Horoscopes for 12-28-2022

“This is a cold beginning.”

    Theseus in Two Noble Kinsmen (III.v.101)

Horoscopes for 12-28-2022

The week, month and year ahead?

  • 1/11/23 Mars goes direct at 8° Gemini
  • 1/12/23 Pluto gets to 28° Capricorn
  • 1/17/23 Mercury goes direct 8° Capricorn
  • 1/22/23 Uranus goes direct 14° Taurus
  • 3/8/23 Saturn enters Pisces
  • 3/24/23 Pluto enters Aquarius
  • 4/7/23 Mercury at 5° Taurus
  • 4/20/23 Solar eclipse at 0° Taurus
  • 4/21/23 Mercury goes retrograde at 15° Taurus
  • 5/1/23 Pluto turns retrograde at 0° Aquarius
  • 5/17/23 Jupiter enters Taurus
  • 5/5/23 Lunar eclipse 5° Taurus/Scorpio
  • 5/14/23 Mercury goes direct at 5° Taurus
  • 6/11/23 Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn
  • 6/15/23 Venus at 12° Leo
  • 6/17/23 Saturn turns retrograde at 7° Pisces
  • 6/30/23 Neptune goes retrograde at 27° Pisces
  • 7/23/23 Venus goes retrograde at 28° Leo
  • 8/4/23 Mercury at 8° Virgo
  • 8/23/23 Mercury goes retrograde at 21° Virgo
  • 8/29/23 Uranus turns regrade at 23° Taurus
  • 9/3/23 Venus turns direct at 12° Leo
  • 9/4/23 Jupiter turns retrograde at 15° Taurus
  • 9/14/23 Mercury turns direct at 8° Virgo
  • 10/10/23 Pluto goes direct at 27°53.4’ Capricorn
  • 10/12/23 Mars enters Scorpio
  • 10/14/23 Solar eclipse at 20° Libra
  • 10/28/23 Lunar eclipse at 4° Scorpio/Taurus
  • 11/4/23 Saturn turns direct at 0° Pisces
  • 11/25/23 Mercury at 22° Sagittarius
  • 12/6/23 Neptune direct at 24° Pisces
  • 12/13/23 Mercury goes retrograde at 8° Capricorn
  • 12/31/23 Jupiter turns direct at 5° Taurus
  • 1/1/24 Mercury goes direct at 22° Sagittarius
  • 1/27/24 Uranus goes direct at 19° Taurus
  • That’s a lot of data to consume, and there’s more much much more, but wait!


    Capricorn Happy birthday! Good, got that out of the way, what’s ahead, especially, for some rather cranky birthday Capricorns? As I twiddled the chart for the future, and I did this, in two ways, I used a book — a trusty ephemeris — and the astrology star chart program, and individually listing the stellar events helped. A pattern started to emerge, and while this really only applies to Capricorn? It can be stretched farther and applied to Capricorn components in anyone’s chart. It’s about understanding shortcomings and pitfalls, and avoiding making the same mistake more than three times. Not like I’m a great guide for this, as I repeat my mistakes, often, and it takes a while to learn that a particular action results in a dependable outcome, and it seems to be an outcome that I don’t desire. After three or more tries, I figure it out. Don’t be like me. Didn’t work the first time? Allowed to try a second time. Didn’t work then? Cut the Capricorn losses. Move on, what this year is like. Observe, prepare, and stick with winning elements.


    If I told you 2022 was merely a preview of what 2023 would be like? How many of you would sign up? How many would think, “No, I’ll take a pass on this one; don’t want another rerun of last year.” While I understand? And while I “get that?” I understand not wanting a rerun of the last year or two? What this opportunity unfolds and affords the good Aquarius? This is the chance.

    This is the chance to right previous, egregious wrongs. This is the chance to correct the mistakes and errors of the passed ways. Herein is the chance to write the future in as big and bold a script as Aquarius can muster. It can happen, and it’s up the individual Aquarius how this plays for each one, but here’s the opportunity we’ve all been waiting for. Understand, there will be missteps, miscues, and an occasional mistake… Not to worry! Seriously, we can work this out. We’ve found where the holes are, what the weaknesses are, and now’s the time to start building towards what our united Aquarius dream might be. Together — you know — individually.


    In the last years, Shakespeare’s “Scottish Play” got some headline time. It was popular, briefly on streaming media because of the stars associated with the project. In my own estimation, one version of the play was immediately accessible, maybe not the best version I’ve seen, but it did play to the strengths that I’ve learned to associate with that play. I highly recommend it. Regrettably, it’s had an alarming essence played out, like, history that repeats itself, or art that mirrors life? Can’t say it all snuck up on us, and here, in Pisces? There’s a shadowy sense of deja vu, that uncanny Pisces prescience. However, like mythical Cassandra? Even though you might be absolutely right, and right on the spot? Not everyone is listening. Remember, Mercury? Other stuff, but mostly Mr. Mercury’s effect for the coming year? Even though, you’re probably right? Maybe don’t push that on anyone who doesn’t want it.


    My expression? My singular advice to Aries as we stare at the new year in the hairy eyeball? Simple, one line suggestion? Kind of a negative, but it should capture so much in a simple expression? “Don’t get married to it.” Begs a few questions, starting with those who were part of New Year’s Eve quickie wedding services? Usual warning apply, you know, Mercury and all that. Planning to get married in the spring, the summer, next week, perhaps the fall? Sure, but this isn’t really about the holy union of two souls in a living hell called matrimony, this is a simple expression that is more connotative than denotative, and means more metaphorically than it does in reference to the actually alluded meaning. Still, as a warning and a suggested, there’s that sense your Aries self has embraced, hopped in bed with, and otherwise joined up with an ideal — maybe that’s less permanent than you think. Hence my suggestion? “Don’t get married to it.”


    Are we free agents or is everything in life pre-determined? Taurus tautology for the day, week, maybe months ahead. Are we totally free to make our own decisions, or is everything in life on pre-ordained path? Deep philosophical musing, and one that quickly resolves to going in mental circles, as the mounting evidence suggests that everything is on a cosmic, divinely interpreted schedule — but some days — it’s quite clear that stupid people are allowed to make ignorant and ill-informed critical decisions with no apparent supervision. I can see the argument for, and against, from both sides. Not taking sides, but I’m not totally Taurus, and I am looking ahead. Goes both ways, as this next few days, week, month, and months ahead? Two elements push and pull, and at any given moment, it’s possible to fall into either way of seeing this. “Free-agency, or pre-determined?” Best answer for the moment? Best answer for the year? Hardest answer for Taurus? I’m not sure, let’s wait and see.


    That instinctual reaction? Sometimes called a “Gut feeling?” That usually works. There are a variety of methods for arriving at that conclusion, and no one can quickly over-think a situation, no one is better at this than the mercurial Gemini brain. That noted? The typical gut reaction, that first instinctual intuition? While that works, usually, these are not normal times. I wouldn’t know what normal looked like if it walked up to me and smacked my face. But this isn’t about my normal, this is about your Gemini normal, and how listening to that initial “gut reaction” may not be in your Gemini enlightened best interest. Too much is a little too far “off,” and it’s not like I’m a good judge of whatever mainstream might be, but this stuff that appears “Off?” Might want to leave, or, here’s another germ of a Gemini idea, get a second opinion. Or maybe even a third, depends on how much Gemini you’ve got to work with.


    The Crab - the Moonchild The typical, Cancer, Moon Children archetype I invoke? It’s the crab, and in part, the symbol I draw for Cancer? It’s a stylized rendering of the crab’s claws. In person, my description includes a crab at the beach, scuttling sideways instead of taking any obstacle head-on. As I paged through the data for the next year, and starting this week? Looking ahead, for the Moon Children, Cancer contingent? It’s that sideways approach. Only, the way I see it? I might be wrong, but this is a year, and starts this week, already kind of started, but it’s a time when “things” (obstacles, challenges, insignificant others) come at your gentle crab-like self from a sideways angle. Afraid to hit you in the face, afraid to confront the issue, or just afford to drop it all in your lap. There’s a sideways approach, everyone else is using it as everyone else approaches the Cancer quadrant of the sky. Just realize that this year, starting this week, maybe even last week, Mercury and all? It all comes at you sideways. Look to the left, look to the right, then move forward cautiously.

    The Leo

    They are called “disrupters.” Amazon is the simplest example, and as a subset, applies to me especially, digital books. These are examples of fundamental changes in the way we all do business. Another example? “On-demand,” and “made-to-order” industries, where the product isn’t produced until the order is complete. While we’ve discovered how fragile the infrastructure can be, the wired (wireless) wide world allows for a single product to be custom made, as specified by the consumer, and this changes the fundamental face of business. “Phones” might be a similar example, from a wired handset to battery-operated GPS, multi-band communication device. The Sage Leo knows that change is brewing, and that brings up two points. One? Accept that everything is always changing. But two? Figure out a single element, a single place, just one shot, a moment where you can be ahead of that curve. The year ahead holds just such an opportunity for The Leo.


    This is a good year to rewind core beliefs. In a single sentence, can I actually wrap up a whole year’s worth of data? Probably not, and this plays out differently from individual to individual. However, as a starting point, what with Mercury Retrograde in a Virgo-compatible sign, Capricorn? There’s an opportunity to mull over, and reconsider certain beliefs that have always been a mainstay of your, individual, core Virgo belief. Maybe core Virgo beliefs? Could be more than one, and could be a chance to overhaul what that philosophical, spiritual system looks like. The tension mostly falls from fleeting attacks on stable organization, and certain organizing principles in your Virgo life. Doesn’t mean that anything has to change, but this is a great year to pause long enough to review what needs to be reviewed. “But I always have an absolute faith in Kramer!” See? Some attitudes need to be examined, maybe not changed.


    What Libra doesn’t just love a balancing act? The balancing act is between the past and the future. What the past holds is a clue to what our collective future can look like, but there’s a ticklish point that plays into this, as well, all about the Libra career. See me in person, and I can explain the difference in career and day job. For some of us, the day job (astrology readings & writing) is one and the same. But for some, the day job, and the career, those might be different. The trick for this year’s Libra? Finding that balance point between what satisfies the hunger in the Libra soul, and what provides sustenance for the body Libra. Individually, this varies, but as we gracefully age, sometimes the hunger in the soul is more important than just food on the table — not that there will be any shortage of anything.


    It’s been more than 30 years since I graduated from the university. Initiated and educated through Arizona, New Mexico, and I landed back at home in Texas eventually growing a career in Austin. Drifting farther south, I wound up in San Antonio. There’s been one constant in all this years from before my time at the university to now: books. What I was thinking about, though, was one author’s books, occasionally banned, often taught at the college level, and certainly best understood when deconstructed at that pace. It was satire, but this is less about the books themselves, and more about what those books represent. There’s a body of thought contained in that canon of work. Much of it is buried underneath social satire. That’s the clue for Scorpio, that way we bury what needs to be said under the idea of social satire. Scorpio and social satire. Something to seriously scrutinize.


    I get hooked on a series of books, preferably by the same author, and that’s sometimes better than a single novel. Part of this was pandemic reading, and part of this rolls over into regular reading that started as pandemic-fueled behaviors, but as an acceptable substitute? Perfect Mercury Retrograde reading. This year, 2022, there were four Mercury Retrograde patterns. In 2023? There are four of those bothersome, occasionally noisome, Mercury Retrograde periods. Odd notice? The beginning, and, the ending? 8° Capricorn rather it ends there in January, and starts there next December. Long way off, but as a way to look at the upheaval, and what to build on for our future? Have a back-up plan. Have a Mercury go-bag at the ready, and make sure there is adequate reading material. I favor having a spare set of reading glasses, and some lip balm (chapstick), plus assorted wires, and various cables for my odd electronics. But that’s merely an example. Most important? Reading material, as this coming year requires adequate reading material.

    99-cent bookstore

    About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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