Horoscopes for 3-11-2025

Horoscopes for 3-11-2025

“This is it
That makes the wappen’d widow wed again;
She, whom the spittle-house and ulcerous sores
Would cast the gorge at, this embalms and spices
To th’ April day again.”

Shakespeare’s Timons of Athens (IV.iii.38-42)

Warned, last week, about the Ides of March. Venus in apparent retrograde motion, and the Portable Mercury Retrograde.

Horoscopes for 3-11-2025

  • Full Moon 23°56’ Pis./Vir. Eclipse 3/14
  • Mercury RX 9°33’ Ari. 3/16
  • Sun into Aries 3/21
  • New Moon 9°0’ Ari. Eclipse 3/29

Almost to the day, a look at the date, just reverse the elements:
Pisces/Aries eclipse action, and some solutions.


Pisces Figuratively speaking, I’ve studied at the feet of many masters. More than three decades back, I did sit on the floor of one professor’s office, so I was, literarily at the feet of the master, but that’s an exception, not generally a rule. I like the term, and for Pisces? Let’s review what we’ve done, what we know, and what we’ve learned. This is supposed to be spiritual or religious and possibly a combination of both. One of the great secrets I’ve learned, approaching this week’s stars from one angle? Structure as defined by stylized ritual. The most obvious, to me, is “communion.” Varies from faith to faith, but the ritual of breaking the bread, or wafer, the blessing of the wine, or grape juice, and then taking it, in ritual form? For me, this brings peace and solace, as it was ritual I was raised with, and I’m familiar with, and is part of my life. My current belief transcends that limited faith, but the ritual, in part, helps me feel grounded as it connects me to my childhood, adult age, and then, gives me pause. It’s the act of the ritual, not what the belief is, that’s the Pisces poignant point. In a zen center, the stick of incense and the simple flower arrangement on the altar space, same kind of ritual. This isn’t limited to one set of beliefs. Religious and/or spiritual, what are some of the beliefs that Pisces has, that we can build on?


There is a kind of situation that I’ve encountered, it involved due diligence, perceptions, instructions, and reality. It’s that last little piece that makes this so amusing, for me. It started with, “I followed the instructions on the form, exactly.” Form was outdated, or not made for an online submission, so that avenue didn’t quite work. Then I called the office, and the response was from a person reading a script from a screen, and we’re almost back where we started, for Aries. Diligence, perceptions, instructions, and reality, in some order like that? Here’s the problem.

It took three, maybe four tries, depends on how you count, and it wasn’t the fault of the Aries, other than you did follow the instructions that were presented, to a letter, exactly the way it was presented. Every time we try to solve that Aries obstacle, the code, the answer, the solution, the stated set of instructions have been superseded by a new set. The order and execution, the proper steps, each time you launch into the process, it shifts. “Oh. There’s a new set of instructions, here.” I don’t know, you’re with me on this one, looks a lot like the instructions we just followed. Two, three, maybe even four attempts to get it done. That tries the Aries patience, but think of it as a guessing game rather than hard and fast contractual obligations.

“This is supposed to be filled out in pen, not pencil.”

Shrug. It’s an online form.


It’s about new ideas as answers to old problems. It’s about thinking around a problem, which seems to have stymied dear Taurus, possibly a year-long, even decades-old issue. Issues. A constellation of conundrums that have left you befuddled and bereft of an adequate, or qualified, answer. I’ve taken to the expression, “Pulling on a thread,” as it seems so evocative of the idea, just sort of worrying an idea, playing, toying, or, as I’ve suggested, “Pulling on a thread,” as that gets the best idea across. It’s not the main thing, but an adjunct, a piece hanging off the side, just a bit, and worth the effort. Worry it, toy with it, pull on that thread, and see where it leads. The strange, off-beat, weird, unusual, or just plain crazy ideas that seem to become unmoored from your Taurus mind? Those are the ideas that offer hope, and a new direction.


Like Timon of Athens, I’m looking forward to an April day. Like Timon of Athens, Gemini is looking forward to an April day. April the First, April Fools Day might not be the target, but shortly thereafter? With Easter, Orthodox Easter, the Easter Bunny, and other spring-break activities all rolled into this equation? Yes, soon. But soon is never soon enough for gentle Gemini, is it? There is turmoil, uncertainties, doubt, and obfuscation, for the next few days, courtesy of the Moon. Lots of great Gemini ideas roiling and rolling around, but very few that have secure footing. But good ideas? Got lots of them.


There’s a series of unrealistic expectations foisted on a beleaguered public by hyper-reality media. There’s a shorter version of that comment, but the first image? Ever see an ad for food, like a TV ad where the sandwich is thick, the lettuce is crisp, and the bacon looks crinkly, well-done, and the imagery is so strong you can smell it? Or, like, this was on a menu in a dive place, the image of the plate of breakfast looked tantalizing, but what showed up, what I was served, looked nothing like the picture. Good. Tasty. Just not like the picture. The series of unrealistic expectations has to do with a simple expression, “That’s not how it happened in the movies.” It’s about managing the Cancer, Moon Children’s expectations. “Doesn’t work like that on TV.” Exactly.

The Leo

I’m not a doctor, or, not a medical doctor, and I can’t — shouldn’t — dispense medical advice. So this is advice based upon years on and off the road, so to speak, and what works. All I’m concerned with is what helps The Leo in the coming week. It’s not much, but there’s a chance that you can see your problem, a little obstacle, as it makes it way toward you. Simplest solution? I grab two aspirin, two “Tylenol,” or two ibuprofen. Keep a pair of gentle, over-the-counter Non-Steroid-Anti-Inflammatory-Drug, whatever it is that works? I tend to keep a variety-pack of the generics on hand, never can tell when something will ache. This is about being prepared for exigent situations, and this is about how to avoid a minor headache so it doesn’t turn into a huge deal.


Decorations are important. I found a place, online, that had a collection of “Shakespeare” stickers for less than the price of overnight postage. I am unsure of the provenance, from whence these stickers originated, but as a small, package deal, it thrilled me more than it should’ve. Just a loose collections of Shakespeare-like icons, there are really only one or two images that we can reliably draw from, and those get reiterated, over and over. Sayings, pithy quotes, and the one that I like the most, molded after a certain political slogan, still very amusing. These stickers show up in my own work, repeatedly, and I realized, I was acting child-like with an academic endeavor. Still, it works. Well, it works for me. For the good Virgo, it’s matter of finding joy in something that is both child-like, almost immature in execution, and yet, fun. Intellectual without it being too heavy on the intellectual content, because, as we all know, Mercury, the eclipse, and everything?


We’re looking at couple of long weeks until all of this settles down. It will settle down, and what’s right will emerge victorious, but not without a battle. The question, and this springs off of either Mercury Retrograde opposite your Libra self, or the effects of the Full Moon (eclipse) on Saturn, and that kind of placement, so you get to choose which one you want to blame.

The challenge is the emotional essence obscures the factual content.

That’s a problem. Emotions run high, and that interferes with rational explanations, and one would have to draw the conclusion that it is a conspiracy. The only conspiracy is the planets conspiring to obfuscate the obvious — and that’s just for now. Give it a few weeks. Do nothing and give it a few weeks?


Look: “online” shopping has become one of the greatest scourges of our times. I was thinking, in a simple, straightforward example, I buy “laser” shipping labels so I can purchase, print, and package shipping. Just easier — for me. It goes with my own workflow. I have some family business to attend to, that stuff can get overnighted, some work with clients, again, simplest way to handle this, and then there is the occasional online buying and selling of merch. All depends. Anyway, I used to go to the office supply store, and buy labels, maybe 20 for $20. Great product, just hit “print” and then I peel a label off, slap it on a package and it gets delivered in three to five business days. Perfect for my work. Then online I found the same kind of labels, 200 or more, for less than I was paying for a single package — exact same product — different logo and branding, but exactly the same, only, it comes in package of hundreds instead of tens. I got it. That’s the scourge, sure, it costs much, much less, but now I have a stack of labels that I use infrequently, and might be a lifetime supply. That’s the scourge of online shopping. Sure, it’s cheaper, but at what cost?

Scorpio, that last line, “Sure, it’s cheaper but at what cost?”


Over the years, I’ve listened as clients tell me about how they can feel Mercury Retrograde, either two weeks before, or three days before, or during the entire week of the first of the event. Varies. For Sagittarius? This is a Mercury Retrograde tinged event, and that sets a tone. There is a series of uncomfortable realities that bubble up to the top, thanks to the position of Saturn — in Pisces — just after the eclipse — Pisces/Virgo — all of which creates Sagittarius tension. It’s not bad, but it might be unsettling, and there might be those unrepentant souls who choose, unwisely, to torture our Sagittarius selves, but we have to know, in our hearts, that it will eventually work out. Which it will. The immediate challenge is realizing that this is only a portion of the problem, and this is only a portion of the solution, as well. There is more below the surface, or behind the curtain, or whatever one wants to call it, but we can’t see it at the moment — the trick, for Sagittarius? Let others speak. Let others have the floor. Let others lead where they may. We don’t have to follow, but we are rewarded if we don’t speak too much.


The biggest temptation? “I told you so.” Or some variation of that expression, but the underlying sentiment, from Capricorn to the rest of the world?

“I told you so!”

There’s a catch that comes with this, as Mercury turns retrograde, and I think you’ll recall what my drill for this kind of energy might be? Even though you are one hundred per cent right? It’s not your task, not your job, not your Capricorn responsibility to tell the world. No need to announce it. No need to prove that you were, indeed, right. Time is one your side. The current disarray of the planets, and the dyspeptic disposition of the Sun, the Moon, and Saturn (your planet)? Maybe let someone else notice that you’re doing good, and you know what? Not your job, not your task, not your position to publish this at the moment. Just don’t. Wait.

Remember, Capricorn, “I told you so!”


There is a problem with my handwriting, when I’m transcribing numbers. Every time I write, by hand, “2025?” My serif handwritten wording? The way I shape the Arabic numerals? The final five looks a lot like an eight. I run the serifs together, and the loops are too loopy, with the closing descender in the five almost going back and touching the top again, so it looks closed. Just a quirk of my own handwriting, and notes that I make to myself. None of this is mission-critical, and if it was critical correspondence? I would take more care with the lettering of those numbers. But this year? 2025? I’ve got to watch as I don’t want to jump ahead by two years, if I’m not watching. There’s a clue for gentle Aquarius in my handwritten mistakes, or not mistakes, but can be read wrong after the fact. Don’t make my mistakes. Either letter that carefully, or have enough supporting evidence, the page before, the page after, all dated and formatted correctly.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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