Horoscopes for 1-7-2025

“No, no, no, no, no.”

Antony in Shakespeare’s Antony & Cleopatra 3.11.29

Horoscopes for 1-7-2025

  • Mars RX 5:33 PM 6°10’ Leo 12/6/24
  • Venus into Pisces 1/4/25
  • Mars RX into Cancer 1/7
  • Mercury into Capricorn 1/8 4:30 AM


Capricorn The (Capricorn) caption read: You wouldn’t know unless you owned one. (Picture here.) Cars, motorcycles, boats, planes, hang gliders, I’m not sure, insert a favorite device here. Personally, I’m partial to “classic iron,” that is, old cars or motorcycles, street machines that have “personality.” Then that caption really does apply, “You wouldn’t know unless you owned one.” One of my less-enlightened fishing buddies made a frankly sexist comment about a certain woman, in his case, yeah, sure, same applies. “You wouldn’t know unless you lived with one,” I think is the correct attribution, as there is no ownership there, no matter what he claims. I don’t regret the classics I’ve owned, nor do I want to own one now. Too much work for too little pleasure, bragging rights aside. So the message is simple, there comes a time — Mars/Mercury mostly — next few days when we looks wistfully over our Capricorn shoulders, “Yeah, you wouldn’t know unless you owned one,” and now? Do want that headache and heartache again?


Introductory Shakespeare quotes originated even before I started regularly writing horoscopes. I found that quoting Shakespeare was safe, and I had a propensity to pick weird, off-beat, and otherwise ignored passages from Shakespeare’s canon, just, well, I am who I am. I’m not sure why. Odd? The expression I tend to rely upon?

“It amuses me.”

The quote from Antony, in his play, Antony & Cleopatra, is merely a long negative, but I thought it was funny, out-of-context. I would be remiss if I didn’t point out, it is a tragedy, and the two named characters are dead before the end of the play, and being of royal personage, peerage, as it were? That’s the real tragedy, when the great ones fall. But quoting Antony in this example, for Aquarius? There’s going to come a time — next few days — when a simple Aquarius comment can be, “No.” Or, use that introductory quote from Antony:

“No, no, no, no, no.”

Antony in Shakespeare’s Antony & Cleopatra 3.11.29


The simplest of answers sometimes works best. Instead of getting too wrapped up in a convoluted analysis, the situation, the problems, the possible Pisces solutions, the various pieces, and the details that might need to be left out, but you won’t leave behind? Heaping one upon another just makes this feel a lot worse than it is. I prefer to get back to the simpler solution, the answer that first popped up, and while it might not be the most desirable, given where the planets are, even now? That might work best. simple solution, not fancy, not arcane, not convoluted? Simple works even if it doesn’t satisfy all your Pisces needs to make this complicated.


There’s a certain brand of insulated beverage container, think: vacuum tumblers, and that one brand? It became synonymous any kind of beverage tumbler. Some are better than others. Some function just like the name-brand items. Varies. Supposedly, from my artisanal coffee aficionados, what I’ve been told is that the metal tumblers are not as good for fancy coffee, as the metal and alloy walls affect the flavor. I don’t know. I’ve got one tumbler that I use on cold winter days, had it for years, and coffee stays warm for up to 8 (eight) hours or more. So it seems. I tend to drink it a little quicker than that. The only way to really, properly, taste coffee (or tea) is from a porcelain cup of some sort. Towards that end, I do have a couple of the tumblers that have insulated sides but ceramic liners, again, supposedly better for flavor. I don’t know, I can’t tell. How does this affect Aries? It doesn’t. I mean, sure, there’s one Aries who can taste the difference, but the rest of us? It doesn’t matter. For my money, for the Aries monies involved? Unless that coffee is real battery acid, I’m not sure it matters.


Timing is pretty good, as this is the time of the year for the church holiday, “Epiphany.” Better yet, as dictated by planetary motions, there’s a switch, a change, a shift that occurs, and that leads to a dawning realization for gentle Taurus, hence the use of the English ecclesiastical expression, “epiphany.” This time, though, this about an “Ah-ha” situation, a realization, a pice of evidence in front of you that you have patiently ignored, glossed over, or simply denied. Can’t hide from it, and the trick? “Wow, would you look at that! I’ve never seen it like that before! If only I’d known!” Liberal use of exclamation marks, either way. It’s the season, but more so, it’s the planets. it’s dawning realization, a moment when you suddenly admit what you’ve known for a while.


One of the weirdest little keyboards I’ve ever worked on? It was a small, portable “rubberized,” and “ruggedized” 3/4 keyboard. Just a touch smaller than a regulation size, but not by much, and covered in plastic so it was, at least appeared, fairly resistant to environmental factors like spills and moisture. Linked to a series of tablets, I didn’t really use the keyboard that often, and when I did, the little “chiclet” keys seemed tiny to me. But it did work. Does work, it’s still in some suitcase now, as a spare when I’m out-of-pocket. This is about efficiency in Gemini Land. While that little keyboard isn’t terribly efficient from a professional touch-typist, 100-WPM usage? It’s perfectly functional when that little on-screen keyboard is less than what you want or need. The relative motions of planets indicate — to me — for Gemini? Time for a functional, spill-resistant, serviceable keyboard. Not great, but better than nothing, and the best part? Don’t have to buy anything new. Just fish it out of the used gear bag.


It’s about obstacles, and how we choose to surmount those perceived obstacles. The perception of the problem is what I think helps the most, and as a Sagittarius mind-set myself? I tend to try to step back and look at the bigger picture. The clichéd “bird’s eye view,” the grand scheme of things, the images from afar? Helps a lot to step back and look st the overall scenario facing the nominally gentle crab-like Cancer Moon Children. There’s an insistence, and kind of hurried “need to act now!” Stop. Look it over. Stop a second time because that first glance, you looked at the top item on the list, then went crashing off through the underbrush, sure that it was the only way. The deal, the way I see the path forward? THere’s a perfectly acceptable alternate route, a better path with few obstacles, and better paving, if you stop back and look for it. Just takes a well-timed pause. Before you argue with me? Let’s borrow from some of my own Sagittarius wisdom, “A closed mouth gathers no feet.”

The Leo

It’s a distinct memory. Fishing, a lake not far from here, I watched as a single turkey buzzard drifted over head, the ruffling feathers along the trailing edge of the wings cast a giant shadow in the lake’s water. The shadow caused a school of fish to scatter. Rare warm day, feeding on some top-water action, the shadow of the buzzard, not even a bird of prey, but the merest shadow chased all the fish away, if only momentarily. I’m sure there are some pictures of me with fish on the web someplace. I thought about that scattering of fish, the merest hint from a shadow that spooked them all. Wasn’t even a real bird of prey, just a carrion hunter. The big birds used to gather at the cleaning station and feast on soured entrails from some of the other guides. The way the fish scattered at the merest hint from a flickering image of a shadow, though, fear, instinct, self-preservation, all wrapped in a single retreating action? There’s a shadow overhead from The majestic Leo, and is that just a harmless carrion-feeder like a local turkey buzzard, or is a flickering of an eagle or osprey — hunting? You aren’t afraid of your own shadow, are you?


Ever notice, on the way in to the office, on the way to work? Seems like every other driver on the road is doing his or her level best to make you more Virgo crazy? Then, arriving at said destination, every other person there is out to make your life more insane? When everyone, and I mean, everyone is trying to drive you crazy, we should just put a pin in it, and figure out what is wrong with ourselves. One buddy has a simple solution, he looks over at me with bleary Virgo eyes, he’s Irish, and he toasts me with a coffee cup that is more cheap Irish whisky than anything else. Works for him. Another Virgo fishing buddy closes his eyes, reclines on the couch and holds a special mineral in each hand: meditation. Two very different approaches to the “Everyone is driving me crazy” energy. Either one works; you get to decide for your Virgo self what’s best. Both answers, though? Both answers involve not being around other people. Whatever works, right Virgo dear?


Some of the most inexpensive pizza in town is the second largest purveyor of pizza in the country, so I’ve been told.


Costco is known for its cheap items, in bulk. I watched, one busy afternoon, as the place churned out about a dozen pizzas while I was waiting. Mine took 20 minutes. That’s about an average of a little less than one pizza every minute and half. Not a scientific, statistical accounting, just a casual guess, counting the number of outgoing pizzas during my wait. I’m too lazy to call it in, or order on the app, or whatever. Personally, I find that a little too invasive, but it is what most were doing. Still, that’s a lot of pizza on a holiday afternoon, just as the wan winter sun was setting. I admired the production line, efficiency, and genuine customer service by a harried counter worker. “Yes, that’s coming up soon; pepperoni, right?” Part of what I admire is good stuff, cheap, and part of what I admire is the idea that there are only two choices, plain and pepperoni. Makes the whole thing simpler, easier, and better. Here’s an idea, as we carve our way through Capricorn, limit the choices, “you can have plain cheese, or pepperoni, that’s all we’ve got.” As a system, it seems to work well in the example, might try that for Libra, huh.


Get married a few times, and that introduces an extended family of epic proportions. I was sitting next to one “cousin,” and wondering, “How are we related?” An ex’s ex someone who knew someone, and was in town, so that’s the connection, the thinnest of bloodlines, and even then, I don’t think there was any shared DNA, other than possibly human genetics. Makes family gatherings and obviously, I was working on this right at Xmas time, so that’s why this was a Scorpio point to make about family, connections, and the thinnest of a family forest, not really a family tree. For several years, I exchanged a home-made musical CD with these relatives. Funny holiday music, one or two pointed songs, and general merriment. I got more towards doing a short newsletter as there’s too much to keep track of, and extended families are now scattered across the whole of the Louisiana Purchase, too much to keep track of who is where, now. For Scorpio, though, the electronic newsletter might be the easiest way to stay in touch.


I’ve long since adjusted to a scattered methodology for working. I understand that I can suffer a short-attention span situation with a certain frequency, and that following the muse, or the diversion, wherever it leads me? That’s an acceptable solution. I had a great idea, but by the time I made to the keyboard, or pulled out a notepad to write down that observation?

Poof. It’s gone.

Disappeared into the inky blackness of my mind’s spaces. I tend to shrug my shoulders, roll them in a way to indicate, “What are you going to do?” Then I move onward. Next item on the list. Next goal, next target, next possible outcome, and route to achieve that purported goal. Wait, what was I talking about? Doesn’t matter, now does it. Mercury exits, the moon is full, and we’re in a weirdness time that goes to a new level. That means? In day-to-day Sagittarius operations, we might be easily distracted from an immediate goal or destination. It’s not bad, look around, what’s the next step we can take?

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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