The IBM Selectric was on of my Pipe Dreams. It after wrestling and eventually surrendering a manual typewriter?
There are still a couple of portable manual typewriters that hold great interest for me, but I don’t see that happening, as I have no place to store, or worse, no place to set up and then use such a device.
The old, upright Underwood is another desirable piece, but again, no place for it in my real world.
Finally? The IBM Selectric.
Dreams, fantasies, and the old, commodity-driven ideal that if I just had the right tool, I would be a better writer.
It’s false equivalency.
We know that, now. Then, too, I have no place — or paper, ribbons, and other supplies, for such a toy.
See the Scorpio scope, from what? Almost 20 years?
Dreams don’t die, but I still can’t use a typewriter.
Or see the Leo horoscope?
Two-Meat Tuesday

Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel
Two-Meat Tuesday: Astrofish.Net/Xenon#tuesday