Horoscopes for 1-28-2025

Horoscopes for 1-28-2025

“Drink, and pray for me, I pray you, for I think I have taken my last draught in this world.”

Peter Thump in Shakespeare’s 2 Henry 6 (2.3.65)

Horoscopes for 1-28-2025

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  • New Moon 9°51’ Aqu. 1/29
  • Neptune/Venus/Moon 28° Pisces 2/1
  • Venus into Aries 2/5

Books: astrofish.net/books


Aquarius I’ve been blessed, as I’ve only written a few pieces that are supposed to be factual. The rest of my material, like book reviews or note about a movie I saw, TV maybe? That’s clearly opinion. The location of the planets? That’s straight up science and math. What those locations mean? That’s opinion and interpretation. I’ve always been clear about this, as noted in the fineprint. What happens, is this week requires Aquarius to dig a little, or dig a little deeper. Imitate the actions of a Scorpio, “Let’s get to the bottom of this!” Little scary, but also, what I’ve seen, frankly, what I’m often guilty of myself? I’ll do a quick search, call it good, and say I did some research. All I did was look at the first couple of hits from a search engine, not really valid research. Good starting point, but not the “in-depth, Scorpio-like” data we’re looking for. This week, as Mercury and Pluto align, and then Mercury heads deeper into Aquarius? Dig a little, and then? Pull on that thread and see where it goes, digging deeper. As always, I suggest an empirical approach to the data as presented in the next few days.


Usually, this isn’t a Pisces problem, but given the current state of affairs? This is a Pisces problem. Feelings. Feelings and thinkings get confused. Part of this is material floating freely in Aquarius, the Sun and Mercury, and part of this is Neptune — in Pisces — and its brief alignment with Venus — in Pisces.

Means there will be confusion. Analysis will be tilted towards emotional content rather than face facts, or facts will be heavily shaded with emotional weight. Instead of trying to make headway with apparently muddled thinking, it’s a brilliant time to take notes, look at material from a different perspective, or, at least, understand what might be a motivation for an apparently wrong, but oh so satisfying answer.

“I know it’s wrong, but it feels good, doesn’t it? Feels right?”


It’s the aching fantasies of youth that come to mind. The fantastical dreams that loom large in the young minds. Remember those? They are back, and this is just a short version, but there’s that dream, that hope, that fervent belief that “This really could happen!” Hint: in my own life, all those wild-ass dreams? They did come true. Every last one of them. Fantasies, escapades, derring-do, all of that. Just not, in the manner I thought, nor when, or how, I thought it would happen. So here’s the deal, Aries dear, here’s the deal, it does happen. What you want, will happen. Probably not this week, and probably not next week, either, but it the very near future, you’ll be able to look back and see that the big dream, the singular Aries fantasy has happened. Or will happen. Soon.


One of the best finds I’ve ever come across? It was a cheap, folding, locking knife. Less than three bucks, and that, to me, is a deal. Super store, in the sporting goods section, just on a plastic hanger, and I think it was marked down from $6.95, to $2.95, but my recollection is none too good at this point. I liked it, a nice size, and the price catered to my cheap nature. As it turns out, that wasn’t a half-bad knife. Little spring clip for holding it in a pocket, cheap plastic handle that was supposed to look like expensive carbon-fiber or something, liner-lock that served a blade that was right at three-inches in length. Sat on my desk, used it for packages, mail, tape and so forth. Still have it, matter of fact. I liked it so much, I got a second one that’s with some fishing gear. If the knife goes overboard, gets corroded by salt water, or otherwise becomes unserviceable, it’s no great loss. Which, is what this is about. Cheap and serviceable. What I got lucky with, in this example, that little knife held an edge. I’m not sure, I can’t see anything about the steel, so I don’t know, but it’s held a razor-like edge for some years. Cheap works. Two of those cost less than a single good one.


For a very brief time, I was a volunteer docent with a historical site. One library trick I learned, from the main curator? Books on shelves should be flush with the leading edge of the bookshelf itself. That way, the least amount of dust collects on the tops of the books, least amount of dust mites, dust damage, and less dusting for all. I realize this is a simple observation, not really a big deal, in and of itself, but as a lover of books, and the possible knowledge contained therein? I’m sure this might be a new way to look at the Gemini library. The act of just straightening up some of the books on your Gemini bookshelves, the simple act of tidying up — just the books, not major cleaning, what happens? You’ll stumble into a book you forgot about, and then leafing through it, remember another thing, and that launches you in new path along an older, trodden route. New and not new at the same time? All from just trying to line the books up. I wonder, have you ever thought about arranging the books just by their colors?


“Pigeon Latin” is one of my favorites. There are numerous examples throughout my websites, blogs, and the horoscopes. Alternately, it could be doggerel Latin, I’ve seen it referred to as such, as well. It’s something that looks like Latin, and in the strictest sense, might be Latin, but also doesn’t translate across as well as the presumed translation should be. I use an expression, and due to its liberal use of tense past, passive voice, and other problems, the machines can’t translate my doggerel line. Scholars can, but the machines are less intelligent than we presume. I was about trot out another familiar piece, Illegitimi non carborundum, when I realized it’s that “fake Latin,” or as one source put it, “mock Latin aphorism.” I have a few of my own, I’ve developed over the years, and while that first one, with its mock English translation is best? The understanding I’ve got, for what is right up ahead, between Mars (Retrograde), the Sun and the Moon, in relation to Cancer? The gentle Moon Children, the sign of the crab has someone or something grinding on you. Pause, let them grind. It’s more about them, and their issues. I just hope the Cancer crab-like carapace holds up. It should.

The Leo

There are essentially two kinds of reactions I expect. One is a giant kerfuffle. In this case, a small injury is erroneously aggrieved, exaggerated, and otherwise blown just way out of proportion for the nature of the harm done to The Leo. You can make a big thing out of a small error. I promise, it was a mistake. That’s the kind of typical reaction I expect from The Leo in the next few days. There is a different side, though, the so-called “other side of the coin,” and those are the majestic Leos who suffer in abject silence. Ouch. I’m not sure which one is more painful to observe, the giant, overblown confrontation or the baleful silent suffering. Each one scares me, but I tend to favor The Leo. The challenge in the next few days, as Aquarius unwinds a bit? Doesn’t matter what way you choose, silent or loud? The other way is better. So before you make a big deal out of this? Think about the amount of attention you get with silent suffering. I did point out, at the start, that this is a situation that will resolve itself in a few days, if you let it. No need to be all aggrieved, the wheel turns swiftly on this one.


The EDC crowd calls it a “go bag.” I think of this in terms of what I carry to work with me, and then, a secondary version of what I use when I have to go someplace when I’m not working, but I might need all my accoutrements. With aging family, I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in waiting rooms. Don’t want that to stop me from being entertained or productive. The Virgo go-bag needs an examination. Astrologically, this is a good time to pause, examine, then possibly refill, and maybe, not refill anything at all. A recent Virgo addition includes carrying a book. With great reluctance, and quite a bit of my own personal resistance, I gradually shifted to almost all digital for my book-reading needs. In times like these, though? Consider tossing in a book, or book-like object, that has something to entertain the Virgo mind while otherwise unoccupied. “So I should put a slim paperback book in go-bag?” In the simplest terms? Yes, exactly. Perfect.


When I started, more than three decades back, astrology was a side-hustle. Just a part-time gig, something that I was learning about, interested in, and it was more than a hobby, but in the beginning, it was just an academic project shuttled off to one side. Gradually, my side-hustle grew into a nationally syndicated column, then I went international, and finally, I started cutting back because I want to concentrate on the parts that are fun for me. What pieces are most amusing for the little Libra? The pieces that entertain the most? What causes a smile? What seems like a damn good reason to get out of this warm bed on a cold winter morning — wherever you’re at? The question and its answer prompts the proper place for Libra inquiry in the next few days. Look at what interests you, what grabs your attention, and what motivates you. It’s that simple. We’re not done with the refining process, but look at where those inherent Libra interests are, just for a starter.


There’s an unfortunate collision of energies that forces a Scorpio’s hand. Someone calls that good Scorpio bluff. I’ve played enough card games around certain Scorpio folks that I can usually read a tell. Usually. One got sneaky and started acting like it was a tell, when she wasn’t bluffing. Fooled me once. (Sagittarius style shrug.) To make this complicated energy work for your Scorpio self instead of against your Scorpio self? Don’t bluff unless you’re holding some nice, high cards. This is between you and what you know, the other players, and the most likely play, in the next few days? Someone will call that Scorpio bluff. That means either have some substance to support whatever the bluff was, or fold — for now.


I ran into a junction, a point, a time, a place as defined by the space itself, and this point? The question, and I don’t have an answer, but the question itself? It’s a simple situation, merely about the choice of typeface — font — for the main web page. It’s a simple typesetting problem, and with the current backend that I use, the software that drives the material, I can easily select any, and I mean any font. Typeface. Size, design elements, a coherence in appearance, and what I think is most important? Readable. What’s most readable. The debate rages on, I have several experimental sites that I tested material with, the ubiquitous Lorum Ipsum, as a place holder for a large body of text. What I like? That doesn’t always translate across the broader range of eyes, and what’s most visible. As Sagittarius in general stands at a similar junction, a point, a chance for change, is it what appeals to ourselves, our Sagittarius selves, or what is best for all 12 signs? See for yourself.


In a moment, I was thinking, kind of dangerous, me thinking, but in a moment’s thought? I had this great idea that I would take my old scratch journals, a variation on the bullet journal idea, I would gather the old one up and rubber band together the years. I looked at the box where I just tossed the old journals, and as it turned out, the box itself was a perfect size, didn’t plan it that way, but perfect first for the old journals in an organized fashion. The most recent box was labeled, “2020” with an “onward” symbol, so when I opened it, I found that I had most of the last few years in loose organization, already. I just stacked the old journals in ascending date order, and there were no strings, no rubber bands, nothing that would disintegrate over time — all safe and sound, and as it turns out? I had already arrived at a good organizational format from the start. I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t gone looking. That’s what this is about, digging something out of storage, digging something up from the Capricorn permafrost of life, looking, and determining if any further work is required. “Is this because Mercury is Retrograde?” This week, for Capricorn? It’s kind of the opposite.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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