’s a quiet voice in the back of the Pisces mind, suggesting that we double-check the information, or consider that there might be a different interpretation of the data points available. Look, listen, and then? Question. Not the deep, probing questions, but just a few around the edges, something that can indicate where there might be a problem with the assumptions. The false sense of security in Pisces placements? It might be real or might not be, and you won’t know unless you poke at it a little.


I told a brief joke. It was about spiritual principles, and it illustrated me being small-minded, the butt of the joke itself. Didn’t bother me, as this was for illustration purposes, and gives me an opening to exploit and show a path forward for individual growth. Did it work? Joke failed miserably. Point wasn’t made. The whole message fell apart, at least, I didn’t get a laugh, I didn’t get that spark of recognition, and I strongly suspected that I missed it altogether. Some days, you’re the bug, and some days, you’re the truck’s windshield. Know the feeling? That didn’t stop it from being a wonderful and illustrative piece of humor, just means I need to work on the delivery, and the way I package the message. Like, Aries? Just because it doesn’t seem to work? That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work, or that it didn’t hit the intended audience the way you wanted it to.


There is nothing that can’t be solved by overthinking it. Looking at the world in general, and the Taurus slice of the heavens in particular? Nothing can’t be solved by overthinking. The inverse? “Everything can be solved by overthinking.” So I’m sticking with that, and overthinking an issue — for some signs — is a trap wherein there is no escape. Think too much, and then it’s a downward spiral into an abyss of self-doubt, and self-loathing, and that does none of us any good. But that’s not what this week is about, it’s about over-cooking that Taurus brain with a pattern that is about solving a problem. Wrestle with it long enough, work on the issue for enough time, and look at material — always loved the term, “research” which was little more than search engine looking, and not too discretionary at that. But overthinking this one. There might actually be an answer in the brainwaves generated by — you guessed it — overthinking.


It’s the (copious) Gemini emotional investment that messes this up. Doesn’t have to make a mess of things, but getting an emotional investment in a certain outcome, getting your delicate Gemini heart set on only one way this works? That’s a recipe for heartbreak. I’m not pushing for or against any one way, and I understand gentle Gemini thinks that this one way will work best. I’m not opposed to that, I’m just suggesting, is there a deep heart-string kind of resonant investment in a particular route, a specified outcome, a certain reaction? That’s the problem. I look at the outcome, and then, I let whatever route, whatever steps, whatever passages are required to get to that outcome? I leave that up to the Fates and Furies to decide what’s best. It’s the emotional investment that might be a Gemini problem.


Shopping, online, is tenuous at best. Buy anything online, and learn that what the description described, what the pictures showed, while they might be related to what you receive, often as not? That relation is tangential at best. There are various horror stories about ordering online and winding up with something totally different. Since I’ve been selling digital goods from the very dawn of this career? That means it’s been a bit different for me, as I can look at a description, read the fineprint, and I have a better chance of understanding what I will, or won’t be getting. I was shopping online, made me think of the Cancer, Moon Children, I was shopping and instead of buying? I realized I had perfectly serviceable answer to the problem and my questions, in my own garage. Didn’t have to look any further; didn’t need to buy anything. Of note, this week? I wouldn’t have found that if I hadn’t been shopping online, reading, and avoiding buying.

The Leo

I never quite understood why Starbucks had such an awful reputation. It’s corporate, and like many corporate institutions? It gets sidetracked and investor relations are more important — the bottom line — is more critical than the product, or the people. Which people? Customers or employees? Kind of depends. At one time, in my lifetime journey with this stuff, the Starbucks Italian Roast was a favorite. Dark, much darker than French Roast, and suitable for my brewing methods, tasty, even. The other afternoon, I picked up a bag of the same stuff, and noticed, after I opened the bag, it smelled a little like feet. Not to my liking, but then, the price was right at the time, so I’ll take it. Tasted just fine, it was just that first aromatic hit when I unsealed the beans. I was expecting something else, from memory, and distant memories at that. Beans brewed stout coffee, like I liked it, and that’s all that mattered. One bad bag won’t break a company. One bad experience won’t break The Leo.


There is a perpetual need to correct, adjust, and otherwise illuminate where there is a problem. Offer knowing advice? Sure, there is that version. Make suggestions on how to make a bad situation better? Again, this is not new. The one that always gets me is the “quoting Shakespeare” thing, and that one has left me endlessly fascinated. With the advent of the smart device, I carry a complete works of Shakespeare around in my pocket. But Shakespeare, along with Buddha, have been attributed to saying many things that are not in the canons. With that noted? When it comes around to corrections, proper attributions, and what’s going within the Virgo sphere of influence? Something Napoleon said comes to mind.

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” (Napoleon Bonaparte).

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • Taken: 29 November, 2022
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 3mm
  • ISO: 64
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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