Horoscopes for 11-5-24

“He that dies pays all debts.
I defy thee. Mercy upon us!”

Stefano in Shakespeare’s The Tempest 3.2.90

Horoscopes 11-5-2024

  • Mercury 6° Sag. 11/8
  • Venus into Cap 11/11 12:26 PM


Scorpio There is a sense that computers, and the electronic neighbors, from pocket calculators up to mainframe machines? There’s a sense that all of them can provide unerringly accurate results in certain computations. That’s true. The precision, the minutiae, the attention to insignificant detail? That’s what the machines can do, usually electronic, but sure, it works. It was the numbers that fascinated me, and the way a machine can calculate as fast as I type, and if I don’t limit the numbers at some point, it can go to ten decimal spots? Do they still say it like that? I’m not sure. Moving ahead for Scorpio? Just because you can ascertain data points to ten or even twenty decimal places? Does that really matter? I was looking for a good example, answer what I arrived at? Mileage on the car I was driving. It cost 10 gallons, 9.53 gallons to go X number of miles, X.x miles, and if I don’t make adjustments, the spreadsheet will spit out mileage to the tenth place. Is that really necessary?

Just because you can measure it, does it need to be measured to the tenth spot? (29.0431724589 vs. just 29 MPG).


“Here’s the good Sagittarius plan of action,” and I point to three, maybe four bullet points in my day journal. Those points, numbered 1 to 4? They are all done in pencil. I tend to favor a soft, heavy lead in the mechanical lead holder because it allows a broad stroke with definite and clear lines, and those lines are deep, dark, grey. Almost a permanent mark, but also clearly done with pencil, not engraved in stone. Not inked. Pencil.

I’m setting goals for the end of this year, and to get me into the next year. It’s not hard and fast, but more general, like shapes and directions rather than a pinpoint target that has to be accomplished. There is a sense that the end of the year is filled with unresolved angst and issues, and rather than carry those forward, look at — pencil in — goals that would help resolve those issues. Resolve those issues in a manner that is Sagittarius satisfactory rather than just getting through it all.

That’s why we do this in pencil, look at possible solutions.


The advantage of age? I was looking at a social media post about a client’s daughter. Like mother—like daughter. This isn’t the first time, either. Really old girlfriend, as in, from decades back, her daughter quizzed me on social about a book thing, and her images, again, eery, looks like her mom. Spooky, to me. I mean, this is in a good way, looks like her mom did decades back. The lineage is unmistakable. Doesn’t pay to argue with genetics, and the way I interpreted this, those genetic can be traced through the helical coils of DNA and through the astrology charts. Either way works, both say the same thing, in my mind. Part of what this is suggesting? Can’t argue with what’s already there. Genetics, stars, the Fates and the Furies? Can’t argue with what’s already in place, and the goal — between now and the end of November?

The Capricorn goal is to use that material as wisely as possible.


Always amusing, to me, to talk about what a certain Aquarius astrological transit feels like. The other 11 signs? They all accuse Aquarius of not having, or betraying, any emotional content. Which isn’t true, but it is a common stereotype. It derives from a certain circumspect, cautious, dispassionate observer point that Aquarius inhabits. Hint: it’s not bad. But this curious current event, mostly hanging this about Mr. Mars, this astrological transformation? More than ever before, that usually dispassionate, disconnected, void of apparent emotional content display? Aquarius needs that now, more than ever. I realize you might be jumping up and down inside? But on the surface? What we all see, the other (lesser) 11 signs? No outwards displays of emotions.

Think: indoor.


Indoor face. Indoor voice.


I was paging through some really old columns I’d written. There was time, and I was more fleet of word at the time. Brings back find memories of the old lake, trailer parks, low riders on Saturday night, live bait, and sushi. I spent a few of the early years trying to figure out ways to adequately cover reality, non-reality, myths, dreams, fantasies, and the harsh cold world, all in one. I would throw this all in a blender, hit “high,” let the mixture swirl and spin until it looked thoroughly mixed. The problem we face, this week, moving forward? That delicious blend of reality and non-reality? As soon as we put that concoction out of the life-sized blender? It starts to separate, and by the time I get this to a serving station? The mixture has already started to separate, like oil and water, two layers, two distinctly different layers, no longer mixed together. It’s difficult, and while I was once good at making this mixture stay mixed? Current Pisces conditions are such that some things really want to be split into different layers or reality and non-reality.

“Well that’s not appetizing.”

I know, right?


This is all about pushing forward when it seems like, feels like, appears to be, a tough time to make good Aries forward progress. It can be done. Doesn’t have to be done. That’s the question, what has to be done, and what has the perception of having to be done but maybe it doesn’t have to get done right away, but in the Aries mind? “I need this right now!” Mars is slowing, not stopped, and pushing along at a slow pace in a fixed sign, and not a happy spot, well, not an unhappy spot, as this isn’t bad, per se, for Aries, but the nature of the fixed energy can cause a delay, or consternation, or just a conundrum that defies logical resolution. If it defies logical resolution? I suggest we stick to ‘no resolution’ is the answer.

“But, I need this now!”

Do you?


There’s one piece of software I use rather regularly, at least I have for a decade or more, and I like it. The bonus is that the main developer does a frequently infrequent newsletter of sorts, tips, tricks, some sales, some no sales, some suggestions, and, as always, a finger on the pulse of the current marketplace at the time. Where technology, like web and related infrastructure, where it is, where it headed, and what’s best practices at the moment. I enjoy the best practices, and I also understand, since this has been more than ten years? I understand there’s a kind fluid and dynamic nature to the data that is shared. Sometimes useful. Sometimes less than useful, and most important, to me? It’s what’s top-of-mind at the moment. As such, I realize that a deep-archive dive isn’t really a good idea. Likewise, for Taurus? Top-of-mind, in-the-moment, and whatever is current? Stick with that.

Last week’s news is best left in the past week.


Looking over, I saw a half-dozen thumb drives on my desktop. Litter. Electronic detritus, the flotsam and jetsam of digital discards. One has pictures, one has a few legal documents that are, frankly, too long to be printed out in their entirety unless a lawsuit happens, and that’s highly unlikely. Still need to save them, though, I think I know which drive those are on? It’s the typical accumulation of crap we all get, and over the years, what I’ve taken to doing, Gemini dear? I let a couple of those drives accumulate until I get a breaking point, scoop them all up and put them in cardboard box at the back of the file cabinet. There was a collection of pictures from a family reunion of sorts, not that it matters, but the good stuff is already saved, and the bulk of that material doesn’t matter. Or doesn’t matter much to me. What I think I’ll do is leave this in that box, in the back of the file cabinet, and let heirs and assigns worry through it. Some of them will find a picture — digital image — or two that means something to them. But there’s got to be an easier, cleaner, nicer, better way to store all of this crap.

Ideas, Gemini?


With the Sun in Scorpio, this being Scorpio time and all? The central idea in the Moon Children’s charts, the sign of the Crab’s charts? The central theme is about not pushing back, not arguing with stated goals, and not being rigid about timing. Bend, be malleable, and work around instead of confronting head-on the issues that occur, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, and day-by-day. Tackling problems results in the two of you, Cancer and the problem, rolling around on a dirty floor. No one wants that. Worse, the issues remain unresolved. No, this is more of a “Go with the flow time.” One particular crabby moon child looks at me, “So, I can do that, but at exactly what time does the flow start, you know I want to be ready to go with it.”

If you have to ask?

The Leo

Ever work retail? I think everyone should be required to work retail for a season, and I realize some personalities are better, more adept, at the daily human transactions than others. Some people are better equipped to handle the stupid questions, the inane chatter, and the pointless badgering of the average retail person. I’ve done it, did it as a part-time gig, many years ago, and decided it was not for me. While I can’t pick and choose who reads my material or buys my books, I can limit my interactions with people who are openly combative, or try to challenge me in unhealthy ways. Not that I would ever turn down useful critiques, but there is a way to phrase that, a way to couch the terms in manner that is most effective. As The Majestic Leo, in the next week, maybe ten days or so, there’s an event, probably in a retail setting, and you’re pushed to that explosion, and The Leo emotional explosion is louder than any other sign’s explosion. Word of caution, one word, maybe two, depends on how you count?


An ounce, just a few grams of patience at this time will save you a ton of despair. Weigh out your response.


So coffee beans are from plants, right? Roasted, toasted, ground, and bound? It’s usually made by adding water? That’s coffee as we know it. The local science board recommends four cups of water and four helpings of veggies every day. If I understand that correctly, and your good Virgo self is welcome to fact-check me, but four cups of veggies and four cups of water? That’s the functional equivalent of four cups of coffee. To some, it might mean four cups as veggies and four cups for water, so that’s eight cups, but someplace between four and eight cups of coffee would be the recommended dosage daily. Virgo? To your health and let’s chase away those fears with the doctor recommended 4 cups of veggies and 4 cups of water. I prefer mine in the form of a pot — or two — of coffee. Gets more done.

Think: Virgo efficiency. Fire up that Virgo efficiency.


Every time a certain baseball player hit the ball, I would find, almost to the minute with the time-stamp? One client and the comment about that player and a comparison to that player being an unkind, or an unkind comparison, or some similar nasty expletive. Not a favorite team? Team one loves to hate? Sports and metaphors I don’t get? While I shared a passing fascination with the sport of baseball, more so than almost any other sport besides motorcycle racing, which sadly, I am way too old for? That shared enthusiasm was mirrored back and I found it a tad bit strange. Yes, I did watch and yes, it didn’t turn out like some had hoped, but my interest is with design, shape, the skill of the announcers, and the good ones? They never repeat a single phrase. That is even more fascinating to me. Well, and that one player no one likes. I guess I should amend that, the player no one I know likes. What’s the common point we love to hate?

I know not particularly elevated, but it’s only a game.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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