
The clouds were that strange kind of low-level cover that’s not quite even, and I did catch a glimpse of blue sky for a little while. Maybe just a few moments, but that’s all it took.

As the head honcho is out of town, and it was a slow day at their office, I managed to actually catch the 5:02 bus home. Always willing to change my pitch up, I stepped off in front of the capital building, and I started to head south on Congress Avenue, figuring the rain wouldn’t last long.

Another bus pulled up, and after spending a week looking at routes and maps, I knew that the number on that one bus would drop in front of Thundercloud, just in the other directions. Sure, why not? By the time I got home, I had a sub with me, bringing much joy to the cat.

After we both dined, I just had to lie down for a minute. It’s my biggest fear that I’d oversleep, then not be able to get any rest at a reasonable hour. Not a problem. The phone rang, and I had to answer questions about Neptune, Mercury, Venus, and the array of stuff in the 7th House. Whew.

To think that I could do that from a supine position, while still passed out in bed with the cat trying to take control of the pillows. I even impress myself sometimes.

The cat, however, was not amused. However, she does seem to like Nine Inch Nails, provided the volume isn’t too loud. That’s just weird.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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