Horoscopes for 2-4-2025

Horoscopes for 2-4-2025

“My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
Why day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief.”

Polonius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (II.ii.85-92)

Horoscopes for 2-4-2025

  • Venus into Aries 2/5
  • Full Moon 24°6’ Leo/Aqu. 2/12


Aquarius The Queen’s response to pontificating Polonius? “More matter with less art.” What we just got done hearing from Polonius is called “dramatic irony,” because he says he will be brief when he is anything but. Promise one thing, deliver another. Sets a tone, and gives you something to look forward to, as well. I’ve gone off sideways with the character of Polonius, as a supporting role, it can be played a number of different ways. He’s conniving, plotting his advancement by getting young prince Hamlet interested in Ophelia. Or playing off the apparent childhood friendship between Laertes and young Hamlet. Or, perhaps, this is innocent, and he’s just an elder, in his declining years. The text is open to interpretations. For Aquarius? The weeks ahead are open to interpretations. One distinct message from another tragic character in that play, the Queen herself, “More matter with less art.”


Reading a book, the other evening, and I don’t know, this could wind up on the screen before too long, but in the book? One character explained that the other guy was playing chess while most of the characters were just playing checkers. I heard that. I felt that. Really was evocative. What it means for patient Pisces? You’re moving pieces around on a playing board, a game called life. Book was tightly, and I mean tightly plotted. Twisted, too. Three different arcs, and each one almost satisfactory. But the idea of someone playing chess while everyone else was just playing checkers?

That summed it up. That’s also what you’re going to encounter in the next few days. Either you are ten moves ahead of everyone else on the playing board of life, or you might run into a single player who seems to anticipate and counter your every Pisces move. If that happens? Stop and look at the game pieces, all the parts and bits on the board before you make your next move.


In the passage from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, there’s a bit where the character Polonius seems to just prattle ever onward. The Queen’s response to pontificating Polonius? “More matter with less art.” There’s a nice way to suggest, as you’re listening to someone carry on about some perceived issue, and as an Aries-compliant astrologer, I tend to understand the plight of the Aries ears in this situation. That incessant barrage of almost meaningless words, just stacked upon each other, one bit of bumper sticker wisdom after another. Instead of the usual, “Can we get to the point” question or commentary, think about the Queen, in that play, and think about how she reacts to Polonius. Might try her line, “More matter with less art.” If that doesn’t convey a lot of information in a short space, then just shrug, “It’s a quote from Shakespeare. Hamlet. It’s an old Mel Gibson movie.”


Once, maybe twice, in the last dozen years, I did horoscopes that were just a line apiece. Just one-liners, for the weekly. I proved that it could be done, and it was one of those holiday weekends when there usually wasn’t much traffic, so I wasn’t too worried, as I caught the essence of the energy in single phrase, well mostly. That’s where I was headed, for gentle Taurus, but the matter is, what’s at hand? Less. Use fewer words. Unlike me, as — observed: over time — I’ve gotten more generous with my typical word count for horoscopes, and less direct with the message. I’m trying to tease out a flavor, an essence, and describe a delicate sense of energies present, and that takes some words, and word space. Can’t usually do it in just a few phrases. I was successful, a couple of times, in cutting that word count to less than the usual, but that’s me, and I’ve been at this a while. From gentle Taurus, what I expect, just a two, or three, word comment, question, or dull stare. Keep it brief.


To me, the idea of “tether” makes me think about the surfers and the way a board is tethered to their ankles. Some kind of a long strap that affixes a surfboard, serves as an anchor, so in the event of a wipeout, the board and the surfer are not separated. It’s not much longer, but attached to the Gemini’s ankle, probably with a padded strap, there’s a long tether that holds onto a long, weighty device. In the example, it’s simply a surfboard. At least one, probably many more, of my Gemini friends will complain about that tether. “It’s holding me back,” or “it limits my movement,” or any other similar restraining commentary. I’ve not seen the tethers used — much, if at all — along the Texas surf coast, but I have seen them in use along the beach in Northern Cal. I’m not clear on the connection, other than the Gulf surf might be a little less violent. Doesn’t stop the Gemini from chafing under the collar and the restriction of the implied tether; however, like any old pro will explain, “It’s good for you.” Really, the tether is more a Gemini lifesaver than a Gemini restraint.


Familiar argument, under this kind of pejorative Cancer, sign of the crab, issue for the Moon Children? Familiar argument, and reasoning for that point of discussion that leads to the argumentative stance? “It’s the principle!” I’ll agree that the principle is right, and the overbearing instance of what is morally correct is more important, but in the way this week falls out? Let’s take that principle and think it though. Is this worth the fight? Maybe not so much, valiant effort, fight the good fight, but there’s also such a thing as trying to tackle too large an enemy. “The bigger they? The harder they fall!” Again, notable buzzwords, and certainly a rallying cry, but this is the life of the sign of the crab, the gentle Moon Children, Cancer on the line. Willing to risk it? “It’s the principle!” I’ll agree , but is there a better way to wage this war?

The Leo

The one girlfriend inherited some of my old reading glasses. She was rubbing her eyes, complaining that she couldn’t see the print in the book. I plucked the glasses off her head, sprayed a little bit glass cleaner on the lens, wiped carefully with a soft, microfiber cloth, and handed them back. “That’s great, I can see now!” It was the simplest of solutions. I think there’s a recipe, someplace online, for vinegar and water glass cleaner, but no, I’m lazy, I used knock-off brand blue window cleaner in a tiny spray bottle. I use it for my own glasses, as well. Looks like Windex, but I think it’s something else. It was the simplest of solutions. For the magnificent Leo, The Leo? The simplest of solutions present themselves. Use them. Or have your minions do the dirty work, like me.


The coefficient of friction is greatly lessened as the temperature of the liquid approaches the solid state. In plain language, the roads seem more slick when the ambient temperature hovers just about freezing. Operative word in that last sentence? “Seem.” I checked with the materials engineer, and a supporting science guy, and they both concurred, it doesn’t actually — technically — measurably — get any slicker. But to me, to your Virgo self? Yeah, sure feels that way. I’m sure some of friends from more northern climes can chip in anecdotal evidence to either support or deny the claim. However, to me, it seems like the roads are slicker when it is colder. The technical answer is different from what it feels like, and there are contributing factors as to how one would measure the coefficient of friction, so there is that. But to me, and probably to your Virgo self, this is about what it feels like. I tend to suggest we err on the side of caution, “It’s pretty cold out, the streets are too slick for me.”


Cold front rolled through. I still shiver from the last time the local power grid failed to live up to its expectations, and I was without water and power for about three days. I have books and stored food, not really a prepper, but casually prepared? Didn’t bother me too much, burrowed under the covers and used a battery-powered reading light. While cold fronts like this are unusual, they are not unheard of throughout Texas history. The problem being, I don’t want to go anywhere when this happens. As a native Texan, I can point out that we are terrible drivers on good days, facts support this statement, and when there is a hint of bad weather, be it rain, freezing rain, or snow and ice? That compounds the issue (exponentially, to confuse multiple math metaphors.) There is nothing bad going on Libra, but the temperature seems to have plummeted, and the best recourse? Nothing. “Do nothing and avoid confrontation.”


“Dude! I totally snaked that from him!” Common enough expression. Could refer to fishing, girlfriends, or just about anything wherein young males are competitive. It implies a sneaky or otherwise possibly underhanded maneuver that resulted in small victory. I’ve seen it used, and I liked the term for this week’s Scorpio because there is the possibility of snaking that next move. Not totally cool, you know? I realize, middle of winter, there aren’t too many real snakes, but the motion implies, doesn’t always mean, but implies something shady about the move that results in victory. Here’s the problem: underhanded, legally “gray area,” or otherwise morally ambiguous? While that fits with some definitions of Scorpio, it doesn’t always fit with mine, and even then, as a good guideline for the decent Scorpio? If the expression, “I totally snaked that one!” If that fits? Might want to pause before embarking on the pathway that might not be best. That snake can swing back around to bite you.


Do something long enough, with enough passion, dedication, and fervor? It becomes habit, eventually. There also comes a point where what I do, my day job, although so intricately intwined with my core being? I can shut it off, as need be. There are times, and places, where I don’t need to do the hard sell, in-your-face Sagittarius approach. Given time, mistakes, errors, bad calls in judgment, and similar gaffs? I’ve learned a thing or two, mostly by trial and my foot in my mouth. Both feet, frequently. Taken as lessons from outward mistakes, worn on my sleeve for all to see, take a lesson from me. This is a time to show our competence, but not to talk about our advanced skills. Yes, I know you’re really good, and I know, that you know, how to fix that, and I know that you are aching to show them that you are right, but given the current planetary array of energies? Individually, this can vary, but maybe today isn’t the day to loudly announce that you can fix this in a pinch. I don’t doubt you, but the planets have a little antiSagittarius trick up their collective sleeves just yet.


For me, there are singular instances in my mind, individual moments that make a tapestry, more like a patchwork quilt, of textures and remembrances. These are my memories, and I alone can claim them. That surface, knitted together with the various scenes, fragments, and simple shards of memories? That is how, and what, I recall. I started a personal journal, then expanded it to publication, as much for myself as anything, just so I could recall, when, where, what was happening. The feeling attached? Those are personal, and not always on display, but there should be an obvious sense when it’s the pull of the big fish against a light line, or the raucous laughter of a child. Those don’t go away. The way I built out my sites, I wanted to make sure I had an easy way to access old passages. “When did I say that?” Or, “did I ever put that concept in horoscope?” I’m pretty sure I did, I think I recall, and having an easy way to get at that data is important, for me. This is as much for me, as it is for Capricorn. It’s about what we remember, and then, what we have evidence of being said, for real. For some, the proof is in the execution, and for others? That’s why there’s a “search” function.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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