“Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive performance?”
Poins in Shakespeare’s 2 Henry IV (II.iv.107)
Horoscopes for 11-19-2024
Pluto in Aqu. 11/19 2:41 PM
Moon/Mars conjunct 11/20 4:16 PM 4°33’ Leo
Sun into Sag. 11/21 1:57 PM
Merc. RX 11/25 8:49 PM 22° Sag.
When I looked at the long-range weather predictions, I wasn’t sure what the last few days of Scorpio were going to be like. Since I like to turn this horoscope in, a few days earlier, I can’t say for sure, when it happens? Sometime before Scorpio ends, there will be a bitterly cold snap. I’ve seen this as freezing weather, cold rain, or just cold nights punctuated with warm days. I live in South Texas, just a few degrees north of “tropical.” So not quite tropical, but close. So very close. The cold weather amuses those from truly cold climates, as it’s not that cold by their standards — usually no visible ice. Still, this is an interrupt to an existing pattern. Therein is our Scorpio shift: an interruption to an existing pattern. When I lived on the lake, it was simple, the fish went deep. Topwater, and shoreline fishing was replaced with hitting drop-offs and deeper points. Winter fishing shift. There’s an adjustment needed from Scorpio. This varies by location, but weather, fishing technique, or just whether I’ve got to wear socks and shoes? All sort of depends, and happy birthday to the last of the good Scorpio peeps.
Triple X! That’s the Roman Numeral system, XXX, not any other prurient reference, although, at least one Scorpio will waggle eyebrows at the “30” marker, “Yeah, I know what you’re thinking,” punctuated with a snicker. Hardly. This is about the darkest days of deep Sagittarius. The thirty years I’ve closely observed? Until the Sun itself slides into Sagittarius proper, there’s a kind of a cloud over our collective Sagittarius heads. The Centaur? The Archer? The half-man, half-horse, grain-fed winter constellation?
For more than 30 years, I’ve wrestled with the notion that it always seems darkest right before Sagittarius starts. Understand this, embrace the dynamic, and then? Don’t get totally sucked into that sense of dread of the apparent void. Some folks like to play with this, and I’ve learned to manage it by doubling up on work-related expectations for myself. It’s just easier that way. Being a good, if somewhat lazy, Sagittarius self-starter, I line up ideas, projects, impossible goals, and destinations, then? I look at the hopes and dreams, and realize I can’t do all that in the allotted time frame. But look: I have a few things I can get done before the holidays bust everything open, and Mercury breaks it apart, and Mars compounds the issues. It’s that “Triple X” curse.
There’s a certain branch of literature that I’ve grown increasingly fond of, mostly framed around cozy mysteries, but the frame is almost superfluous. In it, the anti-social, anti-hero (to some a Byronic Hero) serves up cosmic justice that might, depends on the author, or might not fall outside the realm of the halls of justice. What I found so engaging, repeatedly, the main character would serve up a form cosmic justice in which the evil-doer gets his (or her) own rewards, death, interment, jail, angry spouse, or whatever fits the crime. The problem with enjoying this kind of literature? It sets me up to believe that it is a just and fair world. Which, on some days, work with me Capricorn, it just seems like there isn’t any really karmic retribution for those who have harmed us. This is the difference between fiction, a world where justice is served in a convenient form, and the real world, where that is meted in a less fulfilling manner. Don’t confuse the two: the real world and the world where everything balances out quickly. It’s the “quickly” part where the greatest Capricorn problems rest.
We live; we learn; we move forward. Simple set of “we” (first person plural) suggestions, and as good a path as any to follow. There’s another version, “Live, Laugh, Love,” and while I like the supported ideals of that alliteration? Here’s what to watch out for: the “laugh” part. I can’t really be an example, but then, I’m not Aquarius, so it doesn’t matter what kind of example I set, this about the Aquarius corner of any chart. It’s that laughing at something I think is funny, you think it is hilarious, and no one else understands how that’s amusing. It’s the apparent contradiction, and juxtaposition of elements, and while we both know it is wryly funny, truly ironic, or slightly moronic but amusing nonetheless? The strong Scorpio sentiments that pervade everything? Now is not the time to laugh at it. At the very least? Don’t laugh out loud.
There’s a kind of unsettled feeling I get, and I’m sure you can understand it. I finished reading a long novel, part of an ongoing series, and when I was done? I wanted something else, similar, if not identical, to read. Only I didn’t have anything spooled up. Cruise the online library, and nothing grabbed my attention. That unsettled, momentary directionless sense? That permeates the Pisces psyche. It’s the prevalent sentiment. It also means you’ve successfully completed one (thing), in my example, a book I was reading, but there isn’t the next greatest thing spooled and ready to go. That’s a problem. The answer? Have several ready to go, and this is a good couple of days to sample, tastes, and test material. I found another book to read that, oddly enough, wasn’t fiction. Fiction author, novelist’s eye and phrasing, but no, not fiction. Interesting. Don’t be afraid of a “little different” it fills that void.
There are a lot of problems, and lot issues, and lot of ways to go about this, but the simplest? Let’s narrow this down. Instead of trying to fix everything all at once? Stop. Pause. Wait a beat. Maybe two beats. I was thinking about watching the red light near me, and sometimes — not often — a car rushes through when the light is “pink,” as in “not quite red.” Only, to me, it looks like it’s about a beat after my light had gone green. Could be me; could be my rush. But Aries? This is about waiting that extra beat, and then? Figuring there’s only one (1) thing to address at the moment. Easiest way to figure out what that one thing is? Wait a beat. Or two.
Maybe a full 4/4 measure, just to be sure.
I’m trying to think of an example where procrastination has paid off. When it worked to my advantage to keep kicking a goal further and further down the field, all the while, not accomplishing it. There’s one task, rather onerous to me, and I put it off for a while, and then, it got to the point where I spent more time avoiding the task than finishing it. I kept hoping that some sort of mythical creative entity would wander in, and fix it for me, when, we all know, this is a task that only I can complete. I spent more time putting it off than I would’ve spent doing it. But in my procrastination lies the secret. It’s in that avoidance that I learned new things. New ways to get away with not accomplishing a single, specific goal, and then new excuses, artful dodging, and life is more interesting.
There’s always an additional point. In one example, what I kept putting off? I spent near a year avoiding it, at great emotional cost, and then? When I finally got around to it? Only took a few minutes. Did I learn anything from that? Did you?
Modern, or rather post-millennial-post-modern, first-world information hygiene? Envelopes with proffered options, and sales flyers, anything addressed to the previous resident, or “current resident?” That I just toss in the recycle. However, anything that has my name and address, and other identifying numbers, like an account number? Or a credit card offer (don’t pass this up) with name, address, and potential fraud implications? That gets shredded. The shredded papers eventually wind up in the compost, and the compost eventually shores up the garden, such as it is. The cycle of life? Sure. But that’s not what this is about. This about current information hygiene, and what’s being careful, and what’s being paranoid. With our digital divide less divided, all too much of this is easily available. However, that doesn’t stop me from pulling out the pieces that certainly have identifying marks on them and grinding those up into fertilizer. However you’re the one charge, Gemini, so how you handle this up to you. I think of my own as a guideline to help maintain some semblance of balance in these uncertain times.
Start out with simple, obtainable goals. Make this easier than usual. I’ve developed a special process that I’ve found very effective when the planets are headed towards a certain disarray, and I’ve employed this methodology for years, fine tuning it, but still sticking with the basics. Set up targets, pencil in goals, pick a couple or three destinations for your Moon Child selves. That’s three targets, three goals, three destinations. As each day starts, head towards one or more of those items on the list. At the end of the day, I bet you can cross off one or two of those entries. Next day? Start fresh, having erased and forgotten all the previous targets, goals, and destinations. Start fresh. The secret is in the sauce, and that’s the idea of starting fresh, each morning, or evening, whenever this occurs in the Sign of the Crab, whatever works. But each “new day” starts a fresh cycle, and starts from scratch with no holdovers from the previous day.
- Wake up
- Make coffee
- Drink coffee
I’ve already hit three of my goals for the day, cross those off, and feel better.
The Leo
I was delineating the transits of Mars and Mercury, up and coming, to a certain person, and the knee-jerk, panic reply? “We’ve never experienced this before! Oh no!” Actually, this is from recent memory and no attempt to look it up, but sometime in the last few years, it was exactly like this. Problematic? Sure. Life-changing? I give that a little wave, maybe. Insurmountable? Hardly. Best course of action for The Leo? If it isn’t done, maybe don’t try to do it now. I tend to think of the beginning of Sagittarius as new start to the end of my year. Between local, national, and religious holidays? Then too, the cyclical nature of my work? I’ve found there’s a slump in business. A downward trend in website traffic, and fewer questions, fewer readings, except for some holiday parties, and even then, I’ve found those aren’t as entertaining as they used to be, so I’m turning those down.
Majestic, and wonderful Leo?
Take a step back and watch the fur fly — no reason to get involved yourself.
The expression I tend to employ, and one that I like? “The wheels have already fallen off the bus.” I never looked for its antecedent, so I’m unsure of the source. A couple of regular clients all call to report in that this has happened, and the one Virgo screams, in perpetuity about how her hair is on fire. It’s not. I’m Sag. — I got it much worse. Besides, this isn’t a contest to see who suffers the most, although, I would gladly pass that to the nominally gentle Virgo, no this isn’t really a contest. With everything up in the air, like it is, and with the level of panic ratcheted up a notch or three? Plus: Sagittarius? That’s going to take all of this and add fuel to an already unstable fire. The wheels have fallen off, the direction seems unclear, no solutions are in sight, and what next? I have a suggestion, a simple idea for Virgo: do nothing. Sit back, watch, observe, click your tongue, but take no direct action, and more important? Maybe keep those comments to yourself. I realize keeping comments to one’s Virgo self is a bit unrealistic, but maybe make the comments quietly, sotto voce, stage whisper.
Holidays. Holidays, madness, and family. Holidays, madness, family, and old patterns inserting themselves in ways we don’t like, not in Libra. I’ve long-developed a pattern — and patter — for dealing with existing, especially family-specific exigent circumstances. My answer? “No.” That’s not a “Maybe,” or “we’ll see later,” or any other combination of words that mean negative, but seem destined to try and appease all aggrieved parties. This is simple. “No.” Not loudly, not all up and in one’s face, but a gentle, maybe a quiet and gentle, with a little half-smile? Half of a Libra smile is better than some others’ grins, right? But the answer is simple, declarative, and negative. No.