Obstacles and Challenges

Obstacles and Challenges

There will be much ink spilled about the up and coming eclipses in Scorpio, concurrent with Mars Retrograde in Gemini, and the ensuing patterns. It’s about tools. The way we tackle Obstacles and Challenges? The tools we use. It was an off-the-record comment, sort of impromptu.

Obstacles and Challenges

The obstacle, logging into a zoom chat after not having been on zoom in about a minute? I had to spend several moments fiddling with the iPad, a new update to the software, and while Mercury was technically not retrograde? Mars was opposite my valiant Sagittarius planets. Problems. Just little obstacle and challenges.

Took a quick restart, and since that particular piece of hardware sits on my desk, as a music server, video chat only device? Or, anyway, what I use that one for the most?It’s great, but maybe finicky. Thus noted? It works for me. Works well; pandemic proven.

Obstacles and Challenges

A good host, Scorpio, makes an interactive session like that podcast enjoyable for me, as a guest, and an informed public is better as clients. The podcast is here.

After we closed out, there was a little back and forth banter, rather enjoyable for me — I do adore some enlightened Scorpio energies — but the talk devolved to a timer.

“I’ve got about two minutes left.”

Apparently, the software, the free version, only allows a call duration of 40 minutes. As loquacious as I believe I can be? That is an inherent obstacle, and a challenge to fit it all in to a narrow time slot.

Until we neared the end, I didn’t realize I was rushing against the clock.

Obstacles and Challenges

Signing off, she suggested she should upgrade her zoom thing to a professional versions since the free version limited us to 40 minutes.

I use a variety of tools. Software, hardware, books, pens, pencils, paper, reference tomes, and spurious other sources, all part of what I employ. But I’ve long discovered that, with the world’s wide wealth of information available at my fingertips? Even with all of that available knowledge? Some kind of constraint, in time, in space, or with the tools themselves, a simple limiting factor helps.

In this example, that 40-minute limiting factor? That works to keep the material fresh, stay on point, and can only do so much.

No unrealistic expectations.

With the up and coming eclipse season, then Mars, then Mercury and as we slip into the new year?

Obstacles and challenges, like a time limit, is that a problem? Or is it an asset, working with what is available rather than shopping for more.

As I’ve grown accustomed to suggesting, “Less is more.”

Obstacles and Challenges

One, fairly important message? Instead of hoping, guessing, and praying that a new “thing” will make this better? Like, I spent years incessantly chasing after the perfect fishing pole, the perfect fishing reel, the perfect fishing line, then, as conditions changed, the perfect bait, that best lure.

S3 E5 Kramer Wetzel

S3 E5 Kramer Wetzel

Used it numerous times in horoscopes, variation on this theme, but it applies as we look at the up and coming astrology weather.

Use what is at hand. We don’t need “more.”

In fact?

“Less is more.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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