
    n. An attribute beloved of detected offenders”
    [The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce]

Last week’s trivia question was from Shakespeare’s “12th Night.” And context was important, especially when you consider who said what. The guy was reading from a epistle, destined to make him look bad. The comedy lies in the fact that this quote is often taken out of context.

If you want free stuff delivered via e-mail, sign up for the free monthly "award winning" newsletter [fishing tips, astrology and maybe something useful], made with nothing but fresh ascii each month.

    “The soothsayer has
    spoken well, forsooth, and has covered a lot more than
    >the Ides of March. He doth deserve some reward. Since I have no coin,
    >then we must conjure a way to send our gratitude across the skies. We must

    >give thanks for the internet and credit cards.”

And if once a
week, isn’t enough, there’s always the local version here.

    : We have an uncomfortable situation that is a “developing situation” here
    in Aries this week.
    Time alone. Home alone. Or, as we refer to it here at the office, “Boat Time.”
    Boat Time should not be confused with “Boat Drinks” of Jimmy Buffet fame,
    however. And even though you might wind up with Cabin Fever this week, it’s
    no time to shoot six holes in your freezer. It’s another one of the musical
    allusions this week, and it makes a lot of sense because you’re feeling like
    you’ve got this terrible urge go
    some place different, and being locked into a routine this week is wearing
    thin on your soul. As much as I would like to promise a vacation, I’m afraid
    I can’t right now. But you do deserve one, even if I can’t deliver.

    Taurus : Saturn is making a little bit of progress this week. Not much,
    mind you, but a little bit. You’re going to feel like you’re in a canoe this
    week, and you are frantically paddling upstream. You know your destination,
    you have a target acquired, you are ready to do battle with everything, but
    you just can’t seem to make any headway against this raging torrent of a creek.
    The terms “raging torrent” and “creek” don’t often go together. And this creek
    you’re in is going to feel like something else, not the placid stream you
    were hoping for. Now, I wouldn’t want to leave my fine Taurus friend with
    such a nasty
    image without some degree of hope. There’s a bend in the creek, and right
    around that turn, the creek broadens out into a huge stream, with some deep
    pools where you can fish and rest with a degree peace. So it’s not without
    some hope. It’s just too bad this is a week where you wish you had a decent
    outboard motor on your Taurus craft to help get you upstream faster.

    Gemini : Be still
    and quiet for a change. Shut up for about 30
    minutes. Listen to what other people are telling you. I realize that this
    might sound like harsh words to your Gemini ears, but set a watch by it. Listen
    for a full 30 minutes. Take the auditory input from other places, other people,
    and process this data through your lightening quick Gemini mental processor.
    Your brain works faster and better than any computer ever made, including
    some only dreamed of so far. In fact, you also have an intuitive ability early
    this week, something that you can rely on for even better information. The
    trick is to get you to close your mouth. Put the telephone away for a few
    minutes, take a break. Give it a rest. You’ve got some important information
    that is “incoming”
    this week. From the way the stars look, my best guess is that it’s delivered
    verbally to you.

    Cancer : There’s a time
    in the spring, in Texas, when the wildflowers just erupt all over the place.
    Bluebonnets in particular. It’s a flower that has many subtle hues and shades,
    and some years it’s prettier than other years. There’s a complex equation
    for what years the wildflowers are the best, something about a decent winter
    freeze, a drought, some rain, typical Texas weather stuff. Your personal weather
    right now is insuring that you’re going to have a bumper crop of wildflowers,
    just about any day now. I understand that this is coming a might bit early,
    but you are a Cancer, and now is time to thinking about something else that
    has to do with flowers, and it’s about three weeks away. Get the hint?

    Leo : “They”
    are not out to get you. I understand that you feel like “they”
    are out to get you. I understand that you see a lurking black helicopter where
    ever you turn. I understand that the conspiracy
    friends of yours have provided you with some compelling evidence that there
    is, in fact, a group of people out to get you. I know that you are worried
    about this. This week bodes no well for you. Of course, that does sound rather
    fatalistic. Maybe it’s not so bad. Even though you feel as if there is something
    lurking, right out of sight, I hope you understand that there isn’t nearly
    as much trouble waiting for you as your brain keeps assuring that there is.
    It’s getting convoluted at this point. This week, don’t be so paranoid. There
    is a fine line between using a little extra caution, like making a back up,
    and being outright freaky and barricading yourself at home. Just make the
    back up. We’ll both be happier.

    Virgo : A little moody music is rather nice at this point. Not mood
    music, even though you feel like it might properly lift your spirits. Moody
    music for those who are kind of blue this week. The deal is this, there’s
    a relative movement of the moon, and when this is overlaid on your chart,
    you get to see some rather nice things happening — this weekend. It’s
    the week going up to the weekend that is so weird, hence the moody
    music. Perhaps some old blues, maybe something sad and forlorn. My personal
    preference would be some really sad, old style country music with lamentable
    steel guitar strains floating through the back part of your brain. Now that
    you understand that this is a transitional phase, as the weekend draws closer,
    you can pick
    up the beat a little. You’ll be doing mad, frenzied two-step dance before
    too long.

    Libra : There are just all kinds of exciting events occurring this
    week in Libra Land. But that age old ideal of Libra Balance is going to
    be tested
    . Sorely tested. In fact, you’re going to feel sore from the
    astrological beating you get this week. There’s just not enough time in every
    day of this week to get everything accomplished. You’re going to feel like
    you’ve got a contractor’s “punch list” going, only, you’re going to feel a
    little like you’re a punching bag as opposed to a regular pugilist this time.
    Not that you can’t get it all done, but it’s going to present a challenge
    in the way you manage your time. So look at that list and figure out what
    is most important. Don’t let yourself get side tracked, like the time I went
    out to the truck to get a tool out of the bed, then I got to digging around
    in the glove box, and I found a fuse which meant I had to look at the fuse
    box which then meant I had to open the hood. You get the picture?
    Stick to the biggest items on your list this week.

    Scorpio : By now, I’m sure we have had our little talk about how you
    deal with authority figures
    in your life. I’m not going to suggest that
    it is a particular person who is going to be a little difficult this week,
    but you are going to feel like there is something strange going on, and you
    are going to suggest that you did, indeed, you did hear those paranoid murmurs
    a while back, and this week just goes to prove that you were right. Of course
    you were right, only the distant whisperings, the dire warnings you heard
    back then, and the real
    , these are addressing different things right now. You can run
    away this week, but it won’t do you much good because you’ve still got a problem
    with a central authority figure in your life. It’s one of those weeks when
    you just want to make sure you’ve got the insurance
    in the glove box of the truck, just in case. You can never be too

    Sagittarius : I’m going to delve in a rather arcane branch of astrology
    and suggest that it indicates that this is a good week. What I’m observing
    in your chart is that Venus makes a hasty
    exit from our sign this week. Good bye Venus, hello good times. It’s that
    simple. (That’s not so arcane, you think.) There was a lingering problem,
    but with your improving attitude this week, that problem won’t come back to
    haunt you until this weekend. This weekend, though, I would suggest some time
    alone. Friday, Saturday, take a little time off from everything. Sunday and
    onward into next week? We’re back to things being rather good. And in my practical
    experience, that Venus
    is over rated. Now that she’s moved on, we’re all a lot

    Capricorn : If you are a smart
    Capricorn, and I rarely (only one so far) encounter less than bright Caps,
    then you’re paying attention to more than one sign. As such, you are wondering
    about this Venus thing after you read the Sagittarius Scope. But see, this
    planet affects each sign in a different way. I trust the boys in the back
    room to do the computing, I just read the charts they bring me. Now, Venus
    isn’t much past the first seven degrees of Cap by the end of this week, but
    there will be a pervading sense of well being this week — courtesy of
    that Love
    , Miss Venus. So work with this beneficial
    . It’s a good time to work on some cohorts and get them convinced
    you are right. Your gift of the Golden Tongue is enhanced this week, use it.

    Aquarius : There is a myriad
    of Aquarius folks having birthdays this week, and those should be noted. Hey
    baby, who loves you? Now that the birthday celebrations are covered, let’s
    look at the planets. There’s a growing sense that there is something which
    needs to be done this week, and yes, it’s going to be up to you to get it
    done. No one else is better equipped to handle this week than Aquarius. This
    is due to the influence of either the Sun, or maybe Neptune, Uranus, or Mercury.
    Or even the odd lunar phase. But it all adds up to you being able to handle
    just about any exigency which comes along. “Exigency” is fancy way of saying
    your fishing buddy buried a hook in his palm, and he needs you to perform
    minor surgery, right there in the boat, in order to cut that sucker out. Of
    course, your definition might be a little different, but you’re the
    one to handle it
    this week.

    Pisces : You know you are getting ready for something big right now,
    correct? You did get that memo,
    didn’t you? Missed the message and the metaphor, Pisces? Alas. If you check
    back through some old paperwork, maybe dig through your file of thousands
    of e-mail messages, then I’ll bet that you can turn up that message I’m referring
    to. I know that you are a little frantic with Mars riding on your heels so
    hard. It’s like you have one of those sheep dogs, the kind of dependable dog
    that treats herding sheep like a game. So this week is herding you along,
    just like that dog does the little lambs, nipping at your heels. You just
    need to exercise a little caution this week, careful not to trample that good
    companion right now. And try to figure out which e-mail it was that was so
    important. I know you’re forgetting something, like maybe an invitation or
    a meeting that was important. Let that little
    dog herd you right along this week./p>

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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