“Away with him, away with him! He speak Latin!”
Cade in Shakespeare’s 2 Henry 6 (IV.vii.18)
Trust and Verify
Why you should trust me?
Trust and Verify
I’ve been writing horoscopes, since the late 1980’s. Casually causal corroborated commentary predate even that. Started as a whim and almost a joke, but subsequent explorations reveal the connections. Sometimes people swear by me. Other times, they swear at me.
Trust and Verify
With over 30 years of archived horoscopes herein, intermittent blogging — before its eponymous portmanteau — for the same length of time, and then, regular contributions to astrology writing for nearly as long? It’s less about trust, and more about digging in to see what I’ve said.
In a different scenario, I started with “trust but verify,” and that switched up to just “verify.” Not a reliable narrator. Just verify and validate any claims.
Likewise, why you should trust me?
Trust and Verify
Twin yet disparate elements provide the basis for my styles. On one track I was attempting, and marginally successful, as a consultant, and from there, billing by the hour, understanding the client interface, and looking for solutions, as well as education, plus the idea that the field was ever-growing, requiring constant learning. As a connecting point, the intersection? Computers calculated astrology charts.
The second was the educator/scholarly tenure track. Computers, consulting, and the intersection with the great works of literature, most notably, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (in Middle English), then random bits of Shakespeare’s play, gradually combined into its intact canon?
Beings been blaming the stars for the human conditions — long time — many millennia.
Stumbled into this, got pointed in a direction, and didn’t stop pushing forward.
Trust and Verify
Not sure about the trust, but the verify?
That’s easy, check the archives.
Ten years and tenure.