
Week of: 4/20-26

And now he writes to heaven for his redress:
See, here’s to Jove, and this to Mercury;
This to Apollo; this to the god of war;
Sweet scrolls to fly about the streets of Rome!

Saturninus in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus [IV.iv.13-16]

Aries : The good news is that Mercury is turning from its errant path this week. In theory, that’s really great news. In the real world, and most Aries live in the Real World, this uplifting news might not help a lot because there is still the rubble left over from the apparent retrograde motion of this small and relatively insignificant planet. But something else happens this week, too, as the Sun moves himself into Taurus. Money matters are going to be looking up soon. That, I can promise.

Taurus : Happy birthday Taurus. So much for the good news. Mars and the Sun are playing tag right now, and this weekend, there will be a new Moon in Taurus, too. With all that active Mars stuff going, you are going to be one happy camper…. sort of. Mars means activity, like getting out to the tractor pull, so see what is this year’s greatest rigs on the circuit. And if tractor pulling isn’t your favorite sport, perhaps 18-wheeler racing would be good. In any event, however, motorized vehicles are going to play an important role this week.

Gemini : There’s a scene from a movie with John Cleese swinging in to save the day. That’s exactly what happens this Monday, you have that ability to miraculously appear on the scene to save the day. So much for the good news. Actually, it gets a little better, because you can transport yourself into a brilliant situation. Now, the problem with that scene in the movie is that the actor is left swinging back and forth on the rope, and that’s what’s going to happen to you this week: excellent start, but then you are just sort of left hanging….

Cancer : You should be feeling a welcome flood of relief this week, like someone, some place, finally lifted a weight from your curvaceous carapace. In simple terms, you can come out from under that rock where you’ve been hiding for the last few weeks because things are starting to look better. All that nasty old Cardinal energy is finally swinging a bit more your way. The old fight is going to resolve in your favor, and there is one hopeless scenario that you’ve been waiting on, and guess what? It works out. Maybe.

Leo : Ah yes, my fine Leo friend, let me give you some advice for Monday: go back to bed. Don’t even crawl out of the covers. Begin your week on Tuesday, or even better, begin your week on Wednesday. You’ll be ever so much happier that way, and then I don’t have to listen to any whining Leo’s who will be complaining that Monday was such a horrid day. One too many is the theme song, as in one too many folks will be demanding you attention, and one too many customers will be wanting you to address their problems, and one too many problems left over from the weekend. You get the picture. if you start your week about the middle, though, things will run ever so much smoother.

Virgo : I’ve been accused of riding herd on poor, compulsive Virgo’s. Not me! I would never pick on this sign! I know better. The deal is this: the week turns from awful to wonderful in the span of a few minutes. This earth shattering changes happen so fast that you head might literally spin, we just hope it isn’t like in that movie (you know, where the character’s head goes all the way around). What causes this is a little asteroid which is going to bring you warm, fuzzy slippers to put on your feet, a chance to kick back and relax a little. A chance for a much needed rest. Give the compulsive Virgo-like behavior a rest for the weekend….

Libra : Ya’ll agree that you are going to get a unique send off on Monday Morning. Or maybe Tuesday, but you get the idea that the beginning of the week holds a big surprise for you. It’s supposed to be a good surprise, too. And if it isn’t, I really don’t want to hear about it, either. Yes, the dreaded Mercury does the back flip thing again this week, and that means that your existence in the duck pond of life is starting to get better. Still, there are some simple rules you should follow, like being extra careful about the communications and eating all your vegetables. Some yogurt might help your diet, too.

Scorpio : It doesn’t start out as a good week. I know, I’m going to hear from that one Scorpio who always complains that I don’t have anything nice to say about Scorpio’s, but I’m just looking at the Scorpio chart for the week, and there are some planets which are making for some uncomfortable situations around you. Now, there is also a weaker, much more benevolent influence in your life, but the trick is getting you to relax long enough to realize that there is a ray of hope. If you can just detach yourself from where you’re at, step back from the day to day problems, I’ll bet you can come up with a creative way to deal with a formerly serious problem.

Sagittarius : Slow down from Sagittarius headlong rush into the frenetic activity of life. Just slow down for a minute! It’s one of those weeks when you agree to meet all your fishing buddies at the lake, early in the morning, and you show up on time. All alone. Everyone else has gone to another lake. Now, you can either waste a lot of time on the cell phone trying to track everyone down, or, better yet, you can motor out into this lake all by yourself. I’m pretty sure you can reel in some nice big fishes, if you put your mind to it. The only problem is no one is going to believe that you caught them all by yourself.

Capricorn : I know that you like money. I know that it isn’t everything, but having a certain amount of financial wherewithal sure helps ease you through these dark and lonely spring time days. These last few weeks, and idea has been bubbling up in your brain, slowly working its way to the surface. Like a fart in a bathtub, this new idea will surface later this week. Unlike a fart in the tub, this idea will actually have some merit to it. Just make sure that you analyzes it from all the possible angles before you go running off to put this idea into production. In other words, look before you leap, think before you open that mouth.

Aquarius : This spring brings many things to the sign of the water-bearer. Most notably, this week brings some much needed Mercurial relief. But I digress. And so will you. The big ticket item you’ve had your eye on for a while is not ready for prime time with you. It’s not the week to go and get that new van, new boat, or tacklebox. Look on the bright side, there is a relationship issue which has plagued you for several weeks. Despite my stern warnings about backward spinning planers, and despite my caveats about the planets being in evil disarray, you’ve acted as your agent and tried to make a go of this. Monday (maybe Tuesday) you get a lucky phone call.

Pisces : This is not a time for you to be sitting idly by the wayside. Pisces are usually waiting for good things to happen to them. You’ve got some pretty amazing planets lined up in your little quadrant of the sky, and these planets foretell of good things this week. Of course, there is a still the dreaded Mercury thing happening, but you know that. It isn’t going away anytime too fast. But you will feel much better by the end of the week. That nagging health problem gets a shot a of astrological penicillin this week.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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