Horoscopes for 1-14-2025

Horoscopes for 1-14-2025

Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction! What says th’ almanac to that?”

Horoscopes for 1-14-2025

  • Mars RX 5:33 PM 6°10’ Leo 12/6/24
  • Venus into Pisces 1/4/25
  • Mars RX into Cancer 1/7
  • Full Moon 23°59’ Can./Cap. 1/13
  • Venus conjunct Saturn 16°5’ Pisces 1/18
  • Sun into Aqu. 1/20/25


Capricorn Review and revise. It’s pretty simple. I know, birthdays and all, but there’s a heavenly hint, it has to do with being willing to look over previous accomplishments, and mine these previous victories for both old and new material. I was thinking about a “Capricorn Greatest Hits” album. In my own style, I’ve played with this notion, but my thinking usually occurs in early December, so I get the notion of a Christmas Album instead of a greatest hits. I’m not musical, in any way, shape, or form, other than I like to listen. So it isn’t a musical album I’m thinking about, but as an example? That makes perfect sense. Only, Xmas is past. Before Capricorn plunges forward? Look back, pick out some of the greatest Capricorn shots from the last year. Last decade? Last quarter century? Whatever works. We’re looking back so we can look forward. Thing about a “great hits” album of your own.


In the next horoscope, see Pisces below, I included a link to a literary definition. Following that link leads to an older weblog entry about a term, and what was, at the time, a working title of one of my projects. What I discovered?

Sometimes it’s quicker to do a search and then build in a link rather than use a book to look up a definition, which then demands I retype the definition over again. Hotlinks are faster, easier. For the time being, and this looks a lot like a shortcut, a lazy person’s way out of doing the hard work, but if it works? If it gets the correct information in the right place? Who’s to worry? Mars is making comfortable in a compatible cardinal sign and as such? Whatever shortcut works for you Aquarius? If it works, it works. It’s that simple.


It’s always adorable to trot out the old line about Saturn and Venus. There are multiple interpretations available, but the literary verse with Prince Hal plays tickles me. I think it was a bit of dramatic irony, in that the general populace would understand the meaning. Saturn and Venus highlight the problems, the pitfalls, and the pratfalls ahead for this week’s Pisces. Venus makes nice, and Saturn demands relative obscurity. It’s the best of the best, and the worst of the worst, and to add an extra layer of confusing possibilities? Then dust with an extra layer of mist. This is like low-lying fog, cloud-cover at ground-level. A smart way to navigate in such conditions? Slow down. A smarter way to navigate? Don’t go anywhere, but not everyone has that luxury. Sitting in one Pisces place works better than trying to forge ahead into unknowable, and unseeable, terrains.

Kramer Wetzel’s little book of transits


The idea cropped back up, in an unrelated piece, but the question was about me writing a novel. I have, in fact, turned out several novel-length manuscripts. The problem with the novels? I’m not a novelist. For more than three decades, I worked, and continue to do so, within the self-imposed confines of the horoscopes themselves. They started at maybe 1,000 words a week, and eventually blossomed into what they are now, but even now? There’s no real set length for the weekly I pen. In a single year, for the last couple of dozen years, the horoscopes weigh in over 100K words per year. That’s a big fat novel-length body of work, but as your perspicacious Aries self will note, that’s broken down into 12 signs per week. Some weeks, months even, there’s a coherent thread and other times, there seems to be no connection between the signs, and what I write. My problem is “plot” and what happens, when, and why. I can’t seem to plot a novel so my efforts have been less than stellar. I can plot you Aries story, and the week, weeks ahead? Plan. Make a plan, develop a plot, get a coherent storyline going for yourself. Might not follow that outline, but you have a better sense of direction.

Unlike some of us.


As much as some people really like to talk about it? As much as some please have this burning desire to discuss every little choice? Every mundane decision has to be dissected, inspected, and detected? There’s an urge to spend more time talking about rather than doing it. In one example, the best example? Family member will spend more time complaining, prevaricating, ditching, discussing, and then avoiding the task at hand, the given chores, she’ll spend more time talking it to death rather than just doing it. Me? (Remember: not Taurus.) Me? I’d just do it then be done with the task. Hold my nose and perform the function, put it all behind me. The conundrum for Talkative Taurus, talk about it or do it? Choice is yours, but I’ve made my position clear, more action, less distraction.

Can’t we talk about this, first?


This applies to DECAF Coffee, only. The experiment? Switch from regular coffee, or high-octane coffee to a purported decaffeinated coffee. I’ve been known to mix, blend, and otherwise try to get some of each in a morning mix. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t. I was gifted some of the high-octane Jet Fuel blend coffee, and I would mix it about half and half with regular decaf. Not really an effort to cut back too much, but just mellow out the brew. Anyway, the real test? Switch to all decaf. I tried that for a while. I found that most of the artisanal, high-end, third-wave coffee, even though it was supposedly decaf? It tended to have a little bit of caffeine in it. Not like a Death-Wish brand of coffee, or some Starbucks roast, but still, even the decaf had trace amounts of caffeine. So the question, for gentle Gemini, about packaging and purity. The label says, “decaf.” Is it really totally free of caffeine? Or, here’s the other thought, just the flavor,the smell, the aromatic blend of oils, just as soon as I smell that coffee, decaf — or not — I start get palpitations.

Kramer Wetzel’s little book of transits


I have a flashlight that I keep bedside. Eventually, I replaced the standard light bulb with an eternal flame, LED bulb that burns at hundred or thousands of times brighter. Uses less energy. Might whiten teeth, too, I don’t recall the advertising. In a single word? It’s very, very bright. Works rather well, and I have a somewhat limited use for the portable illumination source. There is one situation where I do need that bright light. When I’m fiddling around at the backside of the rat’s nest of wires at the end of the computer, tucked away in dark space, I’ve found just setting that super-bright light on the floor, pointing in the general direction, it helps me see the various USB, Ethernet, USB-C, AC/DC, and whatever else little plugs and wires I got running back there. It’s a simple solution, a flashlight with a bright bulb, and I can set it on the floor, close to me, and it sheds a little extra light where my tired old eyes can’t always see clearly. It’s the simplest of solutions, a flashlight. Not fancy, not complicated, a simple way to see better in the dark. The gentle Moon Children, the constellation of the Crab, the Cancer slice of the heavens? This doesn’t have to be difficult solution, to make it easier to see your way along. Something as simple as an old flashlight helps.

The Leo

“I always wanted to write a book,” a familiar refrain. I’ve written several, published a few, and experimented with the format. I’ve also got at least two novel-length manuscripts that were excellent exercises, if not commercial successes.

The hot Leo trick?

Look over what is already there. Look at what you’ve already got. One — this is personal — favorite book of mine is nothing more than just old blog entries published in book format. Reused materials. Cleaned up, tightened up, but the essential backbone was already there. Before you moan and lament how hard it is, and you can’t get started, and you don’t think you have anything to add to the discussion? Look at what is already there, for the Majestic Leo .


So far, professionally, I’ve been the main event, the main stage, two, maybe three times. While I’ve enjoyed it? Not really my thing. I’ve also done video recordings, but the ones I did myself? That was more a learning experience for myself rather any kind of educational entertainment. When I used to teach, whether it was creative or astrology, tarot even, what I would endeavor to teach — what I practice to this day? Process instead of rote memorization. “Process” is about generalized steps in a direction, trends, possible permutations, and directional indicators rather than step-by-step detailed instructions. Fundamental processes are far more useful than individual steps. Virgo is faced with a large unknown quantity ahead. Individually, the way to attack, surmount, fix, and move forward varies, but the process? Looks really similar to me, across all Virgo systems.

Kramer Wetzel’s little book of transits


My accountant doesn’t get me material for my taxes until the end of January. But starting in the first few weeks of January, I try to assemble the right paperwork to have my own books in order. I tend to employ a few a different credit card processors, sort of depends, and while there’s one I prefer, there’s still a lag time on the banking companies producing my income statements. In theory, I can assemble the material myself, gross income from each provider, fees, processing, and charge-backs, then net amounts. Would be simple enough. It is and it isn’t. I do a “trial run” at a quick spreadsheet for each of the accounts, and then I let that sit, wait until both the accountant — and the banking institutions — send me the proper paperwork. I think of this a good rough draft, but not the finished, polished product itself. I get close numbers, but my first pass? I’m probably going to make a mistake, and I have to wait until the companies issue their actual year-end statements before I can proceed. Libra: wait for it. We can estimate, cajole, canoodle, and crunch numbers, but we really don’t know until they (whatever “they” are) issues the statements.


There’s the admonishment about thinking before one speaks, comes to my mind. It’s advice that I gleefully dole out, and equally? I gleefully fail to follow myself. I open my mouth without thinking and I’m just as surprised as the other person as to what I spout. Makes for lively exchange of ideas, that’s for sure, and begs the commentary, “Did you think about that before you said it?” My short answer? “No.” The other idea is “Read the room,” first. Again, not a strength for me. I was, at one time, good with it, but yeah, not so much, not now. As a Scorpio suggestion? Look at the target audience. Look at the people with whom you’re speaking. Look at who might, or might not, be listening. With Saturn and Venus in Pisces, and Jupiter backwards in Gemini, tailored missives work best.


I trained in a trailer park in old South Austin, so I understand the economy of space. I grasp the idea that I can’t bring in a new device, toy, book, fishing pole, or other hardware without making a place for it. That means, before I can bring in something new, I have to let go of something old. In order to make space for new ideas, old ideas have to be released and recycled. I think of a Sagittarius brain like a library, but there’s a finite number of shelves. Only so much shelf space. This is a week to consider selling off some of the old epic tomes that no one reads anymore. Time to make space in the brain by letting go of ideas that no longer serve us — or? Let go of material that no one seems to check out these days. Maybe that’s a better way to look at this week’s energy, letting go materials that are no longer useful, or in demand. Library book sale, on now.

Kramer Wetzel’s little book of transits

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • Taken: 29 November, 2022
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 3mm
  • ISO: 64
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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