The 13th Sign

The 13th Sign

Pursuant to the explanation in my BareFoot Astrology, I’ve got to head off what always happens…

Is it a slow news day? Virgo with too much time on her hands? The question about the 13th Sign has surfaced yet again.

The “Tropical Zodiac” that I tend to employ was established roughly 2,000 years ago. Goes a bit further back to the Chaldean, but Greeks and then Romans subsumed it, and got the pieces in place. Pretty much where the names are derived from, too, not that it matters. All old history.

The 12 Signs in the Tropical Zodiac are named for constellations, and that’s where those constellations were, roughly 2,000 years ago.

The inherent wobble in the universe has slipped a few degrees since then. Still, the 12 Signs are each 30 degrees wide, and the Signs are named for constellations – but the signs are not where the constellations necessarily are now.

Pause and think, is any constellation exactly 30 degrees wide?

12 Signs by 30 dgrees, is 360 dgrees, and if we recall? That’s a full circle.

If one truly desires a 13th Sign, call it what one will, I’ll address it as early Sagittarius, which, as I seem to notice, is like early Scorpio in that both are a little wilder than the other degrees of the same sign.

Basic math, circle around the planet, all the stars – planets really – and the Sun – really a star – and the Moon – satellite – all in one line. Then, the real stars are the background, fixed in the airy firmament.

Every few years, someone drags this out, the 13th Sign. Doesn’t work, never held water with Western Astrology, but the 13th Sign makes for a good waste of time for some.

There really isn’t a 13th sign, but as I’ve alluded to many time over, the variations within one sign can be similarly ascribed.

For more on this, BareFoot Astrology is freely available, and I think Nature’s Treasures in Austin has some copies for sale.

It’s like this, maybe, a November 17 Scorpio is very different from a November 1 Scorpio. Watch, there are hard-core elemental siliarities but subtle distinctions and shades that are different. Very different, to me.

So The 13th Sign isn’t real, but it helps to be a professional to observe the difference.

You should always abide by the fine print.

BareFoot Astrology


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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