Pass in Review

Pass in Review

Etched in Stone

Etched in Stone

Somewhere along the line, I lost touch with reading books. Got busy, writing and reading charts. But I love me some books, like, every January, there is a new Tim Dorsey book to look forward to, and Stuart Woods is cranking out three books a year, seems like.

But my almost daily obsession slipped. Not gone, just sidelined for a spell but in the last year, with far too many family emergencies and time spent in hospital waiting rooms — there for familial support, obeisance, and related obsequies — perceived and false start urgencies, yeah, I had to go back to my roots.

Be prepared.

The local library is good, well-nigh on excellent, but I do miss my downtown branch. However, the digital version — Bexar BiblioTech — is also excellent, but that spawns and spurs my profound Love/Hate with the local library’s book reading software.

Love that it is free and there is a whole (digital) library of books to read. Love that it checks the book back in automatically, if I forget. Love that it remembers my last page read, usually. Mostly. Love that the pagination is the same as the real book. Really love that feature — same pagination. Love that the animation for page turning is like turning a real page.

Hate the way it only reads on one page at a time (hate that there is no endless scrolling for reading). Hate the clunky access to the table of contents that sometimes doesn’t work. Hate the way a restart requires “opening” the book again. Just basically hate the user-interface.

The single detriment in the 3M digital library access? No scrolling for reading. Every other problem is more along the lines of “a feature.”

But I dearly adore the library and access to literature. Good, bad, indifferent.

Pass in Review

“Pass in Review” was a general command for close-order drill. To me, the term carries forward as I try and recoup the last year, in images, in thoughts, and in review.

What did I say last year about this year?

Success, failures, also-rans, great ideas, and what didn’t work?

As part of the process, there’s a gradual roll-out to new designs for the near future.

Pass in Review

Politics has been an endless source of amusement and consternation. I tend to stay far away from politics inside my work, and outside, only somewhat. I vote, but that’s not really the question.

I got die-hard friends on both sides of the great divide. Respect.

Knowing what the next few years look like — astrologically?

Stay tuned.

Going to be a wild ride.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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