Your Mom’s Gonna Love Me
The library’s short text about Your Mom’s Gonna Love Me, was something like, “Part stand-up comedy special, part memoir…” Looked fun, borrowed that library copy.
Your Mom’s Gonna Love Me
There’s a sociological theory that suggests a when a character is at the memoir stage of life, the career has peaked. Since this is a comedian I never really heard of before? I had to dig around on the inter-webs to find his golden, viral moment.
Never found it.
Did find a lot of “crowd work,” and apparently, he has a type: older, female. But the text was engaging, a raw voice, with special elements that I liked. Lightweight, confessional in tone, but a narrative voice that wasn’t just scraped out of the social media morass to make a book-length manuscript (something I know about).
Book by and about “internet sensation” Matt Rife (Virgo).
Your Mom’s Gonna Love Me
But to be an artist?
“Don’t get me wrong. Plenty of my ideas end up being shit. It’s the nature of the business. The nature of creativity.” Page 127.
Your Mom’s Gonna Love Me
Very pleasant diversion.

- Aperture: ƒ/1.8
- Camera: iPad Pro (11-inch)
- Flash fired: no
- Focal length: 3mm
- ISO: 100
- Shutter speed: 1/60s