Pluto in Aquarius: Part Dos
The first iteration? Pluto in Aquarius. Of note, that’s why I prefer a blog-style entry, because that’s all it deserves. Sums up a tidy amount of useful information in small, digestible form. The notations and data stick.
Pluto entered Aquarius mid-November ’24 and stays there until early ’43 — almost 20 years. Consider that Pluto was in Virgo roughly 1960 to 1970, and in Sagittarius approximately 1994 to 2008?
Pluto’s elliptical orbit, occasionally straying into the orbit of Neptune itself? Remember to check on your elder Millennial this season. The oddity accounts for the unequal distribution of Pluto’s orbit within each sign.
Of note, though?
As my Sagittarius self, I got fried by Pluto, and I understand its efficacy, powers, and pain.
“Been there, done that.”
Makes it pretty simple, for me.
Pluto in Aquarius: Part Dos
Pluto is change. Fundamental, inexorable change. While one can fight with the change, it will happen, and this can be gentle or not. By my third or fourth encounter with a Pluto transit, I learned, albeit the hard way, to surrender to the new directions. Surrender to the possible changes.
Aquarius is an Air Sign, associated with both Saturn and Uranus, but the more modern Uranian association tends to fit best, in my mind. It works? Aquarius is also a fixed sign, occasionally stubborn about the weirdest things. Don’t argue.
“I’m not stubborn.” OK.
“Really, not stubborn at all!” OK.
“Seriously, not stubborn like that!” OK.
“I mean it! Not stubborn at all!” OK.
Fixed but Fixed Air. Wonderfully inventive, but a tad odd. In my world? (Looks around, gestures vaguely) who’s going to notice?
As noted before, the fixed elements in a chart are what fall under the sway of this Plutonian influence. Influences.
From decades back I had my “Brick Wall” version, as in, “when we encounter brick walls in life, what do the individual signs do?”
My version? A Taurus reclines and waits. The Leo sits in front of the brick wall, and points out there is an obstacle, and someone should come and fix this right away. The Scorpio digs a tunnel underneath that brick wall, and doesn’t say anything until on the other side.
Brick wall: Don’t forget that Aquarius is a fixed sign. No news here. So when an Aquarius encounters a brick wall, they whip out a can of spray paint and leave a graffiti message on it. Perhaps this message is a suggestion that might be anatomically impossible, or, at the very least, rather uncomfortable. Still, the message will be properly punctuated and spelled correctly. Do anything about it? That’s not the Aquarius’s job, they are busy dealing with other problems by the time you read the writing on the wall. (source)
The set-up is obstacles, challenges, and changes in directions.
Every fixed element will encounter an insurmountable “brick wall” under this Pluto transit. What it means? How one chooses to deal with that obstacle, or series of obstacles?
Pluto in Aquarius: Part Dos
Maybe I’m caving into the will of Pluto myself, but I found, when I went looking, that I’d already addressed these very energies, in book form.
What my book says?
Transit PLUTO conjoined natal Sun (Aquarius)
Pluto is power. Pluto intensifies the Sun’s drive, will, and determination. Pluto is also all about change. This is a fairly significant cycle of change, sometimes starting with a gradual notion that a few items in one’s life must be made different, but then, these changes start to snowball and get larger. Wrestling with Pluto is not always fun, but it does blaze a trail for drastic revisions to the Sun’s demeanor and direction. It’s all about change. One hint is to not struggle with direction and powers that seem beyond the ken of the Sun’s abilities. Pluto’s conjunction, and this one takes up to a couple of years to be completed, indicates sweeping changes within a soul’s inner workings, and a complete revision of what one thinks of one’s self. The cautions, as Pluto is powerful, is over-reaching and over-extended that grasp. There’s a fundamental rebuilding of one’s own psyche that occurs, from the inside out. Other cautions include shrewish or overtly manipulative behaviors as these resonate with lower version of the soul’s higher self. (Page 208)
Transit PLUTO square natal Sun (Scorpio & Taurus)
Plutonic forces can unleash a sense of ruthlessness, a need to achieve certain goals at any expense. Change is inevitable, but the goal is to steer clear of the explosive, volcanic eruption kind of drive. Rivals and enemies seem to abound. The challenge is the coloration of the perceptions. Not all conspiracies are truly a conspiracy. Some theories don’t hold over the test of time. Change is inevitable, but the planets are merely showing a focal point for some energy. Pluto is merely bringing long-held beliefs to the surface. This transit is sometimes characterized by a tragic power struggle, when the planet’s forces aren’t harnessed effectively. (Page 221)
Transit PLUTO opposed natal Sun (The Leo)
While this kind of energy is good for rebuilding a relationship that’s been strained past its breaking point? There is an urge to manipulate, coerce, or otherwise exert the natal Sun’s will on others. This is aided by increased physical stamina, but there’s a point where forcing someone else isn’t always the best course of action. The other side of the energy, is finding a person attempting changes, “For your own good,” when that is unwelcome. It is a brilliant time to eliminate people, or possessions, that no longer serve the highest good. (Page 227)
• Kramer Wetzel’s little book of transits
• Kramer Wetzel’s little book of transits