Uranus, Jupiter and Venus

Uranus, Jupiter and Venus

Recent discussion I had with a retired lit professor, I explained, as much as possible, I favor the Oxford Comma. Big fan. Yes, I’m an ardent proponent of the much maligned in current usage, aforementioned Oxford Comma.

So the title of this bit, “Uranus, Jupiter and Venus,” contains no Oxford Comma. There’s a reason for that. Uranus is basically 20 degrees of Aries while, last Friday, Jupiter and Venus were closely aligned at 20 and 18 degrees of Leo, clearly visible right after sunset, especially from my location at the time.

So as a fan of the Oxford Comma, why is it missing in this string, Uranus, Jupiter and Venus?

Venus and Jupiter, are aligned with each other, conjunct in my way of speaking. They move as a single unit.

This has impact on national news. “Gay marriage” is no longer a term. It’s just marriage now. Long-term, committed relationships are afforded dignity.

The Texas Governor took no time in releasing a statement about the right to religious freedom, and I can’t argue with that. However, as I understand the ruling, it doesn’t mean that a minister, priest or even church has to willingly perform the service, just means, as basic, civil right, it can happen. Not being forced on anyone. However, if two people want to get married? Glory be.

As an ordained minister, I’ve performed wedding services. I’d be happy to marry just about anyone, with the warning being, if I perform the service and sign off on the marriage license? It’s legally binding. No question.

Then there’s the term, “Gay marriage.” Nope, no such term, not now. SCOTUS says, it’s “Marriage.” Welcome to the current millennia. New times, new definitions.

Uranus, Jupiter and Venus, with no Oxford Comma? Something surprising, something revolutionary, something radically different… Or, the separation of Church and State? The State says, per SCOTUS, “You can be married.”

Way I interpret this, “Can be married,” and “have to perform the service,” are two different actions, not related. I know if I don’t like a particular church’s dogma? I tend to not go back. Still got choice.

Uranus, Jupiter and Venus are lending strength and support to radical notions that all people should be treated with dignity and respect. Strange times, indeed.

Rolling back into Albuquerque, I watched as clouds seemed to spill over the edge of the eastern border mountain. There’s a thin cap of clouds, like a wave about to break, frozen at the edge of the rim, as described by the rocks.

To me, that image echoes to a childhood image that was similar, but it also punctuates the moment.

Clouds, laden with moisture, about to spill down the dry gullies, bringing much-need moisture. With that wave of airborne water?

Uranus, Jupiter and Venus

The right wing conservatives and the left wing nut jobs are having huge fun with this, the one side with Righteous Indignation boiling like bile, and the other side flag-waving banners proclaiming moral victory. Moral outrageous and moral victory.

A hypothetical astrological trend I posited years ago suggests that the Religious Right, which is neither religious nor right, will not go down without a fight.

Uranus, Jupiter and Venus mark this as a chance to heal old wounds and perhaps, with further discussion, bring two extremes closer together.

It’s not a matter of right and wrong, more a chance to further engage.

The Left Wing Nut Jobs (that would include me by some definitions) proclaim this as a victory.

The more Conservative Right? Again, all in favor of upholding the laws of the land unless those laws are uncomfortable and personally distasteful.

Me? Older I get, the more I tend to follow the rules.

“I fought the law and the law won.”

Come in we have ideas

Come in we have ideas


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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