Another Mars Minute

Another Mars Minute

Mars starts, and ends, a retrograde pattern wholly in the sign of Gemini, and none of this is new.

Covered this before, done a number of different ways, but it stands up to repeating. First seen here, 12/21.

“Mars goes into Gemini August 20 and turns retrograde from October 30 to January 10, 2023, not emerging from Gemini until March 24, 2023.”

Typically, Mars is in a sign for about 60 days. This one is almost 7 months. Maybe five months longer than usual? Mars enters Gemini 8/20/22. Doesn’t exit until 3/24/23. See previous.

Another Mars Minute

I was in Costco with the girlfriend, and I was pushing around the over-sized shopping cart. Wanted water, coffee, some other stuff, I don’t know whatever groceries are cheapest. Costco is a great source for Mercury Retrograde supplies.

We were between “fresh produce,” baked goods, and the fresh fruit cold room. She was looking at her phone, thinking, saying something, but certainly not paying attention to where she was in the moment. Another guy, probably older than me, was pushing cart, and he was looking down at a paper list, oblivious to his relative location and locomotion.

Don’t have to be psychic to this is an epic accident about to occur. Neither party realized the other party was in the way. I’m the outsider here. I grabbed her sleeve, and pulled out of the cart’s way, no collision, no collusion, either, but I guess that’s not important.

Talk about a No Win scenario!

I got the look. Daggers in her eyes. How dare I try and manhandle a delicate and sweet flower like herself, and just who did I think I was, and never touch her again, not like that, or maybe, just never ever touch her again.

There are three pieces in play, with this situation. Girlfriend, cart collision, and me. I pulled her out of the way, which saved an accident from happening, but neither her, nor the other shopper, were aware of the obvious collision course.

I thought I was a hero, but apparently, I was not. All I did was invoke ire for pushing around a poor, defensively defenseless woman, who didn’t need me to mansplain anything to her. Or push her around. No, not having any of it.

Mars is Retrograde in Gemini, from 10/30/22 to 1/11/23.

Another Mars Minute

Gemini Cards NTRocks

Gemini Cards NTRocks

Gemini Cards, and Mars card, from a recent trip to the rock shop in Austin.

Another Mars Minute

(Original image is here)

Mars Retrograde

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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