Horoscopes for 11-26-2024

“Any thing but to th’ purpose. You were sent for, and there is a kind of confession in your looks, which your modesties have not craft enough to color. I know the good King and Queen have sent for you.”

Shakespeare’s Hamlet (II.ii.224)

Horoscopes for 11-26-2024

  • Mercury RX 22° Sag. 11/27
  • Mars RX 12/6 5:33 PM 6°10’ Leo


Sagittarius Quite by accident, I was watching news/sports, and the bumper — three weeks in a row? “Must see match-up between rivals (team name) and (team name).” Tagged with “One of the biggest games of the season!” I heard the same remarks, two, three weeks in a row. It was Scorpio Season, the time that precedes Sagittarius. Seemed like the same words, a similar message, repeated, over and over, only, with different team names, and grudge match hinted at. Or deep-seated rivalry, something above and beyond the usual. What caught my attention, and what our Sagittarius selves should be aware of? The same message, repeated over and over, and in this example, same message, with different players, just different teams, but the advertising didn’t really change. In Sagittarius? “Up next! Stay tuned! The match-up of the season!”


There are two ways to contact me. Ouija Board or e-mail. Simple as that. I keep this super simple because it just plain works. Try me on the astral plane, and if that doesn’t work, the ethereal plain, and if that doesn’t work?

Shoot me an e-mail. If you want to get in contact with me? There’s a reason I’ve got this set-up like this, and it simply works. The other option, of course, there’s always a chance I’ll answer on the astral plain, in the spooky other dimensions, there’s always a chance, but in that setting? Think about it. In that kind of a setting, how accurate is the message? Likewise, channeling me up on that Ouija Board? Exactly how reliable do you think my missive will be?


I do like the subtle misdirection, dramatic irony, in one case, just as an example. It’s about the character Hamlet, and his questions for his buddies, “Were you sent to check up me?” No way, dude. Well, maybe. Not really, but yeah, we heard you’d gone nuts, so we came to check it out. I think Shakespeare’s version is prettier, and more about that subtle misdirection. Which is what the current Aquarius Astrology shows, as well, subtle misdirection. There’s always the usual, “Wow, look at that!” Tends to be followed by some sleight of hand, but who knows? Now, the trick? Either you’re trying a slick move which results in some subtle misdirection, or you’re the active player, the one who this performed, for, upon, or otherwise misdirected. “Tell the truth, my folks put you up to this, didn’t they?”


I’ve often used the expression, it’s “A fine line between brilliance and madness,” then one of my fishing buddies? He recently replied that I’ve done a good job of erasing that line. Fair enough, dude. Given what’s shaking loose in the heavens, and particularly within the realm of Pisces? It’s a fine line between brilliance and madness, and with the extra stress of the holidays, this just seem to get that much worse. Look: you can’t do anything about the other people, but gradually erasing that line, just a little bit, or better yet, just blurring that line while not actually erasing it? That works, and I realize, this goes against what just about any other horoscope would say, but then, I’m not normal, and I want what is best for Pisces. Blur the lines if not actually erasing them. Or, in another analogous way to see it? Consider the lines like guidelines rather than hard and fast containers that must be observed.


I’ve become rather adept at skipping some forms of paperwork. I’ve managed to duck, dodge, and otherwise avoid the reams of paperwork that some situations can produce. In part, this is because I started with digital, and in part, this is because I learned a valuable lesson, an expensive one, back in the bad old days. I lost about half a year’s accounting data when I was a poor, broke student-type, and that experience taught me the value of back-ups. At the time, I would retain all paper records as well, but those were in a state of mis-managed chaos. With Mars? I thought about two elements, and two lessons I learned. As Aries approaches the holiday season? Keep those paper records in some kind of logical order. “Logical order” means it makes sense to your Aries self, in case you want to access those paper records. The second part of this? Digital receipts, and digital back-ups are a much easier way to mange the data, and I’d do that, first.


There was a time in past history, when I used to wrap holiday presents in newspaper. Old newspapers, sort of recycled, as wrapping paper. I haven’t been allowed to do this in many years, as — apparently — it offends some people. The dive into personal history serves as an example, and deep into my own distant past. But it holds up well, as it is a good notion, the idea of recycling, and although, some family members didn’t really like it, it worked, and it showed some effort on my part. The corners were creased, and the paper itself was trimmed to fit, just like a professionally wrapped package except for the newspaper itself. I think I was channelling a Depression-Era ancestor with that wrapping. Although obviously cheap, it was a thoughtful answer, I thought. Maybe not. I thought about this as the approach off the holiday season, and way to make this thoughtful, precise, and yet, save a few Taurus dollars, in one respect or another. For me, doubt this works for you, but for me? The bonus was offending some of my family.


The passage from Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, it’s about parents and children, and then, asking for outside assistance. Something. Anything. There’s a serious plot complication that goes with those characters, and the whole lot winds up dead, not a good way to end a play, but the giveaway is in the title, “The Tragedy of Hamlet.” Not going to end well, what with the fall of kings, downfall of queens, double-crossing royalty, and the whole lot ends with violent death. In a good production of the play, the outcome always surprises me because I get caught up, more like swept away, in the action, the back and forth works-play, the sword-play, the speeches, and so forth. The current stars, the heavens above, they all spell out a certain warning for gentle Gemini. Listen to the warnings, be it a ghost, the players on the stage, or the old school chums. Listen to the warnings. Otherwise? Well, we know how that one play ends, right?


The original author, the guy who got the idea kicked off, or turned an article into a book, and then, into career? He is a Cancer Sun Sign. There was era when the world was alive, and the possibilities were endless. This is about the Moon Children’s tribe, the Sign of the Crab’s grouping, and the Cancer’s family of choice, as opposed to the family one is born into. Sometimes, those are the same. Sometimes they are different. Sometimes, it’s a Venn Diagram, “People who support me” is one circle, and “family” is the other circle. Overlap? Sort of depends, and even more so? Sort of depends on the time, and this week? “You can be with people you like. Or family, either way.” I tend to blame Mars, but that might be me.

The Leo

I’m too young to have owned a Sony Walkman, or its familial lineage, the Sony Discman. These were predecessors to the more common music from a phone, or some kind of diminutive mp3 player. There was an array of buttons on the front of each of those players, a left arrow, two vertical lines, a red circle (or a square), and a triangle pointing to the right. Backward, pause, play, off, fast-forward. Simple symbols. Amusing, as these were first on tape recorders, but the most common instance from a historical point? The portable music players of the days of yore, museum pieces. What we’ve carried forward? The “rewind, play, stop, record, and pause” buttons. What the magnificent mighty Leo needs the most? The two vertical bars, the pause button. That pause button doesn’t stop everything, just inserts a needed rest between acts of the play, the songs in your head, and the action occurring around you. “||” — It’s a pause button. Doesn’t stop everything, just adds a much needed break.


If it looks stupid but it works? The term “Rube Goldberg” always comes to mind even though the satire and comics authored by Rube Goldberg predate my time. In history, especially a casual glance at some literary, pop-culture type of history, the so-called “Rube Goldberg” design esthetic becomes more clear, if a lot more complicated. The incipient holiday season, compounded with changing planetary directions, mired in the current state of the world? The first thought, a simple challenge question, “If it looks stupid but it works?” The correct Virgo answer wins a prize. As I explored the dynamic interplay between a couple of competing Virgo energies, looking at the heavens? The archaic, historical, hysterical term Rube Goldberg came to mind. So we’re back to the question, “If it looks stupid but it works?”


I used to have a mailing list set-up with an automatic response, just to remind the recipients what list they had signed up for. More courtesy than any kind of message. I’m like that. My work reflects my casual attitude towards people. I stand by you, Libra, but then, I will also question some of your choices. Like that automated e-mail response? From time to time, I get an automated response to my e-mail list, when the horoscopes hit the wires. I’ll get two or three, “I’m not at work today, and if this is an emergency, please contact…” with obvious business affiliations. You guys are getting these horoscopes on a work-only e-mail address? I question that, but then, I understand, and for at least one person, not a Libra, my weekly horoscopes are a form of work. Still, getting bounces from work e-mail addresses amuses me. The automated responses, “I’m out of the office right now, but if this is an actual emergency, or you need help with (product, display, publishing, &c.), please contact the next one in line at (some company address).”


I once read that the average person has fifteen books in their home. 15. That means I’ve, current count, exceeded normal by 1,000%. I’m not sure that’s a bragging right, but sure, among some of us who devour books, it’s a fact. I’ve limited my astrological reference library to just a few, as there’s such a thing as too many. But that alone exceeds the standard number — I read it online — is over a hundred. Of that, maybe five or six are regularly referenced, as there is always fine tuning. The rest of my library? Thriller, crime, spy, science fiction, legal thrillers, and more. I have more than 15 books about grammar alone, and the Shakespeare stuff that I’ve held onto? This all goes spinning out of control. The purpose of each book, and the reason I bring this up in Scorpio’s Sagittarius season? It’s about averages, exceeding those averages, and then, do you really trust an unsupported fact you read online?

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPad Pro (11-inch)
  • Taken: 29 November, 2022
  • Flash fired: no
  • Focal length: 3mm
  • ISO: 64
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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