Virtual Readings
Overheard, as a buddy was suggesting a psychic, past-life reader to another friend. “It’s like Kramer,” nodding to me, “ask him, he likes the phone rather than in-person.”
Virtual Readings
I love my friends, but some of my fishing buddies are not reliable sources of information.
What I prefer? I don’t have a preference. In person, I’m available, as noted before, see the Four-Fold path. Times and locations are pretty clearly marked, and there’s a stubbornly familiar pace to the locations and times.
On the phone? That’s the other option. Simple, easy, voice only. I put on earbuds, spool up charts in front of me, and away we go. I will, depending on how long the reading goes, refresh coffee as we go along, but that’s the only interruption, and one that I suspect, the customer would welcome.
Besides, with earbuds, no one loses continuity.
What happens on the phone is there’s a swirling set of images, and that’s what I answer to. I tend to start with astrology, as that’s what I’m most versed with, as a set symbols.
From there?
Depends on where you want to go.