Give me, great Mars,
Some token of thy pleasure.
- Arcite in Shakespeare’sThe Two Noble Kinsmen5.1.60-1
Horoscopes for 6.4.2020
The mighty Redwoods, like the famous ones in Northern Cal? They tend to grow in clusters, like a fairy ring, of trees. The root system for the younger Redwoods are shallow and don’t go deep, which belies their ability to grow so tall. Lore passed onto me was that redwood roots are no more than six feet deep. I live in Texas, I’ve seen weeds with deeper roots than that. But the way the redwoods stand so tall? They stand together. That single redwood becomes a ring of three, then six, or more, and these trees all work together with that root system — not a deep foundation — but a wide foundation that depends on the support of the other trees. So the trees are connected and working together as a team. Almost defies physics. With this in mind, what’s the take-away for a (happy birthday to my sister) Gemini? Stand together or fall alone? Sure. “Oh, oh, I got it! I don’t need deep roots?” Yes, as long as there are others there to help support, and it looks like, that roots system is inter-meshed. Gather your people around you, hopefully, metaphorically.
I’ve made note of this several times over, about Saturn and Venus — and — Shakespeare’s apparent double-meaning. None of this is new. It’s the double meaning that plays into this week’s material floating freely in the Moon Children’s sky. That old Cancer view of the heavens?
There’s a series of events, statements, to me it’s comedic elements — but I’m not a serious Moon Child person — so I don’t see this as that serious. Still, that duality, the way that some of the emotions are heightened, more sensitive, and more prone to letting the feelings override what we know is correct? The concept is simple, there’s more than one, and the feelings, the sensations of the moment, they might pass. “I knew I was wrong, turns out, I was right all along!” See how that can work in our Moon Children’s favor?
The Leo
One of the biggest problems with age and maturity? Credit scores and credit offers. I supposes there’s an adjunct to that, a definite corollary, but I’m unwilling to explore too much in a short time. Besides, this is about The Leo, and no one else. With age, maturity, actually paying bills on time, all of that? Along with that I started getting credit card offers that were suspect, at best. I never could wade through their pages of fine print. I recall, as a much younger person, falling into the trap of credit cards, got one, then another, and forgot that they all needed to be paid off or I would start to incur usurious finance charges. It’s a cycle. Here’s the deal, majestic Leo, there’s an offer coming up, coming along, or popping into your life, and my suggestion? Read all the details, first. Those details reveal much about the offer, and when I suggest it might too good to be true? Therein, well, you’ve been apprised of the situation, so you know. Right?
See fine print for details. You mileage may vary. Void where prohibited by law.
At one point in my career as an astrology author, I got involved with group, or groups, out of the old Austin, and they were all part of certain marketing circles. Over time, I learned more and more, and I liked the groups less and less. Not that they were bad people, no, that’s not it. Not that they were unkind or unsavory, no none of that, either. There’s a sense to their way of doing business, and I slowly realized that it was not, as they purported, about building relationships, but more about cashing out, up front.
Grab the cash and be gone within 90 days. The commissions cleared 90 days after the exchange, and that was the time to bail out. So much for “forming relationships, more of the “churn and burn” category. Which isn’t condemnation of those groups; but what I learned was that I am in this for the long haul. I have burned a few people. Wasn’t intentional, and there was no malice on my part. I just don’t want to be part of the big splash, fast cash, and gone in 90 days crowd. Kind of not my thing. Over the years, I’ve built this and moved forward with one eye on keeping my work “sustainable,” as in something I can do each week. The problem is, the allure of the “churn and burn” appears brightly on the Virgo “radar,” or whatever sensory there is. What, because this is merely a flash, and time will reveal much.
There are lists and then there are lists of lists. One of my personal fantasies always involves the “Librarian” or rather, the “librarian look.” The severe cut of a business suit, laced up high, messy hair piled up or pulled back in a tight bun, and surrounded by books.
Librarians and Library Science is about information architecture. Information and how that data is accessible, that’s what this is about. That and the demure way a Libra should be dressing at this time. There are easily two take-away points at this moment: one, dress conservatively. Two? How is the information accessed?
I have a love/hate relationship with my current digital library. Have for years. Part of the problem is that the service itself is a wonderful idea. Part of the problem is that the digital display of the data itself is less than wonderful in my eyes. Hint: could be me, but I doubt it. This is about how information is made available via your Libra self. “If I were doing the library, I would make it more like this…” Perfect. Run with that idea. No, I think you think I’m yanking your Libra chain, but no, understanding how the graphical display of information is part of this week’s deal.
Personally, I’m from long line of “dithering” people. It’s one of my tribe’s greatest ways to waste time. We can “dither.” That’s where we have series of small goals, the way we accomplish certain tasks, the way our work gets executed? We have a method of profound procrastination that is evolved to art form and life style. I’ve watched this in others, around me, and one of my favorite fishing friends is good at this. Rather than fish, he’ll mess around with gear. First there’s a line to untangle, then another line to rig, and while he’s looking through the tackle, he realizes he needs to put all the hooks in order or size so next time it’s easier to grab the correct size for the fish we are about to catch. To me, this resembles a kind of foreplay. It’s the action that leads to the action that we want. However, to an outside observer, it looks like procrastination. Pro-procrastination? This is the very week, most Scorpio folks don’t “dither,” but this a good time to try just that. “I’ll get to this as soon as I’ve finished polishing the silverware.”
I like to travel, and I do travel — mostly travel for work — these days, but I like to broaden the horizons. Haven’t been anywhere since March, and all the summer travel plans are on hold. However, there are certain elements in my life that I require, and upon returning home from particularly arduous adventure, pre-pandemic, out-of-state, I found myself saddled up with a large plate of artful smoked meat, and single image of a BBQ sauce. “Better than a transfusion,” one buddy (not named Bubba) suggested.
“BBQ Sauce, better than a transfusion.”
For me, this fits farther well. It is a sign that I’m home. It is a sign that I’ve arrived at that place I call “mine,” and the symbolism is both humorous and rather accurate — telling in a way. I’ve noted this on numerous occasions in the past, good BBQ doesn’t require sauce, which is why really good BBQ generally has the best sauce — as it is totally unrequited. Two points to this week’s Sagittarius stars, goes with the Gemini Sun? One, what is that touchstone, for me, like BBQ sauce instead of a transfusion, and two, wrestling with the conundrum that good BBQ, the really good stuff, doesn’t require sauce, so why does the best have sauce in the first place?
Simply put, there are no bad ideas. What we’re looking at, though, for Capricorn? So as this material all tends to head in a southerly direction, easiest way to say it? There are no bad ideas, just good ideas gone horribly wrong. There’s the converse side of this week, “That’s a terrible idea. When do we start?”
Converse? Convex? Other side, color that what you want. Still, this is about bad ideas that might be fun, but are still bad ideas. Venus and the Sun’s occultation? The impact of solar flares, and the relative motion of the moon? Spells out bad ideas. Or good ideas with horrible consequences. But fun? Yeah, there is that. Possible fun, and in one way of seeing it, rewarding, but no, maybe not. Friends will bail you out of jail at 3 in the morning, but real friends? They’re in jail with you, “Damn, that was fun!” The question being, would you — Capricorn — do it again? Good ideas, just gone horribly wrong. Can’t say I didn’t try to warn you.
I was working through some material with a friend. “No, seriously, I had this one Buddhist teacher,” then she gave the name of a higher-up monk, “and he had all his student shave their heads then wear black — so he tell them apart.” Now, to my Western, analytical mind, all shaved and all wearing the same black robes? I would be hard-pressed to distinguish between some of the students. But I’m not some kind of spiritual master who teaches meditation on a mountain top. I spin the wheel and look at the stars for my enlightenment — with a smattering of what might help for Aquarius in the coming week. The deal with telling the students apart, I would suspect that it’s a soul thing, wherein each student, despite the uniformity, looks different. Sure, there’s age, gender, skin, etc., but I would be thinking that each one would carry a different energetic/spiritual signature despite the outward appearances all being similar. I have no idea what the teacher’s endgame was, what the goal was, or how he hoped to achieve that goal. But I do know that looking at items that seem so eerily familiar — at first — being willing to look with a more calm and serene approach? The subtle differences start to emerge. I think of this like a “flavor,” and each student, despite the same shaved head and black robe? Each student would have a different energetic flavor. This is one of the weeks for looking for the subtle ways to tell items apart, based on subtle clues.
Traveling, like I did, I get exposed to a number of oddities. Sometimes this was merely a representation of local flavor, in one shade or another. Little town, not far from here? There was a faded roadside sign, advertising a hair salon in an old town-square storefront, “Lady Dye Hair.” Been many years since I was verbally cut-off at the knees for making a slightly unwelcome comment about the late Lady Di, princess from years back. My comment was meant in a truly ironic fashion, not hurtful, and thankfully, the interpretation of my comment was quick, a single slice with a tongue, and I was back in my place. I also shut up, then. So that memory plus whatever else, the faded signage triggered that thought.
As a business name, though, it was amusing. As a business name, it would attract local attention, and as a business itself, it was still surviving — apparently — in a small town. The name attracted me. The faded sign was cool, in a historical way. Then, the idea that the store was still operating? That made it even more fascinating. I am unsure if this was originally based on “Lady Di,” and her great romance with the prince. I am unsure of any roots, therein. But as a reminder, material from a long ago has a way of resurfacing, even now.
“You think I should color my hair?”
Buddy of mine’s departed father had a great bit of advice.
“Always make more money than you lose.”
Seems like rather direct and obvious advice, at least, on the surface. The details involve several failed business ventures, several successful ventures, and ended up with college funds for grand babies. As a rule, it applies. As a business concept, these days, seems like a few people could use this simple axiom. Inbound resources need to be greater than outbound payments.
Happiness is a positive cash flow.
And then, there’s always a reminder that any business that doesn’t look after its inventory is doomed. The ideas are simple, though, more coming in that going out. While, as an independent agent for so many years, I understand this concept, having learned the hard way, as well, as an astrologer looking at the Aries array at the moment? More coming in that going out. Or, in the words of my buddy’s dad? “Always make more than you lose.”
While I’ve heard this presented in several different fashions, the basic tenet is that a theory — any important concept — should be simple enough to explain to an average 5-year old child. If the process, plan, understanding, or concept can’t be explained like that? Then it is too complex. Too complicated to implement. The “five year old” rule. Probably included in one of my books, the material is simple and straightforward in its concept: whatever needs explaining? Have to be able to explain so that a 5-year old can understand it. As Venus unlimbers, but continues to churn backwards, and as the other planets wreak havoc and turmoil? If that Taurus explanation requires charts, diagrams, and a deeper understanding of higher math, arcane physics, or metaphysical voodoo?
“It’s too complicated.”
Realize, too, that even though your Taurus self might have a good grasp of the intricate material, the display needs to simple enough so even a child could understand it. If you can’t simplify that much? Might need to rethink, then retool the task. for appearances