Horoscopes for 2.28.2022

“Stroke your chins, and swear by your beards that I am a knave.”
Touchstone in As You Like It (I.ii.23)

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Horoscopes for 2.28.2022

Mars and Venus — conjoined — align with Pluto March 2, 2022.
Mars and Venus — conjoined — enter Aquarius March 6, 2022.

    That implies?

One of my personal, favorite holidays is upon us: Texas Independence Day. Regrettably, it’s been co-opted by numerous outlets that suborn and perjure the good name, so we’ll take a pass this year. New Moon in Pisces around 7:00 AM March 2.


Pisces One of the best birthdays I ever celebrated? It was just me and a girlfriend at the time, in a small coffee shop, having Pink Cake and beverages. Probably like “high tea,” but not quite. However, my birthday tends to fall on a thanksgiving weekend, so that was my excuse. The point? I was pretty much solo, except for delightful female companionship, but yeah, pretty much all alone for my birthday. It was awesome. Essentially solo on holiday weekend? Yeah, no trauma, no drama, no surprise parties, and a thankfully silent phone. So let’s look at this birthday, for Pisces: good time to be alone. I didn’t say lonely. I said alone as much as possible. Sure, parties and celebrations, and what-all is fun, but think about it, just a little peace and quiet? Isn’t that more precious, even now?


Simple exhortation. “Not yet!” One editor I worked with, she admonished me not overuse punctuation or capitals letters, especially not for emphasis. She claimed that the message should convey the tone, the location of the missive plus any concomitant material, that should show the shading. For this week’s Aries? Think I’ll skip the editor’s suggestion.

“NOT YET!!!”

Does that convey a more impressive message? Does that carry my intent? Does that get it across to a headstrong, but ultimately correct Aries? We’re waiting and the build-up of Pisces Planets means, as I’ve suggested, “Not yet.” When? Soon. Very soon, just, you know, “not yet.”


As soon as that New Moon hits? Take action. I prefer a method that involves starting three or four projects at the same time, and seeing which one “takes.” “Takes” means, to me, see which one gathers steam, kinetic energy, and otherwise gets itself launched after my start. I push it out the door, and then, we watch, see, take note, observe which one takes off on its own. I’ll launch about thee or four projects, then, I will be pleasantly surprised, the one that I sort of half-assed? Didn’t really put a lot effort into, other than timing with a new moon? That one launches itself, and seven years later, it was brought to a successful conclusion. That’s what I’m suggesting. Launch three or four Taurus ideas out into the cosmos. See what lands. Be ready to be surprised before too long.


“Did you check the microwave?”

Oddest of questions, but then, this is me, and I am of certain age. So, looking at the planets, especially as Venus and Mars align and move into Aquarius, looking at that? The question is, did you look in the microwave? What this is about? Remember, trailer park, old South Austin? I prepared an afternoon cup of coffee, and forgot about it in the microwave as that’s not a preferred method for coffee-making. Found it a couple of days later, some kind of science-project mold growing on its surface. I’m not sure what it was. However, the missing mug? Or whatever Gemini is missing?

“Did you check the microwave?”


Every once in a while, I figure out a quick and easy way to deliver a whole week’s worth of data in a single sentence. Pithy, to my ear. Cancer: “How can I use this data to my advantage?” That’s the question for your week ahead, next few days, next ten days or more, maybe. Question? How can I use this data for my own betterment? How does this incoming stream of information benefit me? The question is open to slight variations, but the essential element is that there is a new stream, a new source, a point of view, an alternate data locus. The question and the Pisces placements point to this, the question is how to best use that new data? What does it do for you? What can it do for you? How can you best use this new information? All similar questions, and remember, this is supposed to be for your own, Moon Child betterment.

“Did you check the microwave?”

The Leo

It’s the annual Saturn and Mercury alignment, and that means, we’ve seen this before. It’s not anything new, my wonderful Leo friends, nothing new. One writer suggested that were only about a half-dozen plot lines in all the stories in the all the world. There’s trappings and the details change, and that makes for fiction, but basically, there are only a few storylines that exist, and everything else is merely variations on a theme. There’s a new event, feels like a new event, unfolding directly in front of your wonderful Leo self. The first thought? “We’ve never seen this before!” Certain conditions, yeah, never seen this before, but if you step back, and look at the pattern? That pattern should be familiar, and you’ve seen this before. Now, before you act, think about this pattern, you’ve seen this before, right? What worked? What didn’t work? What was a bad idea, but fun at the time? Before you take action, before The Leo lifts a finger, or a paw, to rectify, elucidate, or otherwise act? Recognize that pattern.


Follow the rules. Masks were a flash point for culture, with less data consulted and more along the lines of “freedom” being questioned. At the rock shop in Austin where I’ve been an infrequent practitioner, an unofficial residency for more years that I care to count, the rules were varied. First, it was a mask, or facial covering, then it was a mask, but the reading area, a mask wasn’t required. Then it was. Then there was plastic shield like a sneeze guard, but that was quickly dismissed, but after that, there was a line six feet from the front of the table, and see how this has shifted? Changes. Through the end of the year, it was a two-ply mask, no exceptions, and that was easy to enforce since it was private business that did not accept any government funding. Don’t like the rules? Don’t shop there. I’m also available via phone. This isn’t about me, dear Virgo, this is about you. This is about following the rules, the guidelines, or whatever is in place. I didn’t say you had to agree with the terms, just adhere to them.

“By accessing this site, you agree all the terms.”

Just follow the rules, for now.


Distractions are the culprit. I used to invoke the terms, goals, targets, destinations as a way to simplify the routes, but that doesn’t always work. Then, the idea of finding the perfect notebook, or piece of paper, or, for Libra, the prefect shade of yellow sticky notes? Or ruled legal pad, whatever that preferred media might be? Looking for that perfect solution leads to a rabbit’s warren of false starts, false positives, and time spent missing the points because you’re too distracted looking for the right way to make that point. Coming up, this week is about a Swiss Army Knife approach to tools and resources employed. This approach is attempted with whatever is at hand, not always the very best tool. The little tweezers in most typical Swiss Army Knives? Next to useless except for digging out a splinter. Won’t fix everything but this gets Libra headed off in a better direction.


Long lamented, especially by me, despite my proclivities and eccentricities, change? Change just for the sake of change is not always progress. Given my Sagittarius leanings, it’s easy to understand how I would just like to change material, situations, people, and places, just to say I changed it. Swapping out an old problem and merely replacing it with a newer version of the same problem doesn’t work, and given the kick, slide, kick to the one-two-three heavenly punches for Scorpio? Change, just for the sake of change, that is ill-advised. “Don’t you want to try something different?” Simple answer? No. Longer version for this week, Scorpio, “No thank you not right now.” Needs punctuation, but you get the idea? Maybe just nod, don’t say a thing..


It’s about picking a specific direction. It’s about sticking it out long enough to see the message all the way through. It’s about a more careful target selection. Be aware of what is in front, behind, and off to the side of where your good Sagittarius self wants to be. Or thinks you want to be. It’s about a more careful selection process. While the relative motion of two, maybe three, of the planets helps shove us off in a new direction, picking that course requires a firm hand on the steering device. Tiller, driving wheel, whatever. Mars and Venus end up in Aquarius — lovely, compatible sign — but also a fixed sign. Aquarius is fixed air, but fixed nonetheless. Which is why I was suggesting, new direction? Choose carefully. Choose wisely. That route, make sure you pick a specific direction.


It was a curious bit of ink on a woman’s arm. At the time, she was the server, bringing coffee and breakfast tacos, but the ink was what really caught my attention. At first glance, I thought it was a Day-of-the-Dead, Dia de las Muertas skull. First glance. As we exchanged cash, I had to tip, she’s Capricorn, I looked a little closer. Seemed to be a snake, eating its tail that made the outline for the skull, and then the shape of the skull itself — if that’s what it was — looked more like Māori face mask, or some similar PacRim island artwork. I was confused, at the very least. I wasn’t sure what it was that I was looking at. At first, it looked like a Mexican Skull, then it was an elaborate snake eating its tail, and finally, hints at exotic Pacific Island artwork. Since this is skin art, maybe it dated, and stretched. I don’t know. Capricorn: could be a number of different ways to interpret this week’s planets. But the end of the month and the beginning of the next is not without some bumps, twists, turns, and possibly? Subject to more than one interpretation.


Big deal happening even now! What to watch for? Exuberant charm. It’s the of those scenarios where your super-excited, and usually, I use three exclamation marks to indicate that level of engagement, but that really only works in cartoons. The sentiment is the same, but the way you show this? That’s what important. Instead of, “I’m SO EXCITED!!!” Instead of the effusive display of exuberance? Let me suggest that the words, the content can convey the message equally as well, and with less emphasis, it has more impact. “I’m so excited.” No need to overwhelm us.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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