Quick Thoughts

Quick Thoughts

Maybe just a reminder, but I was reading an older novel, set in an epistolary format, like, as a series of letters, and each was a recommendation from an English Professor who was also a tenured creative writing “teacher,” so the story itself is wrapped up in the recommendations, and the word play therein.

Heady stuff, looks to be a fun one, I’ll follow up with more. Part of a series? Thurber Award winner?

But first, what I realized more than anything, the teachers, the professors, the ones I met in academic pursuits? All they wanted was a perfect paper. Less about cohesion, and more about just making sure it was coherent, well-typed, and the way it should be.

One story, I was recycling a story that had already been picked up for small press publication, but I submitted the story in a writing class, teacher, professor, loved it. No comments, let it stand on its own. A complete piece. Correct length, and most important? All worked the way it was supposed to.

Even more important, that was a corrected proof manuscript I turned in. Just good enough.

I miss having a decent copy editor.

(Best one was Virgo).

Quick Thoughts

Mercury RX

I got to guest for one night as part of the local ‘intro to astrology’ workshop. As I’ve often lamented, the material lends itself better to this format.

As a notion, though, with the effects of Mercury in Retrograde still present? As a learning style? How this works: in the coming weeks, months, year ahead? There’s that flash, “Oh yeah, let me look that up, Mars in Leo …”

It was an “A-ha” moment, a tiny epiphany as I realized how it works when onboarding new material during this last Mercury Retrograde.

portable mercury retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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