Quick List for Elaine

Quick List for Elaine

My Books:

Predictive Astrology — Kramer Wetzel’s Little Book of Transits (link)
The Portable Mercury Retrograde (link)
BareFoot Astrology (link)
Two-Meat Tuesday (link)


Influential books:

Secret from a Stargazers Notebook by Debbi Kempton-Smith (link)
Planets in Transit by Robert Hand (link)

Other Books:

This is Shakespeare by Emma Smith (link)
Complete Works of Shakespeare (link)
Marcus Aurelius Meditations (link)



BlueSky: KramerW
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Insta: KrameW
Facebook: astrofish.net
Link’d: KramerW

Two of the greatest professional influences were works by Antero Alli and Debbie Kempton-Smith. That shaped my approach to the art and science of astrology. The oracle of the horoscopes I’ve written for more than 30 years.

Music: more than any other artist, FatBoy Slim? Mix in Ray Wylie Hubbard plus a host of the old Austin Cosmic Cowboy, blending rock, roots, country and western. Add some heavy metal someplace. German opera and lace with electronic dance music.

Hat tip: Bubba, “Thanks for all the fish.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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