Week of: September 30- October 6

Week of: September 30- October 6

Big doings in the heavens soon enough. We’ve got Uranus “just fixin’ to do it,” as he slows down from his backward spin and begins to make hasty tracks though the very early stages of Aquarous. Having some fun now!

Speaking of stages, how about a quote from the stage?
“All the world’s a stage/And the men and women merely players.”
That’s Jacque in Shakespeare’s As You Like It (II.vii.138-9)

Aries [3/23-4/20]: You know the old saying that “no man is an island” right? That’s the problem this week as you feel like you are stuck on a desert island, and that there is no one left for you to turn to. Now me, if I was stuck on a desert island, I would look at all the time I got to fish, the time I could do just what I wanted…. and think about all the nice surf fishing there would be. Sushi would take on a whole new frame of reference (Sushi: it’s not just bait anymore). But this desert island stuff is a mere fantasy, and you need to get back to the real world this week, too.

Taurus [4/21-5/22]: Do you ever have an interesting week! That’s the good news. The less than wonderful news is that you need to take care of stuff around the house. Like consider cleaning up your fishing gear for this weekend. But being a good Taurus, like yourself, you would probably like nothing better than going to the grocery store and planning a little bit of a feast for the boat this weekend. Just don’t let your mouth get bigger than either your wallet or your stomach. And it does look like it will be a good weekend ahead for you.

Gemini [5/23-6/21]: The deal is this, dear Gemini friend, you are going through yet another “rough phase” where it just seems like everyone is out to cut you down. Not me! The beneficial side of this week is that there is certain things you can be doing, probably at work, which will yield great rewards. The difficulty is that you are being forced to do this work without recognition right now. Just think to yourself about how you will be recognized later, and that ought to help.

Cancer [6/22-7/22]: There’s this old cowboy axiom which might serve you well this week: the only way around a rock and hard place is through it. What does this koan mean? Well, you are face to face with cleaning up some miserable stuff at work, and the only way to deal with that is to get on with the troubles at hand. You will find that you are remarkably ambitious right now, there just seems to be a whole lot of obstacles in your way. Like the learned cowboy says, “just go through it.” You will realize rewards even before the end of the week.

Leo [7/23-8/23]: Now that the nice planet Venus has moved on, you are still operating under a Martian influence and this means you feel like you are in overdrive, hydroplaning along. Not to mix metaphors, but you will want to remember that a herd of a thousand cows begins with a single bull. And that’s what you are like this week, aggressively pursuing everything romantic in sight. Don’t let your behavior get too aggressive, either because some folks don’t cotton to that sort of thing. Fishing is highly recommended as an activity this coming weekend. Just don’t use a harpoon.

Virgo [8/24-9/23]: Venus enters your tropical zodiac sign this week. Good news, I hope. She brings all sorts of calming and benevolent juice with her. In fact, she is a harbinger of love, if that isn’t already a happening thing for you. This calming effect is great because frenetic Mercury has you all stirred up. But that’s another kettle of fish for your to fry. Speaking of that, it’s time to consider getting out the winter ice fishing gear, too, for those of you in the far northern climates.

Libra [9/24-10/23]: It’s a happy birthday to early Libra’s, and there’s a special “howdy” going out to one lucky Libra and his famous hat. Imagine a business feller, all dressed up, except for a really old and tired Stetson hat on his head. Looks like there will be some good changes in the business climate this week. Something you have worked hard to achieve will begin to pay off in a big way. Sort of like winning the lottery, only different. I just wish he would get a new hat.

Scorpio [10/24-11/23]: I hope I never get stuck in a fishing boat with only a Scorpio for company. They all seem to think that I have it in for them. I don’t; it just looks that way. The good news is that this week, there is nothing negative about about Scorpio. Nothing bad to report. There’s a little asteroid in your section of the sky which is making all the Scorpio’s a little more incisive these days, but then, this is not not behavior for Scorpio’s. Just be careful with that acid wit — you could hurt some one.

Sagittarius [11/24-12/21]: Virgo is not a common theme to a Sagittarius. But it does seem to be a common theme right now. You will find that you are a lot more grounded and a lot more concerned with the real world these days. Relax a little bit and take a day or two off. The week starts out with a lot of minor frustrations but ends on a hopeful note. Good fishing this weekend, or whatever sports related activities you like. Me? I would definitely recommend taking the weekend off and heading to the lake with your tackle box.

Capricorn [12/22-1/20]: I was going to give you this week’s information as “good news, bad news,” but so many Capricorn’s refuse to listen to the good news so I’ll just skip that part. Although you feel exceptionally lucky right now, it isn’t a good week to buy lottery tickets (but if you do win, I would love 1%), nor is it a good week to go to the track or play poker. If there were any good news, it would have to do wit the fact that your intuitive facilities are heightened and your ability to recognize patterns are better than ever before. The problem you have with this is making use of your new-found discernment.

Aquarius [1/21-2/18]: What a good week this, for the mighty water barer. There is nothing that is so detrimental, though, than to find an Aquarius without any serious challenges, and that’s what the story is this week. There are no challenges facing you this week. Everything is going okay. And it doesn’t matter what you touch, you will find that it all seems to fall into place, at just the right time. Now, there are some problems coming up at the first of next week, so get as much out of the way as possible, this week. Don’t just sit around and feel good–do something.

Pisces [2/19-3/22]: Well, my dear Pisces friend, there are still some lingering notions about making a lot of money, you just feel like another bad country and western song this week because “your get up and go just got up and went.” Don’t blame me, I just report what I see in the heavens. The problem you face this week is an apathy. You just don’t seem to care, and after the long and hard road you’ve been on, that’s okay. Just don’t let it effect you too much.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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