
Week of: 9/7-13

“Where we are,
There’s daggers in men’s smiles….”
Donalbain in Shakespeare’s MacBeth (II.iii.139-40)

Aries : Like a cool and refreshing rain, something to cool off the summer heat, there’s a brief bit of a storm which showers you with relief this week. So much for the good news. There was a leak that you didn’t fix last time it rained, I mean, I understand, it only leaks when it’s raining and you can’t fix it in the rain, and once again, you feel like you are a little caught between the proverbial rock and hard spot. When the weather lets up, or whatever the problem is, get after that leak. If you don’t, there will be a persistent “drip pause drip pause drip pause….” annoying you next time.

Taurus : Energy is a good thing. At least, usually, it’s a good thing. And after a lethargic summer, this is a good time to feel energized. Unfortunately, you’re not going to be like that archetype the bunny with the battery. Well, sort of: you have the tenacity to see the job through, and keep on going, but you lack the even-handed way that the bunny works. In other words, your clockwork is screwed up this week. But your energy, albeit erratic, is still there. Words like “frenetic” and “frenzied” come to mind, which are in sharp contract to the normal, well-paced Taurus.

Gemini : Here in Austin, there is a certain amount of the population which is concerned with environmental matters. You too, will feel like aligning yourself with these people this week, as you want to turn your attention towards more mundane matters about what you can do to help the cause. Doesn’t matter what the cause is, just pick one and go for it. Of course, the old adage, “think globally, act locally” is bit too much for you because this is the week that you feel like making a grand statement of some kind. Think twice before you chain yourself to the earth moving equipment, though, because that is such a permanent statement for a Gemini.

Cancer : There are only two areas of your life where you are going to have trouble, and you can rest easy with one of these: fiance. I can’t work miracles and romance is a going to be tough this week. But the money picture is quite bright, almost as nice as a shiny — freshly minted — penny. I know you’ve heard it before, “money can’t buy love” but in certain states, or so I’ve heard, you can rent love for a little while. Perhaps it would be better if you just gave up on the romance idea all together this week, and stuck to the money thing. Love will be along sooner than you think.

Leo : I always did like the way Shakespeare’s characters invoked Mars as they would all go marching off to battle. And Mars is still a prime move and shaker in your life right now. Does this mean a battle is imminent? I sure hope not. You’re in a opposition where you can use some of this Martian or Martial energy to get your own troops all lined up and ready. It’s better to be prepared and not need it, rather than to be unprepared and be in dire need. I might lose my standing as a peace person with this bit of advice, but Leo has Mars, not me.

Virgo : Dear sweet Virgo. Happy Birthday to that one special Virgo who was upset because I always forgot her birthday. See? I finally remembered! So much for the felicity for this week. Venus is acting like its Aztec heritage right now, inciting a war like spirit amongst you Virgo’s this week. I feel sorry for the rest of the signs because a “party animal” Virgo “on the war path” is destined for greatness this week. I just hope you don’t chop too many heads off of unsuspecting by-standers. I’m not suggesting that they don’t deserve to lose their heads, I’m just suggesting that you do it neatly, like a good Virgo.

Libra : Love is in the Libra Air again. Actually, dreams and visions of love are dancing in your head, but love itself is still unavailable. But you’ve spotted the target, identified it, and you have a lock on the them. Your poor, and unsuspecting, target of your affections has this little red laser dot on his or her heart right now. You’ve got some high tech help from a laser sighted crossbow loaded with Cupid’s arrows right now. Be careful about squeezing the trigger, though. Timing and breathing is everything, exhale slowly and then squeeze gently.

Scorpio : One thing that upsets a Scorpio is a surprise. Even if it’s a good surprise, it still upsets the Scorpio demeanor. And let’s face it, some Scorpio’s are meaner than others. Still, you have a good surprise or two coming along this week. Don’t be upset if your “associates at work” have rigged a party of some kind. Sure, it will interfere with the rest of the work week, but we are merely trying to show you how much we care. Ever notice that it’s difficult to show a Scorpio that you care? We’re just trying to be nice, that’s all.

Sagittarius : I’d take a lesson from a Virgo right now: fastidiousness. A little bit of time spent cleaning up messes is time well-spent this week. You need to exercise some caution about getting into trouble right now, and that’s why the idea of cleaning up old messes is a much better way to deal with the week. As a good Sagittarius, you usually leave the mess for someone else, but just for a change, try tackling it yourself. It’s like a knotted-up fishing line, one of those horrendous messes which needs a little time and patience to undo, but the results might just be worth the effort. Especially this week.

Capricorn : There are some weeks when it’s really nice to be a Capricorn. This is one of those weeks. You’ve got opportunities for love, travel, money, even the odd chance at a lottery win. Of course, if you’re a good Capricorn, you’ve read the fine print, and you know that the odds on that lotto win are pretty abysmal, but hey, “you can’t win if you don’t play” as the old tag line goes. So try and be a little bit of a player this week. In one sense or another. Doesn’t much matter, because you’ve got some chances to win something big. It is almost guaranteed. And if you do win, something besides romance, it would be a really nice idea to cut me in for a mere 1%.

Aquarius : Close your eyes and work with me, Aquarius. Of course, it’s going to be hard to read the rest of this with your eyes closed, but you get the idea, I’m sure. We’re going to take a mythical journey, back to high school, maybe even a little before, it was that first romance. You saw him or her sitting there in your classroom, and it was love at first sight. Or infatuation. It’s happening again, now, the same thing. So open up your eyes and make sure that your crush on someone isn’t much more than mere infatuation. I’m not saying that it’s not true love, but you’d better give this one a week or two before you pop the question. I heartily don’t recommend a Las Vegas wedding this week, no matter how you feel. Puppy love isn’t for the big dogs, you know.

Pisces : It was the famous English poet and satirist Alexander Pope who once wrote, “And yet, believe me, good as well as ill,/Woman’s at best a contradiction still.” (Pope, Alexander. Epistle 2. To a Lady, lines 269-270). In these politically correct times, I would suggest updating the phrase “woman” to “significant other” all though then the meter won’t scan as well. But the message is the same, your romantic partner, significant other, or whatever you call them, is going to be a contrary this week. Don’t worry about! Take it in stride, like the good Pisces that you are. Their worries are not your concern this week. Don’t let them get you down right now. And remember that updated version of Pope’s line, and hopeful that will work as a way to get through the week.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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